
试卷更新日期:2022-08-30 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. You should try to get a good night's sleep ______ much work you have to do.
    A、however B、no matter C、although D、whatever
  • 2. You should always try to achieve more, ________ well you have done before.
    A、however B、whatever C、whenever D、wherever
  • 3. In fact, more than one account suggests that ______ Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, there is no proof ____ it hit him on the head.
    A、when, why B、while, that C、if, that D、while, why
  • 4. Man may disappear _____________other creatures who became too specialized to survive their environment.
    A、as B、just as C、as if D、as have
  • 5. ___________, he knows a lot of things.
    A、A child as he is B、Child as he is C、A child as is he D、Child as is he
  • 6. He was about to tell me the secret ______ someone patted him on the shoulder.
    A、as B、until C、while D、when
  • 7. There can be no equality of opportunity ______ everyone follows the rules at their own game.
    A、if B、unless C、once D、since
  • 8. It's such a good place ________ everybody wants to visit ________ it is well known all over the world .
    A、which , that B、as , as C、as, that D、that , which
  • 9. It ________ a long time ________ they are ready for action.
    A、can be, after B、will be, after C、can be, before D、will be, before
  • 10. —What are you going to do this afternoon?

    —I'll probably go for a walk later on         it stays fine.

    A、as far as B、so long as C、even if D、as if
  • 11.             he thought he was helping us with the work, he was actually in the way.
    A、Although B、Unless C、Because D、When
  • 12. ________ little chicks remain in the nest, they are completely dependent on their parents for food.
    A、Even though B、As long as C、Until D、Unless
  • 13. —Since I quarreled with my wife, she has been finding fault with me almost every day.

    —Yeath, Faults are thick _______ love is thin.

    A、while B、although C、unless D、where
  • 14. ______ you lose in life, don't lose faith and hope, with which you can live a happy life and achieve your goals.
    A、Whenever B、Wherever C、Whatever D、Whoever
  • 15. House prices vary from place to place and are usually high ______ there are famous schools.
    A、where B、when C、which D、whether
  • 16. Unfortunately, ________ we should expect gratitude, we often find the opposite.
    A、what B、that C、how D、where
  • 17. _____ others feel impossibility, Chinese people have learned to look for new opportunity.
    A、Why B、Where C、Until D、Unless
  • 18. _______ I can't help admiring her courage, I think it's barely acceptable for an inexperienced driver to drive alone on the freeway.
    A、Unless B、As C、Since D、While
  • 19. How long do you think      the computer company brings out a new product?
    A、it will be before B、will it be until C、will it be when D、it will be that
  • 20. There are other languages that sound extremely different, ________ they're conveying exactly the same meaning.
    A、as though B、even though C、so that D、in that


  • 21. I often sleep with the windows openit is really noisy outside.
  • 22. The hospital was built there had been a square.
  • 23. there were only five soldiers left at the front, they went on fighting. (用适当的连接词填空)
  • 24. she is very busy, she still devotes a lot of time to her children.
  • 25. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me the bus arrived.
  • 26. Hardly had we reached home it began to rain.(用适当的连接词填空)
  • 27. The little boy won't go to sleep his mother tells him story.(用适当的连接词补全句子)
  • 28. Watch out for injuries while exercising. Stop you begin to feel any pain.(用适当的连词填空)
  • 29. Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents' opinion he wants their support.(用适当的连词填空)
  • 30. Enjoy the first hour of the day. This is important it sets the mood for the rest for the day.(用适当的连接词补全句子)