
试卷更新日期:2022-08-30 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. There ________ some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.
    A、are B、is C、have D、has
  • 2. — Have you seen Steven this morning?

    —Yes! Steven, together with his wife, ________ the guests of the party now.

    A、greets B、greet C、is greeting D、are greeting
  • 3. Money is yours but resources (资源) __________________ the whole society.
    A、belong to B、result in C、belongs to D、results in
  • 4. My sister, as well as her classmates, _________ by Mr. Hunt.
    A、praised B、are praised C、was praised D、were praised
  • 5. When the questions on my mind ________, I don't doubt _________ I've done a good job.
    A、get answered, that B、get answered, whether C、gets answering, that D、gets answering, whether
  • 6. I do not have a job. I would find one but I ___________ no time.
    A、had B、didn't have C、had had D、have
  • 7. The earth ______ around the sun.
    A、moved B、will move C、moves D、is moving
  • 8. He ________for us ever since he left school.
    A、has been worked B、worked C、has worked D、was working
  • 9. Have you read all the information that        this case?
    A、relate B、relate to C、relates to D、relates
  • 10. At that time ________two important players ________a big problem for Lang Ping.
    A、to lose; is B、losing; was C、lose; was D、losing; is
  • 11. The woman behind the girls ________a famous actress.
    A、is B、are C、have D、has
  • 12. The number of the students in our school ________ about 30, 000 and ________ them study hard.
    A、is; a large amount of B、are; a number of C、are; large amount of D、is; a large number of
  • 13. Tom, ________Jane and Rose, ________going to the farm on foot.
    A、and, is B、together with, are C、as well as, is D、with, are
  • 14. The percentage of students at high schools who ______ newly diagnosed with depression not dropped significantly.
    A、was; has B、were; has C、was; have D、were; have
  • 15. These are among the most endangered animals, most of _____ sharks, ______ more than one species _____ in the same boat with for half a century.
    A、which, which, have been. B、which, which, has been C、them, which, have been. D、them, that, has been
  • 16. The famous musician, as well as his students________ to perform at the opening ceremony last year.
    A、were invited B、was invited C、have been invited D、has been invited
  • 17. You rather than I ________ going to go camping.
    A、will be B、am C、is D、are
  • 18. We ________ quite enough work for the morning; now let's take a break.
    A、have done B、will do C、had done D、were doing
  • 19. We all feel his parents as well as Jack _________ for the little boy's bad performance at school.
    A、is to blame B、is to be blamed C、are to be blamed D、are to blame
  • 20. It is reported that more than one new house________ at present in the disaster area.
    A、has been built B、have been built C、is being built D、are being built
