
试卷更新日期:2022-08-30 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. The next train _______ is from Shenzhen to Guangzhou.
    A、arrived B、arriving C、to arrive D、arrives
  • 2. — Why were you so upset yesterday?

    — I hurried to the concert, only _______ that the show had been cancelled.

    A、to find B、finding C、found D、find
  • 3. Make full use of whatever happens to you, for there is something ________ from every experience.
    A、learning B、to learn C、learn D、learned
  • 4. They all dressed up to _____________the New Year's party.
    A、taking part in B、took part in C、take part in D、taken part in
  • 5. Mary, please bring your friend a chair _________.
    A、to sit B、to sit on C、sit on D、sitting
  • 6. The reporters hurried to the airport, only __________ the movie star had left.
    A、to tell B、telling C、told D、to be told
  • 7. The confirmed case in this building is said __________to the hospital already, but residents there still need to stay indoors to avoid being infected.
    A、to be sent B、to have been sent C、having been sent D、sent
  • 8. Having a walk after supper is certainly good for the old people, but it remains ______whether they will enjoy it.
    A、to see B、to be seen C、seeing D、seen
  • 9. David never dreamed of _______ a chance for him to win the first prize in singing.
    A、there was B、it being C、there being D、it was
  • 10. Lots of empty bottles were found under the poor old man's bed. He must have done nothing but         .
    A、drink B、to drink C、drinking D、drunk
  • 11. We will try to do anything we can ________ our world a better place to live in.
    A、to make B、making C、made D、make
  • 12. ______ the Nobel Prize in 2015 makes Tu Youyou, a hard-working and modest Chinese scientist, known to the world.
    A、Given B、Being given C、Giving D、Having given
  • 13. Opposite the old town is the 5,500-meter Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak ____________ with snow.
    A、is covered B、covered C、covering D、has covered
  • 14. As far as I know, it was the car accident due to careless driving that led to ______.
    A、him to be killed B、him killing C、him having killed D、his being killed
  • 15. You are fortunate enough to escape ______ for drunk driving, but don't drink again.
    A、fining B、fined C、to be fined D、being fined
  • 16. ____ around the library, the visitors were taken to the playground.
    A、Having shown B、Having been shown C、Being shown D、To be shown
  • 17. ______ in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children's love of art.
    A、Found B、Having founded C、Founded D、Founding
  • 18. She was too nervous to speak with so many eyes ______ on her.
    A、fixing B、fixed C、being fixed D、to fix
  • 19. This is an illness that can result in total blindness if ______.
    A、to leave untreating B、left untreated C、leaving untreating D、is left untreated
  • 20. My bike needs ______ but I forgot ______ it to the repair shop.
    A、to repair; to take B、repairing; to take C、to be repaired; taking D、repairing; taking


  • 21. The Internet enables them  (send) and receive emails.
  • 22. When I learned that he was ill, I sent him a  (greet) card.
  • 23. The school is taking steps to all students truly feel welcome on this campus. (v. to make something certain to happen)
  • 24. These left-behind children had always been longing(see) their parents and get love and care from them.
  • 25. Great attention must be paid to(develop) education, especially in the countryside.
  • 26. One minute she burst into(tear) and the next she burst out(laugh). We just couldn't catch her mood at any moment.
  • 27. The album contains twelve songs in all, many classics(include).
  • 28. The father was surprised(learn) that his son spent money like water.
  • 29. He enjoys riding, fishing and  (shoot).
  • 30. I do really intend  (take) a boat to visit the city.
  • 31. The speaker tried hard to (impress) the audience but left them cold.
  • 32. Even before they can walk, babies have an insatiable desire to move and (explore) the world.
  • 33. I look forward to (hear) from you.
  • 34. The clubs let members (exchange) goods and services without cash.
  • 35. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to (hear) from you as soon as possible.
  • 36. (waste) a person's time is the same as killing him for his property.
  • 37. The next step is (make) sure that you know exactly what is required.
  • 38. The teacher was busy (correct) our exercise books when we called his house.
  • 39. To achieve our goal, we need to think out of the box (explore) every possibility.
  • 40. He often uses that look them. (frighten)