
试卷更新日期:2022-08-30 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. Students who exercise _______ have better physical and mental health than those who don't.
    A、hardly B、patiently C、regularly D、annually
  • 2. My time is running out, could you tell me _______ what I should do in the project?
    A、slowly B、briefly C、loudly D、secretly
  • 3. The percentage of students majoring in arts has increased ________ from 8% to 37% in the past two years.
    A、gradually B、slightly C、dramatically D、particularly
  • 4. The teacher forbade the students to let ________ fireworks in the school.
    A、out B、on C、down D、off
  • 5. In order to spread the news, the school put ________ a notice on the wall.
    A、up B、away C、off D、down
  • 6. It is a difficult question, so I can't answer you ________.
    A、correctly B、patiently C、immediately D、slowly
  • 7. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was cut ________ from the outside world.
    A、of B、up C、off D、down
  • 8. You can set the table. ________, I'll start making dinner.
    A、Meanwhile B、All in all C、After all D、However
  • 9. When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them______.  
    A、off B、aside C、out D、down
  • 10. Ultimately,Italy enjoyed its profound benefits from the pioneering role in Renaissance(文艺复兴).
    A、Eventually B、Suspiciously C、Ridiculously D、Miraculously
  • 11. At first Robert wouldn't let his daughter go diving, but       he gave in as she was so confident about her skills.
    A、surprisingly B、typically C、eventually D、carefully
  • 12. Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems _____.
    A、independently B、individually C、irrespectively D、dependently
  • 13. So many volunteers offered their help after earthquake, _________, the rescue wouldn't have gone so smoothly.
    A、therefore B、however C、otherwise D、meanwhile
  • 14. —You don't go to that supermarket quite often, do you?

    —No, I go there ______ because it's too far away from my house.

    A、eventually B、constantly C、occasionally D、frequently
  • 15. Pension should be increased ______ in line with earnings or prices, whichever is the higher.
    A、originally B、unusually C、bitterly D、annually


  • 16.  He'd never felt himself so  (power) attracted to the idea.
  • 17. The performance  (final) started half an hour later.
  • 18. A great number of new factories have been set _ in my hometown.
  • 19.  (gradual), they are tired of life in the noisy city.
  • 20. This tradition was  (orginal) held on May Day, but it's now held in April.
  • 21. You can find Rita in the concert hall. She's trying for the school play again.(用适当的介词或副词填空。)
  • 22. Immigrants who entered the United States through the port of New York were  (legal) and medically inspected there.
  • 23. She can't reply to fans' letters  (individual); she is too busy.
  • 24. The experiment failed,  (chief) because of high winds.
  • 25. I can't imagine the boy speaking so  (rude) to you.
  • 26. To our joy, Chang'e 5 returned to the earth with lunar soil (successful).
  • 27. He didn't answer my question  (immediate), which made me very upset.
  • 28. Let's not stir  the football fans or they might start to fight.
  • 29. Those who hunt animals  (illegal) will be punished by law.
  • 30. The money was divided  (equal) among her four children.
  • 31. It's difficult to make  what he says.
  • 32. It's still all about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw  (far).
  • 33. Children are always (好奇的) to know the things they have never seen. (curious), he began to learn how to operate this machine.
  • 34. He stayed in hospital(temporary) before he moved into the nursing home not far away.
  • 35. It's important to exercise (regular).