牛津译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Friends 基础知识精练

试卷更新日期:2022-08-23 类型:单元试卷








  • 61. 谢谢你替我保守秘密。

    Thank you for me.

  • 62. 莉莉乐于帮助他人。

    Lily others.

  • 63. 这个男孩经常在公共汽车上给人让座。

    The boy often other people on the bus.

  • 64. 王强从不说别人坏话。因此他的同学都喜欢他。

    Wang Qiang never others, so his classmates all like him.

  • 65. 我认为地理没有历史有趣。

    I think Geography is History.

  • 66. 他很善良,从不说任何人的坏话。

    He is kind and never a anyone.

  • 67. 我不能相信她说的话,因为他常常撒谎。

    I can't what he because he often .

  • 68. Max 很有幽默感。

    Max a of .

  • 69. 我长大了想周游世界。

    I'd like to the world when I .

  • 70. 她乐于助人,随时愿意帮助他人。

    She is and to help others .


  • 71. We need another five students to help us. (改为同义句)

    We need students to help us.

  • 72. Millie is tall and slim. (对划线部分提问)

    What Millie ?

  • 73. I think English is more interesting than any other subject. (改为同义句)

    I think English is subject of all.

  • 74. My aunt is 35 years old. My uncle is 35, too. (合并为一句)

    My aunt is my uncle.

  • 75. Are you ready to help my sister? (改为同义句)

    you help my sister?

  • 76. Li Lei is the tallest student in his class. (同义句)

    Li Lei is than in his class.

  • 77. This was Amy's favorite story. (同义句)
    Amy this story .
  • 78. Betty wants to be a singer in the future. (提问)

      Betty want to in the future?

  • 79. Can I have two more apples? (同义句转换)
    Can I have apples?
  • 80. Mary is fatter than Lucy. (同义句)
    Lucy is Mary.