人教新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上学期Unit 4 What's the best movie theater Section A 基础巩固

试卷更新日期:2022-08-19 类型:同步测试


  • 1. "When we were students at school, we read, played and exercised more." My parents said. The underlined part means _____.
    A、had sports B、did our lessons C、studied D、had English exercises
  • 2. —What can happen if you bring Mr. Smith to the party without telling him?

    —He can be _____.

    A、surprise B、surprised C、surprising D、surprises
  • 3. They will lose the game ________ they try their best.
    A、unless B、once C、since D、after
  • 4. We should _____ making a noise in the library.
    A、avoid B、prefer C、practise D、enjoy
  • 5. —Why did you stay up late last night?

    —Because I must _____ my work yesterday.

    A、admire B、suggest C、punish D、complete
  • 6. It seems _____ on him to make him pay for everything. Let's share the cost (花费).
    A、unfair B、blind C、ill D、fair
  • 7. —Mrs. Black's new iPad doesn't work!

    —Yes. But the boss promises to have it _____ as soon as possible.

    A、repair B、to repair C、repairing D、repaired
  • 8. —Excuse me, ________ is this T-shirt?

    —It's 88 yuan.

    A、how much B、how many C、how long D、how old
  • 9. My socks _____ nice. This pair of socks _____ nice, too.
    A、is; is B、are; is C、is; are D、are; are


  • 10. 完形填空

    Amy: Hello, Amy speaking.

    Rick: Hi, Amy. This is Rick. 1

    Amy: Not much. I'm just cleaning my room.

    Rick: Emily and I are going to the beach this weekend. Can you join us?

    Amy: 2 There's always a lot of fun we can have in the sea.

    Rick: Yes. We can go for a swim.

    Amy: 3

    Rick: Let's take the bus.

    Amy: The beach must be quite crowded in such hot weather.

    Rick: 4 But we can go there early to find an empty place.

    Amy: All right.

    Rick: Let's meet at the bus stop at eight o'clock on Sunday morning.

    Amy: OK. 5 See you then.

    Rick: Bye!

    A、Where is your ruler? B、What color is it? C、What're you doing? D、How's it going?
    A、 Sure. I'd love to.
    B、Sorry, I can't. C、I'm afraid not.
    D、Here you are.
    A、How did you get home? B、Who's good at swimming? C、Where is the small lake? D、How are we getting there?
    A、That sounds good.
    B、That's for sure.
    C、Thanks for asking. 
    D、Don't say that.
    A、I'll wear my new sunglasses.
    B、There's no bus to the beach. C、They don't have an umbrella. D、We both had to stay at home.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    It is a beautiful day today. A few clouds are in the blue sky, and the sun is shining (照耀) on my desk. Usually such a sunny day makes me happy. But today I can't go out to enjoy the sunshine because of COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).

    Now my dad is watching TV and my mom is cooking. My sister is playing computer games and I'm writing to record (记录) this sunny day. I really miss the happy time in the park. My family would go to the park on warm days like this. My dad always fished there, my mom read under the trees, while my sister and I ran after each other around the lake. I hope we will win the fight against COVID-19 soon, and my family will go to that park again to enjoy beautiful days like this. When the day comes, I'll write in my diary about the beautiful day and our good time in the park.

    (1)、What's the weather like today?
    A、Rainy. B、Sunny. C、Windy. D、Snowy.
    (2)、The writer's mom is _____.
    A、cooking B、watching TV C、playing computer games D、writing
    (3)、What did the writer's father always do in the park?
    A、He read under the tree. B、He played with his children. C、He sat there and watched them. D、He fished there.


  • 12. Miss Yang always wears (glass).
  • 13. He is just the right p for the job.
  • 14. Hu Ge is a good (演员). Many people like him a lot.
  • 15. Yang Zi is a very popular (女演员). She has many fans.
  • 16. He is a very nice (人), always helpful and friendly.
  • 17. There are many beautiful (country).
  • 18. We went to the mountains and enjoyed the (nature) view.
  • 19. This morning my mother (wake) me up at six o'clock.
  • 20. I was (吓坏了的) when I saw a (蛇).
  • 21. We hear sounds with our (耳朵).
  • 22. She was here just a minute (以前). She didn't go far away.
  • 23. It takes a long time to learn to speak a (语言) well.
  • 24. 语法填空

    There were many people on a bus. An old man (look) here and there. He wanted to find empty seat. Then he saw one and went to it. A small bag was on the seat. And a young man was beside it.

    "Is this seat empty?" asked the old man.

    "No, it's an old woman. She went to buy some bananas," said the young man.

    "Well, let me sit here, please. I'll leave here when she (come) back," replied the old man.

    After a few minutes, the bus started. The old woman (not come), but her bag was here. "Let me give her the bag." Then the old man threw the bag out of the bus window.

    The young man jumped up and shouted, "Don't throw! It's my bag!"

  • 25. Study hard, or you (not pass) the test.
  • 26. This is a (real) busy term. We have many things to do.


  • 27. We have to clean the room. (对划线部分提问)

    do you have to ?

  • 28. She has to play sports every morning. (对划线部分提问)

    she to play sports?

  • 29. That is an 11-year-old boy. (改成同义句)

    The boy is 11 .

  • 30. Grace likes pears. (改为一般疑问句)

    Grace pears?

  • 31. I know Badaling is part of the Ming Great Wall. (改为一般疑问句)

    you Badaling is part of the Ming Great Wall?


  • 32. 有时决定可能太困难以至于无法遵行。

    Sometimes the resolutions may be .

  • 33. 我妈妈整天忙于家务。

    My mother is housework all day.

  • 34. 我的外国朋友们想知道十二月是否是去海南旅游的最佳时期。

    My foreign friends December is the best time to visit Hainan.

  • 35. 他的父母有很多年没有回家乡了。

    His parents to their hometown for many years.

  • 36. 我想要给你打电话,可是电话坏了,所以我在给你写信。

    I want to call you but my phone , so I'm you.