人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册Unit 4 What's the best movie theater Section A 练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-16 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 英汉互译:单词/短语。
    (1)、theater n.(=theatre)
    (2)、adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的
    (3)、n. 座位;坐处(如椅子等)
    (4)、screen n.
    (6)、n. 票;入场券
    (7)、adv. 便宜地;低廉地
    (8)、v. 选择;挑选
    (9)、adv. 细致地;小心地;谨慎地
    (10)、adj. 新鲜的;清新的
  • 2. 英汉互译:单词/短语
    (1)、comfortably adv.
    (2)、song n.
    (3)、n. 接待;服务
    (4)、adv. 相当;十分;很adj. 漂亮的
    (5)、v. 扮演n. 表演者
    (6)、adj. &adv.(bad和badly的最高级)最差(的);最坏(的);最糟(的)
    (7)、reporter n.
    (8)、adj. &adv.(bad和badly的比较级)更差(的);更坏(的);更糟(的)
    (9)、menu n.
    (10)、n. 早(或午、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物
  • 3. 短语积累。
    (1)、 到目前为止;迄今为止
    (2)、no problem






  • 25. There is vegetable salad, meat and some noodles on the ___________.
    A、menu B、activity C、mind D、competition
  • 26. Of the three pens, the boy chose ___________ one.
    A、less expensive B、the most expensive C、the less expensive D、more expensive
  • 27. —I think Moon Theater has ______ seats in my town.

    —I agree with you. I usually go there with my friends.

    A、more comfortable B、worse C、the most comfortable D、the worst
  • 28. Thanks for ________the school.
    A、show me around B、show around me C、showing me around D、showing around me
  • 29. —___________is Dream Clothes Store from your house?

    —It's 10 minutes by bus.

    A、How long B、How soon C、How far D、How many


  • 30. A meal is 200 yuan in this restaurant.(对划线部分提问)

    is a meal in this restaurant?

  • 31. It's 15 minutes by bus from here to school. (对划线部分提问)

    is it by bus from here to school?


  • 32. How do you like the program? (改为同义句)

    do you the program?

  • 33. This jacket is worse than the other two.(改为同义句)

    This jacket is the three.

  • 34. My school is not far from my home.(改为同义句)

    My school is my home.


  • 35. Lin Bin is pretty strong.(用in his class改写句子)

    Lin Bin is in his class.


  • 36. 完形填空

    Little Mix is a British singing group. They1British Talent Show in 2011 and became famous. They are the first2to win the show.

    The3of Little Mix has a special meaning. "Little" means they are young girls. The oldest one was born in 1991, and the4was born in 1993. "Mix" means each of them is different. Little Mix has a lot of young fans. The four girls think it's5to give fans a positive message. Students 6have some troubles at school or at home. Their music can help them feel 7and become more confident(自信的).

    The four girls work very hard every day,8they feel great to sing on the stage, meet their fans and9with each other. They are more10sisters.

    Now this group finds big success in America. Do you want them to come to China one day?

    A、won B、watched C、played D、touched
    A、grade B、class C、family D、group
    A、girl B、name C、song D、look
    A、tallest B、most beautiful C、most outgoing D、youngest
    A、important B、poor C、talented D、worried
    A、should B、may C、need D、have to
    A、more B、taller C、worse D、better
    A、if B、though C、but D、when
    A、travel B、care C、stay D、get
    A、like B、as C、for D、with