牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 单元练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-16 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 单词辨音
    A、house B、mouth C、around D、should
    A、play B、says C、stay D、way
    A、teacher B、bread C、heavy D、head
    A、master B、her C、brother D、mother
    A、borrow B、snow C、brown D、slow
  • 2. 单词辨音
    A、there B、here C、chair D、where
    A、hear B、year C、near D、pear
    A、each B、much C、school D、children
    A、short B、enjoy C、toy D、boy
    A、English B、thing C、sing D、song


  • 3. I want to buy a nice present _______ my mother and I must give it ______ her myself.

    A、for, to B、to, for C、for, for D、with, to
  • 4. —_____ your brother free today?
    —No, he's busy _____ with his e-friends.
    A、Does, to chat B、Is, chatting C、Does, chat D、Is, chatting
  • 5. Tom needs some help ________ his homework. Can you help ________?

    A、to, he B、with, him C、to, his D、with, his
  • 6. The girl doesn't like ________the red blouse. She is ________a blue one now.
    A、put on; wear B、wear; put C、putting on; wearing D、wearing; putting on
  • 7. The shop is _______ now. It _______ at 8 a. m. every day.
    A、closed; opens B、closed; open C、closing; opening D、closes; opened
  • 8. Can you make a lantern ________a pumpkin ________a knife?
    A、from; in B、out of; with C、in; with D、to; in
  • 9. I'm ________holiday in London. I often go to different places ________a holiday.
    A、on; for B、in; for C、for; in D、in; on
  • 10. I have _________ egg and some milk ________ breakfast every morning.
    A、a; for B、an; in C、the; to D、an; for
  • 11. ________I am late for school today, ________the teacher is very angry.
    A、Because; so B、So; because C、/; because D、/; so
  • 12. What ________do ________boys want to buy?
    A、else; else B、other; other C、other; else D、else; other
  • 13. There is no smoke ________fire.
    A、with B、without C、has D、have
  • 14. I don't eat snacks _________ meals.
    A、in B、on C、of D、between
  • 15. There is ___________ sugar in it.
    A、many B、too many C、lots D、too much
  • 16. ________the children ________from the stove.
    A、Keep; back B、Go; back C、Keep; away D、Go; away
  • 17. — How often do you watch TV?

    — __________.

    A、Three to six hours B、Four times C、Every day D、Less than 2 hours


  • 18. 完形填空

    A good breakfast is important. You1understand it. By(到……为止)breakfast 2 you haven't  eaten anything for about 3 hours, your body 4 food.

    A good breakfast should5rice or bread. On a good morning, you should have a cup6hot drink. You must get up7to have enough time to eat8.

    A good breakfast h you9faster. It also helps you work better. Your day will be 10after you have a good breakfast.

    A、needn't B、don't C、can D、doesn't
    A、table B、time C、bread D、egg
    A、one B、much C、twelve D、twenty-four
    A、needs B、need C、makes D、make
    A、have B、has C、eat D、eats
    A、of B、for C、with D、without 
    A、early B、late C、often D、always 
    A、dinner B、breakfast C、lunch D、supper
    A、feel B、shout C、run D、sleep
    A、fun B、slow C、bad D、well


  • 19. 阅读理解

    We have three meals a day.

    In the morning, we have breakfast. It is at about 6 or 7 o'clock. Breakfast should be good.

    We can have milk, egg, and other things. Some students often have no breakfast. It is very bad for their heath.

    In china, lunch is the main meal of the day. It is at about 12 o'clock. It is a big meal. There are often three or four dishes. We should be full after lunch.

    We usually have supper at about 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening. We should have a small supper.

    But in England, people call the main meal dinner. It often means supper.

    (1)、What do people often eat for breakfast?
    A、Milk B、milk and eggs C、Some other things D、A,B and C
    (2)、What is the main meal in China?
    A、Breakfast. B、Lunch. C、Supper D、Dinner.
    (3)、What kind of supper should we have?
    A、Big B、Small C、No. D、Full.
    (4)、What does the word "full" mean in Chinese?
    A、可口的 B、累的 C、饱的 D、傻的
    (5)、Please find the best title(标题)for the passage(文章).
    A、Meals. B、Main Meal C、Dinner D、Supper.
  • 20. 阅读理解

    More and more Chinese people like takeaway food. They are usually busy with work and don't have time to cook meals after work. There are many different kinds, such as fried chicken, hamburgers, fish and chips. They are all delicious. People usually drive to buy some. Then they take it to their workplaces or their homes.

    Chinese people usually have a big meal on weekends. The family get together and go out to eat. Some people like to stay at home. They cook for themselves. They like watching TV or talking about funny things while eating.

    (1)、Why does takeaway food become popular?
    (2)、How do people usually go to buy takeaway food?
    (3)、On weekends, what do Chinese people usually do?
    (4)、According to the passage (根据文章), what is takeaway food?
    (5)、What do they like doing while eating?




  • 56. I want two kilos of rice. (划线提问)

    rice want?

  • 57. He'd like three kilos of meat. (划线提问)

    kilos of meat he like?

  • 58. He buys many pears because they're cheap. (划线提问)

    buy many pears?

  • 59. I run every day to keep fit.(划线提问)

    run every day?

  • 60. Daniel goes swimming three times a week. (划线提问)

       Daniel  swimming?

  • 61. John feels young with the right diet and exercise. (划线提问)

    John feel with the right diet and exercise?

  • 62. I dance for two hours every day. (划线提问)

      do you dance every day?

  • 63. Daniel likes eating hamburgers. (改为否定句)

    Daniel eating hamburgers.

  • 64. Swimming is good for us. (同义句)

    good for us .

  • 65. She usually watches TV for twenty minutes every evening. (改为一般疑问句)

    she usually TV for twenty minutes every evening?



  • 76. 首字母填空

    Everyone wants to be healthy. You know food is very i. There are many k of heal thy food. You can have more bananas, apples, o, and tomatoes, because fruit and vegetables are good for you. But don't eat too m chocolate. It's not good for you. It's not healthy f.

    H food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. T is a saying, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor a.' Sports can also ke ep you fit. Get up early and do some e every day. Don't be lazy! You will be healthy and h.

  • 77. 首字母填空

    Dear Benny

    I'm very sorry I don't have much time to write to you often. I am always b at school. I usually s two hours a day playing football. Football is my favorite. It's important to k healthy.

    Next week, I'm coming to Nanjing with my p. I will stay there with them for 2 weeks, I'm very excited, because it will be my first tto be in China. I really want to learn some Cthough(虽然) I hear it is d for a foreigner(外国人) to learn it well. I awant to see old buildings and e traditional food in China.

    Will you tell me some interesting pto visit? I am looking forward to your letter.

    Lots of love
