仁爱科普版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.课后练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-15 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. I like reading with my roommates in the library ______ in the classroom.
    A、instead of B、instead C、now that D、though
  • 2. —How long will the summer English courses       ?

    —For six weeks.

    A、last B、open C、begin D、start
  • 3. There _______ a football game this Sunday.
    A、will have B、is C、is going to be
  • 4. The more you eat,          you will be.
    A、the heavy B、the heaviest C、the heavier D、heaviest
  • 5. I bought          China Daily from a street corner machine this morning.

    A、a page of B、a piece of C、a copy of D、a book of
  • 6. — Would you mind if I take this seat?

    — _________.

    A、Yes, sit down, please B、Yes, take it, please C、No, of course not D、No, you can't take it
  • 7. Mary           her mother and they both have big eyes.
    A、looks after B、hands out C、takes after D、puts away
  • 8. The husband and wife have strange habits. He'd like to sleep with lamp _______ at night and his wife likes to sleep with the window _______.

    A、burning; wide open B、burnt; widely opened C、burnt; wide open D、burning; widely open
  • 9. —Could you please clean the living room?

    —_______. I'm doing my homework.

    A、OK B、Sorry, I can't C、No problem D、Good idea
  • 10. They ______ support ______ the athletes and helped make the event a great success.
    A、provided; to B、provided; with C、provided; for D、provided; in
  • 11. The ______ of new inventions(发明) should be to make life easier, not to make it harder.
    A、rules B、subjects C、secrets D、purposes
  • 12. —Would you please not speak so loudly in _______ public?

    — Sorry. I will remember to speak in _______ lower voice.

    A、the; a B、/; a C、the; the D、/; /
  • 13. It's reported that over eight ______ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.
    A、thousand B、thousands C、thousand of D、thousands of
  • 14. Jack is         funny         make us happy after class.
    A、so; that B、too; to C、/; enough to D、enough; to
  • 15. Do not eat ______ junk food. It is not good for you.

    A、too much B、too many C、much too D、many too
  • 16. ______ month of the year is May.

    A、Two B、The second C、Five D、The fifth
  • 17. ________, Mandy. Everything will get better soon.
    A、Cheer up B、Mix up C、Clean up D、Turn up
  • 18. —I have just finished reading half of the book.

    —You should hurry up. It is due ______ two days.

    A、for B、after C、at D、in
  • 19. —Li Lei is the first _______ the finishing line.

    —How great he is!

    A、pass B、passing C、to pass D、past
  • 20. He is ill. I don't know _______ he will come to school.
    A、how B、weather C、when D、whether
  • 21. The first Olympics started in_______.
    A、Atlanta B、London C、Athens D、Sydney
  • 22. All the Chinese were _______ when they heard Liu Xiang won the first. It was really _______.
    A、exciting, excited B、excited, exciting C、exciting, exciting D、excited, excited
  • 23. Don't shout at him. He is only          boy.
    A、a eight-year-old B、an eight-year-old C、a eight years old D、an eight years old
  • 24. —Shall we go out for a picnic this Sunday?


    A、That's right. B、Best wishes. C、Good idea. D、It's nothing.
  • 25. Chinese students have    weeks    in the summertime than American students.
    A、more; on B、fewer; on C、more; off D、less; off
  • 26. The music _________, I don't like it.
    A、sound noisily B、sound noisy C、sounds noisily D、sounds noisy
  • 27. If I _____ next week, I _____ the film with you. Actually, I can't wait for that.     
    A、have free; will see B、will be free; will see C、have free time; see D、am free; will see
  • 28. —I don't like showers or windy weather.


    A、Me too B、Me neither C、So I do D、Neither I do
  • 29. I have only      of money. I can't buy that expensive digital camera.
    A、a bit B、a little C、a few D、a lot
  • 30. — What do you usually have for breakfast?

    — I used to ____ dumplings, but these days I'm used to _____ bread and milk.

    A、eat; have B、eating; having C、eating; have D、eat; having
  • 31. Our parents always tell us _______ in the street after school.

    A、don't play B、not play C、not to play D、not playing
  • 32. Some people don't know the importance of their health ________ they have lost it.

    A、after B、when C、until D、as
  • 33. -- Where is your father?

    -- He _______ to Australia on business.

    A、has been B、has gone C、went D、will go  
  • 34. — How long _______ you _______ Lily's English-Chinese dictionary?

    — For two weeks.

    A、did; borrow B、have; borrowed C、have; kept D、did; kept
  • 35. There may be _________ in Mount Huang, but the weather is very nice.
    A、some rains B、some rain C、some rainy D、a lot of rains
  • 36. Let's _____ when the train leaves!   
    A、look at B、find out C、find  
  • 37. We should give the boy another chance_______he has madesome mistakes.

    A、though B、when C、unless D、because
  • 38. —What are you going to do tomorrow?

    —_______ I _______ go hiking.

    A、Maybe; will B、Maybe; want C、May be; will D、May be; want to
  • 39. My foreign friend, Tom, will come to _______.
    A、cheer me up B、cheer up me C、cheer me on D、cheer on me
  • 40. To them, the most important thing is _________ make much money _________ get together.
    A、not to; but B、not; but C、not; but to D、not to; but to


  • 41. 完形填空

    We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually1 some things.

    Electricity(电) is one thing that we waste 2. Lights, TVs, 3 and other things are often kept on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need them. It 4 less than a second to do it. Anyway, not wasting electricity saves money, because we do not have to 5 the electricity we do not use.

    The second thing that we often waste is water. Fresh water is precious(宝贵的)6it shouldn't be wasted. It is only a simple matter of turning off a tap. I am sure 7 can do this easily if he wants to.

    8 big waste is food. My mother 9 cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so 10 food. She thought I was right and now cooks 11what we can eat.

    It is not 12 to waste anything. I find there is a simple 13of not wasting things. That is to use only what we 14. Do not touch what we do not need. 15 this way we can stop being wasteful.

    A、use B、wash C、waste D、forget
    A、little B、most C、few D、least
    A、radios B、apples C、bikes D、doors
    A、brings B、costs C、keeps D、takes
    A、buy B、save C、pay for D、care for
    A、though B、because C、so D、but
    A、nobody B、something C、everybody D、nothing
    A、Others B、Other C、Another D、The other
    A、planned to B、used to C、was able to D、was afraid to
    A、little B、much C、few D、many
    A、mainly B、only C、quickly D、badly
    A、right B、fine C、bad D、possible
    A、way B、thing C、plan D、project
    A、buy B、need C、bring D、get
    A、On B、In C、For D、At
  • 42. 完形填空

    Mike is my friend. He 1 the day with morning exercises. After morning exercises, he2 English at home. It's time to 3 breakfast. His 4 habits are 5 good. He eats a lot of vegetables. He 6 ever eats junk food. He says it is bad for 7 to eat junk food too much. In the afternoon, he plays football with his classmates. Because he doesn't like to go to the movies, he often 8 TV at home. Sometimes he 9 on the Internet and talks with me 10 the Internet.

    A、start B、begin C、starts D、begins with
    A、reading B、reads C、watch D、looks at
    A、take B、have C、like D、owe
    A、eating B、eats C、eat D、to eat
    A、rather B、pretty C、much D、too
    A、hard B、harder C、hardly D、hearty
    A、healthy B、health C、fit D、fitness
    A、looks at B、reads C、watches D、sees
    A、gets B、got C、getting D、to get
    A、in B、on C、at D、with


  • 43. 阅读理解

    All over the world, people enjoy sports. Sports are good for people's health. Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TV sets to watch in front of them.

    Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they play outside. We can find sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting and people everywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. People from different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very friendly to each other.

    (1)、Sports are good for ____.
    A、the players B、people's health C、the coaches D、people who like sports
    (2)、If you like sports, you can ____.
    A、buy tickets to see the games B、see the games on TV C、see the games on the Internet D、A, B and C
    (3)、People play ____ in different seasons.
    A、the same game B、different games C、any games D、all kinds of games
    (4)、____ is very popular in the world.
    A、Table tennis B、Baseball C、Football D、Skating
    (5)、From this passage we can see that ____ can become very friendly.
    A、people from different countries all B、people from the same country C、friends D、after a game people from different countries
  • 44. 阅读理解

    More and more people around the world are joining in dangerous sports. Some people climbed the highest mountains; some traveled into unknown parts of the world; some sailed small boats across the largest sea. Now some people begin to look for new excitement.

    Bungee jumping (蹦极) and motorcycle racing (摩托车赛) are quite dangerous sports. Bungee jumping only lasts for a few minutes or even seconds. You jump from a high place, about 200 meters above the ground, and there is a rubber band (橡胶带子) tied to your legs. When you jump down, the rubber band pulls you up. About 2,000,000 people around the world have tried bungee jumping.

    Why do people join in these dangerous sports? Some scientists say that it is because modern life has become safe and it is not interesting. In the past, people lived in danger. They had to go out and look for food, and life was like a fight but was interesting.

    Many people think that there is little excitement in life. They live and work in safe places, buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill.

    (1)、People like to join in dangerous sports because _______.
    A、they have a lot of free time B、they can go to the hospital if they are hurt C、they need excitement D、they don't need to look for food
    (2)、_______ is not a dangerous sport.
    A、Climbing the highest mountains B、Playing table tennis C、Traveling into unknown parts of the world D、Sailing small boats across the largest sea
    (3)、In bungee jumping, you _______.
    A、jump up as high as you can B、jump down with a rubber band tied to your legs C、jump down without a rubber band D、jump to the ground
    (4)、In the past, people lived in danger because _______.
    A、the living condition (生存条件) was poor B、there was no doctor or hospital C、there were many dangerous animals D、all of above
    (5)、Which is NOT true?
    A、Everyone's life is interesting. B、Many people live and work in safe places. C、Many people buy food in shops. D、People can go to see the doctors when they become ill.


  • 45. 假如你叫Peter,上周日你校在操场举办了一场运动会。根据表格信息并发挥想象写一篇作文。要求60词左右。





    girls' 400-metre relay race



    the long jump



    boys' 100-meter race
