上外版(2020)高中英语必修一Week 15 基础卷练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-12 类型:同步测试

一、单项选择 (共20小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)

  • 1. Many people expect that credit cards will ________ paper money completely in the near future.
    A、trade B、rescue C、replace D、search
  • 2. As we all know, ________ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.
    A、normal B、common C、general D、regular
  • 3. It is your ________ to check that all doors and windows are locked.
    A、weight B、style C、responsibility D、design
  • 4. The club I ________ and their club will work together to ________ the competition against the team from Wuhan.
    A、joined; take part B、joined in; attend C、joined; join in D、attended; take part in
  • 5. You'd better not leave the football club. If you do, most probably you will not be ________ back in.
    A、turned B、received C、admitted D、accepted
  • 6. —What does WTO mean?

    — The letters WTO ________ the World Trade Organization.

    A、stand for B、stands for C、stand out D、stand by
  • 7. We can't ________ other countries in the world if we don't improve our own national economy.
    A、be against B、compete against C、catch up D、catch with
  • 8. The house was sold for $60000, which was far more than its real__________.
    A、cost B、value C、price D、money
  • 9. I'd like the red silk dress __________that black one if you let me choose.
    A、other than B、rather than C、more or less D、more than
  • 10. You have been painting the house all the morning. ________ that you look so tired.
    A、There is no sense B、There is no need C、It's no wonder D、It's no doubt
  • 11. __________his immediate help, I gave him some reward, but he refused.
    A、In return for B、Because of C、Thanks to D、In case of
  • 12. The reference book, mainly __________use in colleges, is a bestseller this year.
    A、designed for B、designed to C、designing of D、designing for
  • 13. As is known to us all, China is a developing country___________ the third world.
    A、belonging B、belonged C、belonging to D、belonged to
  • 14. ________ is known to us all is that London will host the 30th Olympic Games next summer.
    A、As B、Which C、It D、What
  • 15. The police ________ the prisoner to see if he had a gun.
    A、searched for B、searched C、was in search of D、was in their search of
  • 16. The suspect's fingerprint printed on the gun was the main __________against him.
    A、crime B、information C、evidence D、conviction
  • 17. You'd better not _______ the radio, or you'll not be able to put it together again.
    A、take apart B、take away C、take out D、take in
  • 18. The driver who died in the accident could have__________, but he was sent to hospital too late.
    A、cured B、recovered C、survived D、rescued
  • 19. This kind of cloth__________well.I think it is worthy__________.
    A、washes; buying B、is washed; buying C、washes; to be bought D、is washed; to be bought
  • 20. We each took a cup of ________ tea after having ________ wonderful supper at my aunt's yesterday.
    A、a; / B、/; / C、the; the D、/; a



  • 41. 参加这次会议的是来自国内外的关于癌症的专家。

    this meeting on cancer from home and abroad.

  • 42. 所以,尽管我们不排除这种想法,但是我们也在调查其他的可能性。

    So, we haven't the idea, we are as well.

  • 43. 这件事情引起了公众的极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空出现奇怪亮光和外星人造访地球的报道。

    This incident reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy.

  • 44. 他认为,这些生物与一个共同的祖先相关联,该动物生活于约30万年前的亚洲。

    He believes that these a common, an animal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago.

  • 45. 他的看法是这种动物迁徙到了世界上的其他地区,并一直存活至今。

    , this animal other parts of the world, and continues to even today.

  • 46. 据报道一个名叫哈利波特的男孩子被一些外星人带走了。

    It is that a boy Harry Potter was by some aliens.

  • 47. 不要为你的失败找借口,你应当加紧努力学习了。

    Don't for your failure, you are supposed to your effort to study harder.

  • 48. 那个科学家一生都在研究麦田怪圈,但是仍为解决这个谜团。

    The scientist has on crop circles all his life, but he has not the mystery yet.

  • 49. 我怎么样才能说服他戒烟?

    How can I him smoking?

  • 50. 他搬到了乡村,想寻找一种平静的生活。

    He moved to the countryside a peaceful life.

  • 51. 尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。

    I enjoy working with him,.

  • 52. 你知道恐龙为什么在大约65万年前突然灭绝了?

    Do you know about 65 million years ago?

  • 53. 你还知道那些其他濒临灭绝的物种吗?

    What other do you know?

  • 54. 我们能做些什么来保护麋鹿,使他们不会再次消失?

    What can we do disappearing again?

  • 55. 人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。

    It one day there will be enough animals living in the wild again.

  • 56. 从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。

    I will wildlife protection .

  • 57. 我午饭更喜欢吃蛋糕,不喜欢吃面条。

    I some cakes for my lunch noodles.

  • 58. 给熊猫造一个新家的项目正在开发中。

    The project to make a new home for pandas .