人教新目标(Gofor it)版初中英语七年级上册 Starter Unit 2 What's this in English单元综合训练

试卷更新日期:2022-08-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Jane is ________ girl and she is in Grade 1.
    A、a 8-years-old B、an 8-years-old C、a 8-year-old D、an 8-year-old
  • 2. 在商店中,我们看到________表示的意思是"小号/中号/大号"。
    A、S/M/L B、A/B/C C、N/B/A D、K/F/C
  • 3. — Look! What's that moving high up in ________ sky?

    — It must be ________ plane.

    A、a; the B、the; / C、the; a D、/; a
  • 4. —Lily, ________ apple on the table is for you.

    —Thanks, Mum. ________ apple a day is good for you.

    A、the; An B、an; An C、an; The D、the; The
  • 5. — Do you know Grace well?

    —Yes. She is           8-year-old girl and she can play          guitar.

    A、/; a B、an; / C、an; the D、a; the
  • 6. She already knows ________ this afternoon.
    A、how to do B、what she can do it C、what to do D、to do
  • 7. Tony has ________ e-dog, and ________ e-dog's name is Coco.
    A、a, a B、an, a C、the, an D、an, the
  • 8. Take __________ umbrella with you. It's __________ useful tool on rainy days.
    A、an; a B、a; the C、an; the D、the; the
  • 9. 与字母L含有相同音素的一组字母是    
  • 10. —Dale, what's that in English?


    A、Its a ruler B、It's a ruler C、That's a ruler D、It's ruler


  • 11. 完形填空

    Hi! I'm Paul. I am a 1. I come from the UK. But now I live in China. This is my 2. 45 small desks, 45 chairs and one table 3 in the classroom. The desks and chairs are 4. And the table is green, too. 5 is on the table? It's a computer. It's not mine. It's Mr. Jiang's. Mr. Jiang is our math teacher. He always uses (用) the 6 in class. Is that your dictionary 7 the desk Mr. Jiang's? No, it isn't. 8 Helen's. And the English book under it on the desk is hers, too. Helen is our monitor (班长). She is a 9girl. She 10helps us with our English. We like her very much.

    A、teacher B、worker C、student D、monitor
    A、room B、picture C、office D、classroom
    A、are B、be C、is D、am
    A、brown B、green C、white D、yellow
    A、That B、Where C、Who D、What
    A、chair B、table C、desk D、computer
    A、on B、under C、in D、behind
    A、She's B、He's C、It's D、I'm
    A、clear B、tidy C、good D、bad
    A、sometimes B、always C、never D、seldom


  • 12. 阅读理解

    I have a green pencil box. I like green very much. Two pens, a pencil and an eraser are in my pencil box. They are all green.


    I have a blue pencil box. A pen, a ruler and an eraser are in it. The pen is black. The ruler is white and the eraser is white, too. I don't have any pencils.


    I have a red pencil box. In it you can see three pens. One is white, one is green and one is black. I have two blue pencils and a black eraser. I don't have a ruler.


    I have a white pencil box. You can see two pens, a ruler and three pencils. They are all white because white is my favorite color. I don't have an eraser.


    (1)、What color does Grace like?
    A、Blue. B、Green. C、White. D、Black.
    (2)、Bob doesn't have any ________.
    A、pens B、erasers C、rulers D、pencils
    (3)、How many (多少) pencils does Anna have?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (4)、Who has a white ruler?
    A、Grace and Bob B、Bob and Anna C、Alan and Bob D、Anna and Alan
    (5)、Which one is TRUE (哪一个是对的)?
    A、Grace has two pens. B、Bob doesn't have an eraser. C、Anna's pencils are black. D、Alan's favorite color is blue.
  • 13. 根据文章信息,选择正确的答案。

    Do you know 18th May is "International Museum Day"? Every year since 1977 it is organized all over the world on 18th May. Would you like to pay a visit to some of the museums in Liuzhou?


    Liuzhou Museum

    Liuzhou Stone


    Liuzhou Bailian

    Cave Museum


    North Jiefang Road

    Donghuan Road

    Liushi Road


    No.2 bus

    No.76 bus

    No.21 bus




    (closed on Monday)




    10 yuan for 3rd floor,

    Free (免费的) for lst &

    2nd floor

    40 yuan

    10 yuan





    (1)、Liuzhou Museum is on ________ Road.
    A、North Jiefang B、Liushi C、Donghuan D、Yanan
    (2)、You can take a ________ bus to Liuzhou Stone Museum.
    A、No. 2 B、No. 21 C、No. 76 D、No. 92
    (3)、Liuzhou Bailian Cave Museum is open during ________.
    A、8:00-17:30 B、9:00-16:00 C、9:00-17:00 D、2:00-8:00
    (4)、You can telephone ________ for more information about Liuzhou Stone Museum.
    A、2831519 B、3827635 C、3833358 D、452751
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?
    A、You can visit Liuzhou Museum at any time from 9:00 to 16:00. B、It's the 35th "International Museum Day" on 18th May this year. C、Li Hua and two of his classmates can visit both Liuzhou Museum and Liuzhou Stone Museum with 120 yuan. D、Liuzhou museum is on Donghuan Road
  • 14. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Cindy and Amy are sisters. Cindy is 12 and Amy is 14. They are middle school students, and they go to No. 9 Middle School.

    Cindy and Amy have some differences (不同之处). Cindy likes red, blue and white. Amy likes yellow, green and black. Cindy likes playing with her friends after school, but Amy likes reading books at home.

    Cindy and Amy have something in common (相同). They like oranges. They like English. They have many CDs.

    Cindy and Amy are sisters, and they are friends, too.

    (1)、How old is Amy?
    A、11. B、12. C、13. D、14.
    (2)、What color does Cindy like?
    A、Red, green and yellow. B、Red, blue and white. C、Yellow, green and black. D、Blue, white and black.
    (3)、What does Amy like doing after school?
    A、Reading books. B、Watching TV. C、Going shopping. D、Playing with friends.
    (4)、Cindy and Amy have ______ things in common.
    A、two B、three C、four D、five
    (5)、What can we know from the passage?
    A、Cindy likes apples. B、Cindy and Amy like music. C、Cindy and Amy are cousins. D、Amy goes to No. 9 Middle School.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    My name is Jeff. My dream(理想的) bedroom is big. The walls(墙) are white and the floor is brown. The bed is big—it's 2m long. The desk is near the window. There is a new computer on it. And it goes with a nice chair.

    My real(真正的) bedroom isn't big. The floor is yellow and the walls are brown. The bed is OK, but it isn't very big—1.5m long. My desk is near the door and the chair is small. And I like my computer. It's old but it's very good.

    (1)、What color is the floor in Jeff's dream bedroom?
    A、White. B、Brown. C、Yellow. D、Black and white.
    (2)、Where is the computer in Jeff's dream bedroom?
    A、On the desk. B、On the floor. C、On the window. D、Near the door.
    (3)、How long is Jeff's real bed?
    A、1.2m. B、1.5m. C、1.8m. D、2m.


  • 16. 从文后选择正确选项(选项中有一个选项与对话内容无关)。

    A: Hi, Sally!

    B: Hi, Bob.

    A: Is my computer game on the table?

    B: It's in the bookcase.

    A: Oh, OK. How about my books?

    B: No, they aren't. They are on the sofa.

    A: Oh. Thanks.

    B: It's under the sofa.

    A: And where's my backpack?


    A: And where are Mom's keys?

    B: Ask Mom for them.

    A: OK.

    A. No, they aren't.

    B. It is under the table.

    C. Are they in the bookcase, too?

    D. No, it isn't.

    E. I don't know.

    F. Where is my pencil box?



  • 23. 重新排序

    Fine, thanks, And you?

    OK, M-A-P, map.

    What's this, Alan?

    Good morning, May.

    Spell it, please.

    Thank you.

    Good morning, Alan. How are you?

    I'm fine, too.

    It's a map.


  • 24. 根据汉语意思写出短语


  • 25. 海伦(Helen)和汤姆(Tom)早晨见面,互相问好后,又开始讨论各自的夹克衫和文具盒(pencil box)的颜色以及这些单词该怎么拼写。

    要求:请根据以上提示, 结合Starter部分所学内容,编写一组对话,要求提示内容都要涉及,每人不少于四句话。