牛津版(深圳·广州)七年级上册Unit 7 School clubs单元练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-10 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —Do you need a new schoolbag? 

    —No, my mum bought me ________ yesterday.

    A、another B、one C、it D、the one
  • 2. Nineteenth century workers would probably be ________ to know that their pants would one day become a fashion object.
    A、friendly B、careful C、helpful D、surprised
  • 3. —When ________ your cousin________his hometown?

    —He ________for nearly two years.

    A、has; left; has left B、did; leave; has left C、did; leave; has been away D、has; left; has been away
  • 4. —Sorry, Jack. I can't find the ruler you _______me yesterday.

    —It doesn't matter. I don't need it any more.

    A、lend B、have lent C、will lend D、lent
  • 5. —Will Mr. White attend the meeting to be held at the end of this month?

    —Sorry, I don't know.

    A、put off B、give up C、go to
  • 6. —You look so tired.

    —Right. I just walked here all the way from my home.

    A、all along B、all in all C、in the way
  • 7. —How can I learn the new words well?

    —You can look up these new words in your dictionary.

    A、look at the pictures of B、provide information for C、look for information about
  • 8. —Don't you like my mother?

    Of course I do!

    A、Sure B、Sometimes C、So
  • 9. — _____do you like English? 

    — Because it's _______.

    A、Why; boring B、How; difficult C、Why; interesting
  • 10. I often feel _________ at home because I don't have anything to do.
    A、boring B、bored C、happy D、unhappy
  • 11. This bike looks very nice. It only     150 yuan
    A、takes B、costs C、uses D、spends
  • 12. His parents ______ teachers.
    A、is B、are C、am D、Be
  • 13. — Are you going to buy ___ books?

    — Yes. I want to buy ____ comic books.

    A、some; any B、any; some C、any; any
  • 14. —       do you go to school every day?

    — By bus.

    A、What B、How C、When D、Which
  • 15. Where is my raincoat? I can't        it.
    A、look B、look for C、find D、find out


  • 16. 完形填空

    "Tiger ! Where are you, Tiger?" Mike called out. Mike was worried. His cat, Tiger, was1. He looked for Tiger here and there. "2!" he cried.

    Then Mike 3 a noise. He looked up. Tiger was high up in a tree! “Tiger, come on 4!'' Mike said. The cat did not move. It looked very 5.

    Mike's friend Lucy walked up. "What's 6?" she asked.

    "Tiger is stuck in that 7! It could not move!" Mike said.

    "My cat was stuck in a tree once," Lucy said. "I know 8 to do." Lucy ran away. She came back with a plate of cat food. "Here, Tiger," she said. "Come and get some 9."

    Tiger still did not 10. "That did not work," Mike said. "What will we do now?"

    A、coming B、missing C、walking D、calling
    A、Bird B、Dog C、Lion D、Tiger
    A、heard B、smelled C、tasted D、saw
    A、out B、up C、down D、in
    A、excited B、angry C、happy D、afraid
    A、now B、wrong C、important D、unusual
    A、window B、box C、bed D、tree
    A、when B、what C、why D、where
    A、water B、fish C、food D、milk
    A、move B、climb C、eat D、drink


  • 17. 阅读理解

    I Want to Buy a Computer Game

    Luis was excited. The new computer game was finally in stores! He wanted it for a long time. "The game is here!" he told his mom. "Can we go and buy it?"

    "How much does it cost?" Luis's mother asked.

    "Thirty﹣five dollars," he answered.

    "That is a lot of money, Luis. Do you have enough to buy it yourself?"

    "No," he shook his head.

    "You know, Luis, we have to use our money carefully. We have to spend on our house and food. We need to buy clothes and books and the gas for the car. Our money goes to things we need."

    "But I really want this game ! " answered Luis. "What can I do?"

    "You can get eight dollars a week for doing our house cleaning as a job," his mom said.

    "Try to keep it. Before long, you will have enough to buy the game."

    "I do not think so," said Luis. "By then, all the games will be sold and there will not be one for me."

    "Try it," answered his mother.

    Weeks later, Luis came home very happy. "Guess what, Mama? I did what you said I kept the money for the game. Then  I saw the game was still in stores. Today I bought it for twenty﹣eight dollars."

    "And," his mother added, "you did it with your own money !"

    (1)、Luis felt ________ by saying "The game is here!" in the first paragraph.
    A、nervous B、worried C、sad D、excited
    (2)、Luis's mom wanted to spend her money on ________.
    A、their family needs B、Luis's game C、their car D、Luis's computer
    (3)、What problem did Luis have in the story?
    A、His mother didn't like all computer games. B、There was no game for him to buy in stores. C、He didn't have enough money to buy the game. D、His mother used all the money for their house and food.
    (4)、What does the underlined word "it" refer to in the story?
    A、the job B、the week C、the money D、the computer game
    (5)、What is the main idea of this story?
    A、Luis's mom had to use money on things they need. B、Luis kept enough money to buy his computer game. C、Luis's mom bought the new computer game for Luis at last. D、Luis spent thirty﹣five dollars on his favorite computer game.


  • 18. 用方框所给的单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    behind    paper    wait    eighty    information

    (1)、Go and meet your father. He at the school gate.
    (2)、Don't write on the . You can use your computers.
    (3)、The old man is over , but still looks healthy and strong.
    (4)、No one knows the plant. Let's find some on the Internet.
    (5)、Don't be afraid when you speak. We will stand right you.



  • 24. 假如你上星期天参加英语俱乐部的活动,请按下面的提示,写一篇80词左右的文章。提示:


