
试卷更新日期:2022-08-10 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 找出下列每组单词画线部分的读音与其他不同的一项。
    A、soft B、front C、forest
    A、coffee B、science C、come
    A、animal B、like C、tiger
    A、apple B、bag C、ice
    A、car B、clock C、danc
  • 2. 找出下列每组单词画线部分的读音与其他不同的一项。
    A、cake B、picture C、rice
    A、cold B、doctor C、go
    A、soft B、hot C、juice
    A、nice B、come C、class
    A、clock B、cinema C、ice


  • 3. 英汉互译。
  • 4. 英汉互译。
    (1)、go to the cinema
    (2)、in the UK  
    (3)、play on the swing.
    (4)、have a nice ice cream
    (5)、sing and dance 
    (6)、see some birds
    (7)、a glass of water  
    (8)、too happy
    (9)、just right
    (10)、have some cakes
  • 5. 英汉互译。
    (1)、these desks
    (2)、Let's go.


  • 6. —Are there______in your school?


    A、some library B、any librarys C、any libraries
  • 7. —What        on the table?

    —There ______some juice.

    A、is; are B、is; is C、are;are
  • 8. There         some songbooks and a guitar in the music room.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 9. There are       in the school.
    A、a classroom B、two art room C、two computer rooms
  • 10. How many rooms       in Mike's house?    
    A、there are B、are there C、have
  • 11. —Let's go and see.


    A、Goodbye B、All right C、I see
  • 12. Sometimes Li Ming and his friends play       football in the afternoon.
    A、the B、/ C、a
  • 13. —He can make a model plane.


    A、We B、I C、Me
  • 14. I live       Huai'an now.
    A、in B、at C、on
  • 15. It's _________. Let's play again.
    A、so funs B、a fun C、great fun
  • 16. My sister has _________orange dress. That is ______ beautiful dress.
    A、a; a B、an; an C、an; a
  • 17. I cannot see          on the table.
    A、some apples B、any apples C、any apple
  • 18. —There ________ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?  

    —Just a little, please.

    A、is B、are C、am
  • 19. There ________ an umbrella and a bag behind the door.  
    A、has B、is C、are
  • 20.      is popular in Western countries.
    A、Milk B、Juice C、Coffee
  • 21. —There aren't _______ chairs.

    —Here are           chairs for you.

    A、any; some B、some; any C、some; some
  • 22.        lovely girls!
    A、What B、How C、What a
  • 23. There is a tiger in front of the boy. So he is very         .
    A、happy B、hungry C、afraid
  • 24. The bread is too _________ , so we can't eat it.
    A、hard B、soft C、happy   
  • 25. There's some        in the fridge.
    A、cakes B、juice C、soups  





  • 47. My brother can read books.(改为否定句)

    My brother    books.

  • 48. There is a flower in front of the house.(改为复数句)

    There   in front of the house.

  • 49. The bear is beside the girl.(对划线部分提问)

    the bear?

  • 50. There are some apples on the table.(改为单数句)

    There on the table.


  • 51. —电脑室在二楼吗?


    —Is the  on thefloor?

    —No. It's on thefloor.

  • 52. 那个公园里有多少树和花?

     trees and flowers   in that park?

  • 53. —你们学校里有秋千吗?

    —是的, 有一个。

    there swings in your school?  

    —Yes. one.

  • 54. —你们学校有美术室吗?


    there rooms in your school?

    —Yes, there are.

  • 55. 两座房子中间没有树。

    There     trees  the two houses.

  • 56. 我认为这些鞋子正合适。

    I think the shoes are  .

  • 57. 桌子上有一些汤和鸡蛋。

    There soup and eggs on the table.

  • 58. 在他前面有一棵大树。

    There a big treefront of .

  • 59. —这是谁的房子?


     is this? 

    —It's my .


  • 60. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

      Mr. Smith has an old house. There's a very big tree behind it. In the tree, there's a tree house. It is small, but there're many things in it: a bed, a desk and two chairs. On the desk, there is a computer. Now,Mr. Smith's son, Jack, is in the tree house with his good friend Tom. They like playing computer games very much. Under the tree are the twins, Sally and Molly.

    Jack: Hi, Sally and Molly. Please come up and play computer games with us.

    Sally: Sorry, we can't. Come down, Jack. I find a wallet under your desk in the classroom.

    Jack: What colour is it?

    Molly: Black. There's a photo of your family. Look! This is you.

    Jack: Yes. That's my wallet.

    Molly: Come down and get it. Here you are.

    Jack: Thanks.

    Molly: You're welcome.

    (1)、The tree house is           .
    A、big B、small C、old
    (2)、Tom's good friend is           .
    A、Mr Smith B、Sally C、Jack
    (3)、     like playing computer games.
    A、Sally and Molly B、Jack and Tom C、Tom and Sally
    (4)、How can we know the wallet is Jack's?
    A、The wallet is black. B、There's some money in it. C、There's a photo of his family in it.
    (5)、Where's the big tree?
    A、Behind Mr Smith's house. B、In front of Mr. Smith's house. C、We don't know.