
试卷更新日期:2022-08-10 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. Giorgio, now fifteen, and Lucia, also in her teens, were reaching the ______ of their adolescence.
    A、crisis B、criterion C、causality D、credibility
  • 2. When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at ______.
    A、wrong B、trouble C、fault D、difficulty
  • 3. — Long time no see! What are you doing these days, Johnson?

    — We have been preparing for the ______ of a new advertising campaign next month.

    A、release B、ambition C、launch D、connection
  • 4. Drawing is one of my favorite ________. I also love making cards and taking photos.
    A、hobby B、hobbies C、habit D、habits
  • 5. With a strong ________ for English study, we threw ourselves into reading English novels.
    A、desire B、argument C、reputation D、responsibility
  • 6. Better hotel rooms will give ____ to even more awesome views and larger space.
    A、attention B、comfort C、access D、assistance
  • 7. He felt bad because his _________ to be a teacher was rejected.
    A、ambition B、expectation C、inspiration D、application
  • 8. It is reported that the recent _______ has led to more serious water shortage in this region.
    A、drought B、flood C、storm D、hurricane
  • 9. Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize for her _______ in discovering a new cure for malaria (疟疾).
    A、difference B、decision C、procedure D、achievement
  • 10. Another _______ behind football's popularity is the excitement on the field.
    A、attempt B、factor C、level D、story
  • 11. The man gave a detailed _______ of what had happened, which helped the police catch the thief.
    A、feeling B、guess C、excuse D、account
  • 12. His            in the test was not good enough.
    A、perform B、performer C、performs D、performance
  • 13. To his parents' _________, their son always makes them _________ at his study.
    A、disappointment; disappointed B、disappointed; disappointing C、disappointing; disappointed D、disappointing; disappointment
  • 14. They were all brave enough to take up arms in _________ of their country.
    A、conflict B、defence C、content D、represent
  • 15. Before getting on a coach, a train or plane, you must have the ______ of your bag checked to make sure you aren't carrying any dangerous things.
    A、details B、contents C、ingredients D、entrances
  • 16. It took all day to transport the furniture to the new ______.
    A、debate B、survival C、civilization D、apartment
  • 17. I want to know the sporting _____ that catch the people's attention in China.
    A、accidents B、events C、incidents D、occasions
  • 18. Our teacher always asks us to make ________ to study.
    A、an effect B、an effort C、an impression D、an influence
  • 19. Parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated.
    A、right B、left C、job D、sound
  • 20. The round mooncake is a ________ of reunion and happiness in Chinese culture.
    A、symbol B、signal C、sign D、symptom
