人教版(PEP)四年级上学期Unit 2 My schoolbag同步练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1. I have __________ English book.
    A、a B、6 C、an
  • 2. Let's _______ and see.
    A、go B、to go C、going
  • 3. Turn              the light.(    )

    A、\ B、on C、in
  • 4. I have       English book and       Chinese book.
    A、a; a B、a; an C、an; a
  • 5. _____ in your hand?
    A、Where B、What's C、How many
  • 6. —I have a new MP5.

    — _________? What colour is it?

    A、Good B、Really C、No
  • 7. —What's in the classroom?

    —Two doors and _____ chairs.

    A、many B、may C、math
  • 8. I have      new schoolbag.

    A、a B、an C、the
  • 9. Put your math book ______ your desk.

    A、at B、on C、the
  • 10. —Let me help you.


    A、Thank you. B、Here you are. C、You're right.


  • 11. 从字母框中圈出下面的五个单词。

    cute,  key, candy, notebook, maths

  • 12. I have two .


  • 13. 找出每组单词中不同类的一项。
    A、pencil B、pen C、three
    A、notebook B、purple C、yellow
    A、eraser B、ruler C、rabbit
    A、two B、have C、seven
    A、schoolbag B、heavy C、small 


  • 14.   英汉互译
    (2)、lost and found      
    (4)、toy car            
    (5)、All right.          


  • 15. 从方框中选出下列各句的最佳应答语。

    ⑴What colour is your notebook?   

    ⑵What's in your new bag?   

    ⑶Is everything in your schoolbag?   

    ⑷Let me help you.   

    ⑸Some more food?   

    A. Yes.

    B. It's black.

    C. Thank you!

    D. No, thanks. I'm full.

    E. An English book and two keys.