
试卷更新日期:2022-08-09 类型:开学考试

一、单项选择, 从每小题所给的A、B , C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题: 每小题1分, 满分10分)

  • 1. —Mary has changed a lot.

    —Yes. She _______short, but now she is very tall.

    A、used to be B、is used to be C、is used to being D、used to being
  • 2. —Look! The street is very nice and clean.

    —I agree. There are many trees on ______side of the road.

    A、every B、both C、neither D、either
  • 3. —As students, we need to go running every day.

    —That's true. Running is a good       to keep us healthy.

    A、result B、exercise C、reason D、mark
  • 4. The Terracotta Army is a famous ______wonder in China.
    A、ancient B、empty C、honest D、simple
  • 5. Kelly White loves all sports, ________skating.
    A、gradually B、seriously C、especially D、terribly
  • 6. It's rather cold here. You' better not _______your coat.
    A、put away B、give out C、look into D、take off
  • 7. WeChat Pay  _____ a more convenient way for people around the world.
    A、offers B、gives C、provides D、sends
  • 8. The boy is very smart. He knows a lot _____he is very young.
    A、but B、though C、so D、because
  • 9. —Can you tell me__________?

    —Last week.

    A、where did you see her B、where you saw her C、when did you see her D、when you saw her
  • 10. —Frank, can you tell me how to buy a train ticket online?


    A、Take it easy B、You are welcome C、That's OK D、With pleasure

二、完型填空(共2小题: 每小题10分, 满分20分)

  • 11. 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    One evening when I was having coffee in a cafe(咖啡馆) , a boy came to me. He opened a box and took out the shoe-polishing (擦鞋)1my mouth, he had taken off my shoes and begun to shine them.

    The boy was busy with his2when it suddenly began to rain. People rushed into the cafe for protection from the heavy rain. More and more people hurried in and they kept3away from me. Hours passed, and it turned dark. I had no4on my feet and I kept wondering where he had been.

    I thought he wouldn't5my shoes and I would have to walk home without shoes. When the rain stopped, people started to go out. A waiter was to close the6. Just as I went to the gate, I saw the boy sleeping on the floor near the gate, 7he was holding closely a package (包裹) made of his shirt.

    I woke him up. Though the boy was8, he opened the package hurriedly, gave me my shoes and said 9to me. I10him and put down his shirt for him, which had packaged my shoes.

    After saying goodbye to the boy, I was on my way home, with the boy still in my mind.

    A、had B、opened C、stopped D、slept
    A、work B、trouble C、homework D、discussion
    A、me B、him C、them D、it
    A、things B、socks C、shoes D、box
    A、repair B、clean C、return D、wear
    A、cafe B、shop C、box D、market
    A、so B、and C、if D、or
    A、honest B、lazy C、sleepy D、missing
    A、yes B、welcome C、hello D、sorry
    A、took B、spent C、cost D、paid
  • 12. 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My father is a1. He makes delicious food for the workers in a factory. The workers love him very much. I also love him, 2sometimes he can be "stupid".

    One day, I went3with him. When we got home , he wanted to know how much money we had spent in the shop. Suddenly, he told me something was4. We got 50 yuan more than we should.

    "That's great! You can buy me the5book. " I said. My father said nothing but asked me to go back to the shop together. I didn't want to go back because6knew it. It was stupid to go back.

    "It will not be7!Being honest is very important. " my father shouted at me8. I  looked into his9and knew he was right.

    When we gave back the money , the salesgirl thanked us a lot. On our way home, my father stopped me and10, "Do you still want that cartoon book? " I looked at my "stupid" father and replied loudly, "Dad, you' re the greatest!"

    A、cook B、reporter C、driver D、worker
    A、so B、but C、or D、and
    A、shopping B、swimming C、camping D、riding
    A、true B、right C、wrong D、good
    A、history B、cartoon C、story D、Chinese
    A、somebody B、everybody C、nobody D、anybody
    A、exciting B、stupid C、difficult D、easy
    A、quietly B、softly C、angrily D、happily
    A、ears B、legs C、eyes D、hands
    A、asked B、cried C、answered D、shouted

三、补全对话(共1小题: 每小题5分, 满分5分)

  • 13. 根据对话内容, 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两个为多余选项。

    A. What's the matter?

    B. He went to the market.

    C. That's very kind of you.

    D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

    E. How are you going there?

    F. I'm afraid I can't go to the museum with you.

    G. Do you know the shortest way to the hospital?

    A: There you are! I've been looking for you. Are you ready to go?

    B: Sorry, Eric.

    A: Why? You said you would go with me.

    B: I've just got a call from my mum. My grandpa was hit by a car.

    A: Was your grandpa badly hurt?

    B: I don't know. He is in hospital. I have to go there.


    B: I'll take a taxi.

    A: Oh, let me give you a ride. We can go to the museum another time.

    B: Thank you very much.

    A: You're welcome. Come on! Let's go.

    B: Okay.

四、阅读理解(共6小题: 每小题6分, 满分40分)

  • 14. 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Help Wanted

    Can you spend two hours a week doing some gardening? We are in need of help from 3 pm to 5 pm every Saturday. If you would like to help out, please call Elaine at 4435-77923.

    A Telephone Message

    From: Jessica
    To: Lucas

    Date: May 5
    Time: 15 : 00

    Message: She says that you must put on your sports shoes, cap and sunglasses;bring some food and drinks at the school gate at 8 am tomorrow.

    Tel: 8467-6352.

    Taken by: Jim


    February 13, 2021

    An iPad was found in the library on the morning of February 12.

    Please call 3345-6789 or come to Cassia, a student from Class2, Grade8 to get it.


    March 7, 2021

    Lost near Man Street. Puppy is 6 months old. He is a black schnauzer(雪纳瑞狗). He is very important to me.

    Please call Allen at 8956-7778.

    (1)、If you are interested in a part-time job, you can call         .
    A、4435-77932 B、8467-6352 C、3345-6789 D、4435-77923
    (2)、What will Jessica and Lucas probably do?
    A、Go to a party. B、Go to a movie. C、Go hiking. D、Go shopping.
    (3)、What can you infer(推断) according to the fourth piece of information?
    A、Allen treats his dog as his family member. B、Allen's dog went missing on Man Street. C、Puppy is a 6-year-old black schnauzer. D、You can get a reward if you write to Allen.
  • 15. 阅读短文,回答问题

    "What's the matter, Bob?" asks Mrs White." Why do you look so sad? "

    "Mum, I wish we can stay in New York. I have many friends there. We are new here, and I have no friends now

    "You will soon make friends here," says Mrs White. "Wait and see!" At this time, someone is knocking at the door. Mrs White opens it. A woman with a nice smile stands there.

    "Hello," she says, "I'm Mrs Green, please, " says Mrs White.

    "Bob and I are so glad to see you. Do you want any help? ""Yes, I come here to ask for two eggs, says Mrs Green. "I want to make a cake." "You may have the eggs, OK? "

    In the afternoon, someone knocks at the door again. Mrs White opens it. There stands a boy with a nice smile.

    "My name's Tom," he says. "Mother gives you this cake and these two eggs.

    "Well, thank you, Tom, Bob. "The two boys are about the same age.

    "Let's play football, OK? "says Bob. "I have a little dog. It will play with us. "Tom finds it fun to play football. Soon they have great fun playing football.

    "I' m glad you live next door," says Bob. "Now I have someone to play together. ""I' m glad your mother wants two eggs," says Bob.

    "She doesn't really want the eggs," Tom laughs. "She just wants to make friends with your mother!"

    Then Bob laughs, too. "That's a funny way to make friends," he says. "But it's a nice way."

    (1)、Why does Bob look so sad?
    A、He has no time to play football. B、He has too much homework. C、He has no friends here. D、He doesn't like his new school.
    (2)、Why does Tom knock at Bob's door?
    A、He wants to play football with Bob. B、He wants to give the cake and eggs. C、He wants to borrow Bob' s football. D、He wants to ask for eggs.
    (3)、What's Mrs Green's real purpose of asking for two eggs?
    A、To make friends with Mrs White. B、To ask for two eggs. C、To give cakes. D、To look for Tom.
  • 16. 阅读短文,回答问题

    "I will think of it." It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking?

    Sir Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the sun, the moon, and stars are kept in their places.

    James Ferguson was a boy with little money. Once, seeing the inside of a watch, he wondered.

    "Why should I not make a watch?" but how could he get the material to make the mainspring (钟表的主发条)? He soon found he could make it with whalebone (鲸须). He then made a wooden clock which kept good time. His motto (座右铭)

    Boys and girls, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, don't lose heart, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.

    (1)、From the passage, we know that some great things come from         .
    A、listening B、reading C、speaking D、thinking
    (2)、The idea of Isaac Newton's discovery was from         .
    A、the falling of an apple B、the moving of the moon C、the falling of a tree D、the moving of the sun
    (3)、The right order of the following sentences is         .

    ①James Ferguson made a wooden clock.

    ②James Ferguson saw the inside of a watch.

    ③James Ferguson made the mainspring with whalebone.

    A、③②① B、②③① C、②①③ D、③①②
  • 17. 阅读短文,回答问题

    The Middleton Fire Department received a call at 9: 30 on Friday night. The firemen were told that a house was on fire in Idaho. The firemen set off at once. When they arrived, they heard cries of "help"and"fire". They expected to find an elderly woman inside the house.

    However, after they went into the room and searched the house carefully, they couldn't find anyone. The cries continued (热成像技术). However, it detected(探测), but two parrots sitting on a table. One was talking, while the other seemed much quieter. In the end(营救) by the firemen successfully.

    The female parrot was given oxygen by way of an adult oxygen mask. It immediately woke up and started to imitate(模仿) the sounds of the sirens(警报器). Luckily, and the fire was finally controlled to only one room in the house, according to the Middleton Fire Department.

    (1)、What can we infer from the underlined sentence?         
    A、The fireman succeeded in finding an old woman in the house. B、The fireman failed to find an old woman in the house. C、The firemen thought an old woman was in the fire. D、The firemen had difficulty finding an old woman in the fire.
    (2)、Who were in the fire?         
    A、None. B、A female parrot and a male parrot. C、Two male parrots. D、Two female parrots.
    (3)、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?         
    A、The firemen didn't save the parrots. B、The female parrot was given oxygen by an adult oxygen mask. C、The female parrot died in the end. D、The male parrot was as noisy as the other one.
    (4)、What type of text may the passage most probably be?         
    A、An email. B、An interview. C、A diary. D、A news report.
  • 18. 阅读短文,回答问题

    When you run into someone, will you say "Sorry"? When you get help from others, will you say "Thanks"? You will if you are polite.

    A new survey shows students seem to less and less polite as they grow up and middle school students aren't as polite as primary school students. They started to swear (说脏话) and laugh at their classmates.

    Wu Lin, 13, of Fujian, "More than 10 of 22 boys in my class often swear," Wu said. "We just swear for fun most of the time. But later, I understood that it was bad for me. So I stopped. "

    Li Fangfang, 13, Beijing, knows that laughing at others can really hurt. "Once, a classmate put up her hand to answer a question. But she didn't give the right answer. Then some classmates laughed at her," Li says. "From that day on, she never put up her hand. Those laughing kids hurt her a lot. "

    "Impoliteness comes from students' growing pains( 痛苦), "says Wang Yamin, a teacher of Xiamen University." Some middle school students become impolite because their classmates or parents do things that way. They think it's cool and funny. But our people are famous for politeness. Every student should speak and do things politely to respect others and let others respect you. "

    (1)、What does the survey show about middle school students?         
    A、They don't know how to be polite. B、They are less polite than before. C、They are more polite than parents. D、They laugh at polite students.
    (2)、How many boys are there in Wu Lin's class?
    A、13. B、10. C、22. D、32.
    (3)、What does Li Fangfang think of laughing at others?         
    A、It may hurt the person a lot. B、It is really cool and funny. C、It is nothing serious. D、It is part of growing up.
    (4)、What does Wang Yamin think students should do?         
    A、They should stay away from growing pains. B、They shouldn't do what others do. C、They should ask others to respect them. D、They should be polite and respect others.
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)

    Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator. He is known for developing the first hybrid rice (杂交水稻). He was born in Beijing in 1930. He loved playing the erhu, swimming and motorcycling. He graduated (毕业), Hunan Province.

    In 1960, a very serious food shortage happened in China. A large number of people died of hunger and illnesses. Yuan Longping could hardly fall asleep at night. He thought it was time for him to do something for his country and people. He decided to find a way to solve the problem. Since then, he had devoted(奉献,投身)

    He kept on his research. Now the "Super Rice" yields over 1, 100 kilograms each mu. Chinese people have enough rice to eat, and hybrid rice has also brought good news to the people of many other countries all over the world.

    By the achievements, Yuan Longping is called "The Father of Hybrid Rice".

    (1)、Where did Yuan Longping graduate?  ( 不超过5个词)
    (2)、How many kilograms does the "Super Rice" yield each mu now?  (不超过10个词)
    (3)、What is Yuan Longping called because of his achievements? (不超过10个词)

五、单词拼写, 根据首字母及汉语提示, 完成下列单词的拼写, 使句意明确, 语言通顺。(共5小题: 每小题1分, 满分5分)

六、书面表达(共1小题, 满分20分)

  • 25. 某英语论坛发起主题为"How to get on well with classmates"的讨论,呼吁大家关注同学关系,友好相处,请你就这一主题发表自己的看法.

    提示: 1)Do you think it is important to get on well with classmates?  Why or why not?

    2)Give some advice on getting on well with classmates. (At least 3 pieces)

    要求: 1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;

