牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级上册Unit 3随堂小练

试卷更新日期:2022-08-03 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Could you help me operate the new machine?

    —With pleasure.

    A、make, work B、repair C、fix
  • 2. The living room is tiny.
    A、very big B、very bright C、very small
  • 3. She was able to read when she was five years old.
    A、can B、could C、may
  • 4. My new mobile phone is very small.
    A、tiny B、big C、short
  • 5. When I was young, I always depended on others.
    A、made friends with B、laughed at C、relied on
  • 6. I hope our city will become           .
    A、more beautiful and more beautiful B、more and more beautiful C、more beautifully
  • 7. — The Internet service fees are too high, and the speed is too low.

    — That's why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators(运营商)to provide ____________ Internet.

    A、many cheaper and quicker B、very cheaper and quicker C、much cheaper and quicker
  • 8. ____________ can you do with computers?
    A、Where B、How C、What
  • 9. Thank you for _______ us with the task. I look forward to _______ with you next time.
    A、helping; working. B、to help; work C、helping; work
  • 10. _______, Shenzhen was still a small village.
    A、In 1740s B、In the year of 1740s C、In the 1740s



  • 17. 完形填空

    Collecting coins in my hobby, and it has brought me a lot of fun. Now I share the hobby 1 my children. Getting children interested in coin collecting 2 easy. Here are four ways I have used to get my kids 3.

    Start small

    Many coin collectors buy coins of great value(价值). But children needn't consider the value. Let your children start with a set 4 Jefferson Nikcels(5分镍币). This set is the 5 to collect and almost all of them can be 6 in coin shops.

    Bring home surprise

    OK, you know the coin they are looking at is 7 and common. But you should be excited at 8 they are looking at.

    Buy them a nice box

    Go shopping and choose 9 nice box for your children 10 their coins in. 11 will help them to keep their collection organized. 12, having a nice box will keep their excitement high. Every time they show their collection to their friends, they will feel good.

    Give them one of 13

    Find a great coin in your collection and hand it down to your children. This coin needs to be a bit common, so 14 something happens to it, the world doesn't end. But it also 15 to be special, or your children may have no interest in it.

    A、by B、in C、on D、with
    A、is B、isn't C、are D、aren't
    A、started B、start C、starts D、starting
    A、so that B、so far C、such as D、such that
    A、easy B、easier C、easyer D、easiest
    A、find B、found C、finding D、finds
    A、use B、useful C、useless D、uselessly
    A、what B、when C、who D、where
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、keeping B、kept C、to keep D、keeps
    A、It B、What C、These D、Those
    A、Also B、Too C、Although D、Because
    A、you B、your C、yours D、themselves
    A、if B、that C、what D、which
    A、needed B、needs C、is needing D、need