北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 2 Teams Lesson 6 A Special Team 第二课时

试卷更新日期:2022-08-03 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 翻译
    (1)、 adj. 足够的
    (3)、v. 收集
    (4)、journey n.
    (5)、encourage v.
    (6)、support v. & n.
    (7)、 adv. 安全地;平安地
    (8)、 adj. 幸运的
    (9)、 n. & v. 希望
    (10)、solve v.
  • 2. 翻译
    (1)、problem n.
    (2)、into prep.


  • 3. 短语翻译
    (1)、 散步
    (2)、 逐个地,一个接一个地
    (3)、 正在那时
    (4)、 寻找
    (5)、 将……分成
    (6)、make sure


  • 4. 我们直到明天才能下山。

    We go down the mountain tomorrow.

  • 5. 他们找到了一些,但是不够给每个人。

    They found some, but not everyone.

  • 6. 他还把所有的手机都收集起来,确保每组都有一部。

    He also all the mobile phones and each group had one.

  • 7. 每隔30分钟,组长让手机亮一下,=,这些亮光让大家在漆黑的雨夜中感到安全。

    Every 30 minutes, the group leaders flashed their mobile phones, and the light in the dark rainy night made everyone .


  • 8. The bad weather ________ for three days.
    A、lasted B、began C、started D、left
  • 9. This is the best way I can think of ________ this problem.
    A、solve B、to solve C、solving D、solved
  • 10. The couple ________ arguing about the housework right now.
    A、is B、are C、was D、be
  • 11. — Look! It's raining ________.

    — That's great. It's too hot these days.

    A、greatly B、heavily C、quickly D、hardly
  • 12. Her success ________ me to try the same thing.
    A、improved B、changed C、encouraged D、divided
  • 13. ________ just two minutes, everything changed.
    A、In B、At C、On D、To
  • 14. Mary gave a book ________ me.
    A、for B、to C、at D、on
  • 15. They will have fun ________ English this term.
    A、learning B、to learn C、learned D、learns


  • 16. 选词填空

    dark, earthquake, enough, journey, leader, support, shake

    (1)、A good team helps everyone to work together.
    (2)、There are not blankets for everyone.
    (3)、The sun went down and soon it was .
    (4)、The room started . Dishes fell and broke.it was an .
    (5)、They walked for six hours. It was a very long and everyone was tired.
    (6)、It was very difficult but the team members each other.


  • 17. 完形填空

    The Reason for Living

        I'm only twelve years old, but I know sadness and the fear of death very well. My grandfather has been smoking since he was a young teenager, and now he has a terrible 1 which makes it hard for him to breathe. Two weeks ago, he had an operation. The doctors thought that his days were numbered, but 2 he got better. He was taken off the machine that helped him breathe, but still he couldn't talk.

        While my grandfather was in hospital, my mother and I flew to Pittsburgh to be with him. We were very 3 that we wouldn't see him again.

        When we reached my grandfather's hospital room, I was surprised by his 4 He looked so weak. He was hardly able to even speak. Somehow though, he managed to say, "I... you."

        "You what, Grandpa?" I asked. He didn't have the energy to answer me. He had used up all strength with those two words. "I... you."

        The next morning my mother and had to leave. I kept wondering just what he had tried so hard to tell 5. It wasn't until I was back home in Georgia that I learned what he had tried to say.

        A week after we returned home, my family received a phone call from one of the nurses in the hospital. She told us that my grandfather had said, "Call my granddaughter and tell her 'love'." At first I didn't understand why he would just say "love". Why not "I love you?" Then it 6 me. The day we were in the hospital he had been trying to say, "I love you." I was really touched.

        After many weeks, my grandfather was finally able to talk. I began to call him every night. Normally he had to stop after about five minutes because he was too weak. No matter what, though, every time we 7 he would say, "I love you" and "I'd do anything for you". These, along with his moving words, "You're the only reason I live", are the best compliments(赞美)have ever received.

        My grandfather is still very ill and I know we don't have much time. I feel very honored that he has 8 his feelings with me. I have learnt a lot from this experience. But the most important thing I've learned is that a simple "I love you" is really not simple. It's a reason for living.

    A、temper B、disease C、dream D、feeling
    A、unexpectedly B、unluckily C、hurriedly D、interestingly
    A、sad B、hopeless C、crazy D、fearful
    A、words B、clothes C、condition D、behavior
    A、her B、me C、him D、them
    A、hit B、beat C、knocked D、touched
    A、dropped in B、hung on C、hung up D、got up
    A、left B、shared C、experienced D、checked


  • 18. 阅读理解

        Summer vacation is coming. Attending a summer pro- gram is a good way to improve skills and make new friends. TeenLife has researched and collected the best summer activities for you.

        For more information, please log in www. Teenlife.com

        ●Snow Farm Summer

        At Snow Farm Summer, you're not a student, you're an artist! It offers small-group- studios(工作室) led by professional artists. The studios include glass, clay, metal, drawing/ painting and printmaking. They are for 8th-12th graders from July 15 to July 20, 2018.

        ●The Ithaca Summer Music Academy (ISMA)

        ISMA provides a creative and supportive environment for young adults to grow into musicians. Our program offers rich music courses which are taught by Ithaca College teachers and top music educators from across the country.

        Our program is open to grades 7-9. It is from July 8 to July 21,2018.

        ●National Teen Leadership Program (NTLP)

        Our leadership program includes leadership exercises and speech training. It will improve teens' leadership skills.

        Our program is open to students in grades 9-12. Our camps this year will be held at Chapman University, July 10-12 and at Sacramento State University, July 31-August 2.

        ●Engineering Experience

       Have you ever wanted to build a bridge? Program a robot? Join us for a hands-on, weeklong introduction to the world of engineering at Episcopal High School. Students will use their design skills and the scientific method to solve real engineering problems.

       It is open to 7th-9th graders and starts on July 10, 2018.

    (1)、If a 10th grader wants to improve painting skills, he/she can join ________.
    A、Snow Farm Summer B、National Teen Leadership Program C、Engineering Experience D、The Ithaca Summer Music Academy
    (2)、What can students do in NTLP?
    A、Take part in art studios. B、Take some music courses. C、Receive speech training. D、Learn to design a bridge.
    (3)、If a student wants to learn how to program a robot, he/ she will take the course at ________.
    A、Ithaca College B、Episcopal High School C、Chapman University D、Sacramento State University