北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 3 The Big Game 第二课时

试卷更新日期:2022-08-03 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 翻译
    (1)、extremely adv.
    (2)、goal n.
    (3)、foul n.,v.
    (4)、 v.应该,应当


  • 2. 短语翻译
    (1)、 赢得比赛
    (2)、lose his car keys
    (3)、 打网球



  • 5. My father agreed ________ a new computer for me.
    A、buy B、buying C、to buy D、bought
  • 6. I'm going to complain ________ the manager about this.
    A、for B、at C、of D、to
  • 7. — We lost the basketball game against Class Six.

    — ________

    A、What a shame! B、How exciting! C、Very good. D、Sounds great!
  • 8. Who ________ first prize in the spoken English match yesterday?
    A、win B、wined C、wins D、won
  • 9. —What ____ news!
    —Yes, all of the children were ____.

    A、excited; exciting B、exciting; excited C、excited; excited D、exciting; exciting
  • 10. —Hurry up! The bus is coming.

    —Wait a minute. Don't cross the street __________ the traffic lights are green.

    A、until B、after C、while D、since




  • 20. 阅读理解

        Nowadays, gardening has been great fun. For lots of people in the world, young and old, gardening is something they love. They enjoy making a beautiful garden as well as getting their hands dirty while doing it. So why has it become millions of people's favourite thing to do?

        In fact, gardening is a good way to relax. Planting new flowers and vegetables with many other gardening things helps you keep active. Also, it may help you get along better with your partners.

        A well-kept(维护良好的)garden can bring joy to our life. It's a great place to spend sunny afternoons. With a cup of tea in one hand you can enjoy the flowers and grass of the garden. How wonderful it is! As the sun slowly sets in the sky, the sunlight will make you feel quiet and relaxed. It's so nice!

        It is true that gardening has to take time and you need to work all year round. However, putting time into it as a hobby will give you much more and this is why many people enjoy it.

    (1)、How many advantages of gardening are mentioned in the passage?
    A、One. B、Two C、Three. D、Four.
    (2)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Getting hands dirty is also a happy thing for gardening lovers. B、Doing gardening by yourself will make you get less. C、Gardening is a hobby that needs little time. D、If you want to be quiet, you have to do gardening in the afternoon.
    (3)、This passage mainly tells us ________.
    A、a well-kept garden can make sadness away from your life B、gardening can take time and you need to work all year round C、why many people take gardening as a hobby D、why so many people enjoy the sunlight in a garden
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Roller Coaster Ride

        I had never been on a real roller coaster. Fear of speed, fear of heights: They just weren't for me. The closest I had ever got was a kiddie-coaster when I was six. It was probably six feet tall, but I had it stopped even before we got up roller to the first slope.

        So today I just waited for my friends while they took the 53 mph roller-coaster-riding. As they stepped off the ride, they all tried to persuade(说服)me to follow them onto the next one.

        "Come on, Lisi!" Jennifer said, "You're so boring! Just come with us!"

        "It's not that scary, "added Jackie, "I'll sit next to you."

        Look! This is the slowest ride in the park!" Christina pointed out.

        Finally, I gave in and agreed to get on the roller coaster, although I still wasn't sure. Of course everyone had come out alive so far, but you never know what will happen.

        As we stood in line, I got more scared. "It looks really big from down here," I worried out loud. Finally, we reached the front of the line. I sat in a seat with Jackie and said that I would not let go of her hand until we were safely off the ride.

        As soon as we started moving, began to scream and held Jackie's hand tightly. We started to climb the slope toward the highest point of the ride.


        It felt as if something had broken. We started falling fast. The wind blew hard and it seemed like my face would blow off. I screamed so loud that I couldn't hear myself anymore. Oh my gosh, we weren't going to stop! I knew it. This had been a terrible idea. I closed my eyes, never stop- ping my scream.


        The ride came suddenly to a stop. opened my eyes. We were back where we started! I hadn't died! I stepped off the ride, tired and dizzy. My friends looked at me, searching for my reaction.

        "Can we do that again?" I said in a low voice.

    (1)、What happened when Lisi was on a kiddie-coaster at six?
    A、She fell off the ride. B、She refused to step off. C、She had it stopped. D、She screamed with joy.
    (2)、Lisi finally decided to ride the roller coaster because ________.
    A、her friends persuaded her B、she loved trying new things C、her friends enjoyed the ride D、she disliked waiting for friends
    (3)、What did the writer think of the roller coaster ride in the end?
    A、It was boring and tiring. B、It was challenging but fun. C、It was scary and dangerous. D、It was safe but disappointing.


  • 22. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题

        In the UK, Saturday night is a popular time for families to watch TV together. What kind of TV show do British people like most? The talent show? Of course! Anyone of any age with some sorts of talent can take part in it and try their best to make their dreams come true.

        Among all the talent shows, Britain's Got Talent is probably the most popular one in the country. When it's on air on a Saturday night, millions of people sit in front of TV and have fun. From seeing the contestants'(竞争者)talents. TV reviewers can vote for their favourite contestants. The winner can usually get not only lots of money, but also the chance to perform in front of the Queen.

        Britain's Got Talent started in 2007. Although some people didn't win the contest, they have also become famous and successful. For example, Susan Boyle, the second of Britain's Got Talent in 2009. She didn't look like a good singer in her fifties. But her beautiful songs touched the hearts of people all over the world, making her a singing superstar. In 2012, 17-year-old girl Ashleigh and her dancing dog Pudsey stood out and became the winner at last.

    (1)、What kind of TV show do British people like most?
    (2)、When does the talent show play on TV?
    (3)、Do TV reviewers play a role in deciding the winner?
    (4)、What can the winner usually get?
    (5)、How many examples does the writer give in the last paragraph?