人教版(PEP)五年级上学期Unit 1 What's he like 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2022-08-01 类型:同步测试


  • 1. He is a football _____________.
    A、play B、player C、playing
  • 2. — Do you have new teachers?


    A、Yes, I am. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes, it is.
  • 3. My brother can _____________ English.
    A、say B、speak C、tell
  • 4. — _____________ is that boy?

    — He's my friend, Jack.

    A、Who B、Where C、What
  • 5. — What's your mother like?

    — ______________________

    A、She is a nurse. B、She has some bread. C、She is friendly.
  • 6. Is he _____________ old man?
    A、a B、an C、/
  • 7. She's _____________ PE teacher.
    A、us B、we C、our
  • 8. _____________ you know Miss Zhang?
    A、Is B、Do C、Are
  • 9. Sarah is clever _____________ helpful.
    A、and B、or C、but
  • 10. Ms Wang _____________ our new Chinese teacher.
    A、do B、are C、will be



  • 16. What's your English teacher like? (根据实际情况回答)

    is .
