外研版(三起点)六年级上学期Module1 Unit2同步训练

试卷更新日期:2022-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —________ is Linda?

    —She is in the bedroom.

    A、What B、Where C、How
  • 2. Harbin is _______ the north of China.
    A、on B、to C、in
  • 3. There are ________ books on the desk.
    A、a lot of B、a lot C、much
  • 4. This is a map _______ Qingdao.
    A、of B、to C、in
  • 5. —I'm going to the park. What about you?


    A、I'm a student. B、I like playing basketball. C、I'm going to the library.
  • 6. What _______ big map of the US!
    A、an B、a C、/
  • 7. —Where's the West Lake?

    — It's in the _______ of China.

    A、west B、east C、south
  • 8. There is _______ to see.
    A、lot B、a lot of C、lots
  • 9. He has got _____ apple.   

    A、such a big  B、such an big   C、such big an
  • 10. __ Beijing ___Lhsa, it's such a big country.

    A、To, to  B、From, from C、From, to
  • 11. Where is _____? 

    A、the Mexico  B、Mexico C、the Canada


  • 12. 仿照示例写句子。

    例:   east, 24,000,000

    This is Shanghai. It's in the east of China. It has got about 24 million people.

      north, 20, 000 ,000 

  • 13. ①New York is in the of America.    

    ②The America flag's got stars.

    ③What I?                          

    ④Tell me more China . Where is Qingdao?

      New York to Tennessee, it's such a big country.

  • 14. 一张中国地图 



    in the east 

    ten million 

    lots of   =      


  • 15. 按要求完成下列各题。
    (4)、where is (缩写形式)
  • 16. —How long is the ?

    —It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.

  • 17. —Where is Beijing?

    —It's in .

  • 18. The is very beautiful.


  • 19. 给下列句子选择正确的答语。

    A. Yes, it is.

    B. It's in the east of China.

    C. It has got five million people.

    D. It's five thousand kilometres long.

    E. Yes, I am.

    (1)、—Where's Shanghai?

    (2)、—Is it in our town?

    (3)、—How big is it?

    (4)、—Are you a student?

    (5)、—How long is it?


  • 20. 英汉互译。
    (1)、in the east
    (4)、a lot of animals


  • 21. 给下列每组单词选择一个同类词

    A. west    B. are    big    D. hundred

    (1)、thousand million
    (2)、south north
    (3)、old long
    (4)、am is


  • 22. 选择合适的选项完成对话。

    A:1nice picture!

    B: Yes, it is. It's a2of Kunming.

    A: Tell me more3it.4is it?

    B: It has5more than seven million people.

    A:6s it?

    B: It's7the south of China.

    A、How B、What C、Where
    A、map B、city C、picture
    A、about B、to C、in
    A、What about B、How long C、How big
    A、got B、have C、get
    A、What B、Where C、How
    A、on B、to C、in


  • 23. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

        Hainan is in the south of China. It's a beautiful island(岛). It's very nice. It's always sunny and warm. It doesn't have winter. You can enjoy the sunshine at the beach every season. And you can see coconuts everywhere. From December to February, a lot of people come here to relax.

    (1)、Hainan is in the _______ of China.
    A、south B、north C、west
    (2)、— Is Hainan a beautiful island?

    — _______.

    A、Yes, he is B、No, it doesn't C、Yes, it is
    (3)、Hainan is always _______ and warm.
    A、 B、 C、
    (4)、In Hainan, you can see _______ everywhere.
    A、 B、 C、
    (5)、From _______ to _______, a lot of people come to Hainan to relax.
    A、January; February B、December; February C、February; December