外研版(三起点)五年级上学期Module1 Unit1同步训练

试卷更新日期:2022-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 英汉对应连线

    ⑴wait for me                      A. 快点

    ⑵a little boy                      B. 回来

    ⑶hurry up                         C. 等等我

    ⑷come back                     D. 一个小男孩



  • 13. 写出下列动词的过去式。


  • 14. 给下列句子选择恰当的答语。

    A. Yes, I live near the London Eye.

    B. I'm fine, thank you.

    C. No, we came back last Sunday.

    D. No, I came to school by bus.

    E. Hurry up, Lingling!

    (1)、—How are you, Mike?

    (2)、—Did you come back yesterday?

    (3)、—Wait for me!

    (4)、—Did you walk to school yesterday.

    (5)、—Do you live in London?


  • 15. dropped,  I,  ice,  my,  cream  (.)(连词成句)
  • 16. to,  I,  bus,  came,  by,  school (.)(连词成句)
  • 17. back,  last,  she,  from,  Sunday,  came,  London(.)(连词成句)
  • 18. lived,  Amy,  her,  near,  friend (.)(连词成句)
  • 19. 连词成句,注意大、小写及标点符号

    (1)、the, yesterday, did, Amy, to, go, park (?)

    (2)、by, home, bus, I, went, yesterday(.)

    (3)、you, do, city, live, in, this (?)

    (4)、are, we, home, now, going (.)

    (5)、you, buy, what, did, London, in (?)


  • 20. 选词填空。

    A. those  B. yesterday  C. Did  D. ice cream  E. met

    (1)、ILucy in London Town last week.
    (2)、Look atbooks. They are new.
    (3)、Lingling dropped her.
    (4)、you have bread this morning.
    (5)、Amy walked to school.