牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上学期Module4 Unit12同步训练

试卷更新日期:2022-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Many things make the Earth dirty. The Earth ________ sick.
    A、get B、gets C、got
  • 2. What can we do ________ the Earth?
    A、help B、helping C、to help
  • 3. —What are the brown parts on the map of the Earth?

    —They are ________.

    A、land B、forests C、oceans
  • 4. Smoke ________ cars and buses makes the air dirty.
    A、on B、in C、from
  • 5. We should write on ________ sides of paper.
    A、every B、both C、all
  • 6. Many customers (顾客) stop using ________ in the supermarket.
    A、shopping bags B、plastic bags C、handbags
  • 7. We should ________ glass and paper to keep the Earth clean.
    A、throw away B、recycle C、use
  • 8. We should stop throwing rubbish ________ rivers.
    A、into B、down C、up




  • 15. 读一读,选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A. What can I do?

    B. It's for Earth Day.

    C. I can draw some signs on the poster.

    D. They should stop cutting down trees.

    E. On Earth Day, people work together to keep the Earth clean and healthy.

    David: What are you doing, Simon?

    Simon: I'm making a poster.

    David: What is Earth Day?


    David: That's wonderful!

    Simon: We can make a poster together. We can tell people to save the Earth.

    Simon: Yes! I'm good at drawing.

    David: Good idea.Where do we put this poster?

    Simon: We can put it in the classroom. Every student can see it on Earth Day.


  • 16. 读一读,选择合适的单词填空完成句子

    rubbish     ocean    forests    land    rivers    Earth

    (1)、The green and brown parts of the Earth are and .
    (2)、The water from all goes into the .
    (3)、Pick up the and keep the ground clean.
    (4)、The gets sick because some parts of it become dirty.


  • 17. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题

    Water covers (覆盖) 70% of the Earth. Many fish and sea animals live in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans on the Earth.

    In the oceans, you can find small beautiful animals—starfish (海星) and sea horses (海马).

    You can find some big animals. Dolphins are big and clever. They love playing with people.

    People also get food from the oceans. The seafood we eat is from the oceans. Fishermen use nets (网) to catch fish in the deep sea.

    The oceans are important to all animals on the Earth. Animals get sick when the water is dirty. We must keep the oceans healthy.

    (1)、What covers 70% of the Earth?
    (2)、What beautiful animals can you find in the oceans?
    (3)、What big animals can you find in the oceans?
    (4)、What do fishermen get from the deep sea?
    (5)、Why must we keep the oceans healthy?
  • 18. 阅读理解

    I'm Kate. Emily is my little sister. She's only five years old. She is very lovely. She can play the piano very well. She likes drawing very much, but she's very bad at drawing.

    One afternoon, my mother gave her some pieces of paper and crayons. She asked Emily to draw an animal. "No problem. I will finish the job soon," said Emily with a smile. Then she came into her bedroom and drew the picture quietly and carefully. Mother and I stayed in the kitchen and cooked some nice food for dinner.

    It took her three hours to finish the picture, but she was unhappy when we looked at it. "What a cute panda!" My mother said happily. "But I don't like pandas. I don't want to draw a panda. I want to draw a bear!" answered Emily.

    (1)、Emily is good at ________.
    A、drawing B、playing the piano C、both A and B
    (2)、Mother and Kate cooked for ________.
    A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner
    (3)、Who was unhappy?
    A、Emily. B、Kate. C、Kate's mother.
    (4)、What did Emily want to draw?
    A、A panda. B、A dog. C、A bear.
    (5)、What should Emily do?
    A、She should stop drawing. B、She should stop playing the piano. C、She should learn how to draw well.