牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上学期Module2 Unit4同步训练

试卷更新日期:2022-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Sam is my cousin. He is my aunt's ________.
    A、daughter B、son C、father
  • 2. —Did the rabbits ________ a hole?   

    —Yes, they ________ a hole yesterday.

    A、dig; dig B、dug; dug C、dig; dug
  • 3. Where ________ they from?
    A、are B、are come C、do
  • 4. ________ are my neighbours.
    A、The Blacks B、The Black C、Mr Black
  • 5. There ________ two apples and a pear on the table.
    A、was B、were C、is
  • 6. Today many rabbits sleep in holes, because it's very ________ underground.
    A、quite B、noisy C、quiet
  • 7. It's ________. Don't make a lot of ________.
    A、noisy; noisy B、noisy; noise C、noise; noise



  • 18. 选择恰当的句子,完成对话。

    A. I help people.

    B. I usually get people out of fire.

    C. I'm a policeman.

    D. I'm your new neighbour.

    E. What's your job?

    John: Hello, I'm John Chen. I live in Room 301. I moved here last week.

    Peter: Hello, I'm Peter. What do you do, Mr Chen?


    Peter: That's cool! What do you usually do?

    John: Sometimes I catch bad people.

    Peter: Do you like your job?

    John: Yes.

    Peter: I'm a fireman.



  • 22. 选择恰当的一项完成小短文。

    Sally met her neighbour Mrs Wang this morning.

    Sally: Hello, Mrs Wang! I didn't see you1 Where 2 you?

    Mrs Wang: I went to Shanghai. My daughter studies there.

    Sally: Shanghai is my hometown. I3  there. Did you have a good time?

    Mrs Wang: Yes, I did. We went to the Yu Garden (豫园). It was 4 !

    Sally: Did you eat 5nice food?

    Mrs Wang: Yes, we did. The Xiaolongbao was wonderful!

    A、every week B、last week C、next week
    A、is B、was C、were
    A、were born B、was born C、am born
    A、beautiful B、terrible C、healthy
    A、some B、a C、any



  • 25. 读一读,根据短文内容填空,完成对话。

        My name is Jack. I am eight years old. My father is a cook. He goes to work at five o'clock in the morning. My mother is a shop assistant. She goes to work at half past nine. She comes home at ten o'clock in the evening. When I get up at seven o'clock, my father is working and my mother is sleeping. I go to school at half past seven. After school, I go to my grandma's home. I eat dinner and do my homework there. Sometimes I watch TV and play with my grandma's dog. I like it very much. I go home at eight o'clock in the evening. I go to bed at nine o'clock.

    Miss Li: What time do you go to school, Jack?

    Jack: I go to school at .

    Miss Li: Can you see your father in the morning?

    Jack: No. He at five o'clock.

    Miss Li: What time do you go home?

    Jack: I go home at in the evening.

    Miss Li: Can you see your mother in the evening?

    Jack: No. She at ten o'clock. I go to bed at .