牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级上学期Module3 Unit8同步训练

试卷更新日期:2022-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Let's open the box ________ this key.
    A、and B、with C、use
  • 2. Peter ________ milk every day.
    A、is drinking B、drinks C、drink
  • 3. Look________. There's a rabbit under the table.
    A、down B、at C、up
  • 4. Let's ________ a story before bedtime.
    A、reading B、read C、reads
  • 5. I like this diamond, but my mother ________ like it.
    A、doesn't B、isn't C、don't





  • 19. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    The Browns have an outing. They take some food and water. And they start their journey at eight o'clock in the morning. They ride their bikes along City Road. After twenty minutes, they arrive at Green Hill. They climb up the hill and have a rest at the top of the hill. At nine o'clock, they start again. They arrive at Diamond Lake at about a quarter to ten. It's a beautiful lake. The water is clean. Some white swans and black swans are swimming in the lake. Then the Browns have a picnic by the lake.

    (1)、The Browns have an outing.
    (2)、The Browns go on an outing by car.
    (3)、The Browns arrive at Green Hill at half past eight.
    (4)、The Browns arrive at Diamond Lake at about 9:15.
    (5)、There are some white swans and black swans in the lake.


  • 20. 说说你和你的家人或朋友的一次外出旅游或爬山的见闻,可以参考以下句型:

    We have an outing…

    We get there…

    We see…