
试卷更新日期:2022-07-22 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

    Bruce Lee was an actor, martial arts (武术) master and filmmaker. Many people consider him one of the most influential martial arts experts of all time.

    He was born in San Francisco, although his parents came from Hong Kong. His father was a famous opera singer, who appeared in numerous Chinese films. As a child in such family, Bruce appeared in films from the time he was a baby And by the age of 18 he had acted in 20 films.

    Lee, as a young man, was determined about whatever he was doing. At college, he took up boxing, taking it so seriously that he became a champion, despite only having trained for a short time. Though Lee's first love was martial arts, he became well-known in Hong Kong for his fighting skills.

    Lee's philosophy on martial arts influenced his entire approach to life. He firmly believed that life had to be lived to its fullest potential. And a person should follow his beliefs and live an active life.

    He was convinced that if you lived a life worthy of being remembered, you would live in people's heart forever. Bruce Lee certainly achieved this, as he is also respected as the originator of what today is called Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

    Bruce Lee has been named as one of the most influential people in the 20中century. He is considered wise, practical and dedicated. His influence remains, even though he died in 1973 at the age of32.

    (1)、What is the major reason leading Lee into films?
    A、His family. B、His talent. C、His training. D、His nationality.
    (2)、Which of the following best describes Lee according to the passage?
    A、Caring. B、Honest. C、Determined. D、Humorous.
    (3)、What can we learn about Lee?
    A、His father taught him martial arts. B、He is the originator of martial arts. C、His martial arts influence people a lot. D、He was the most famous actor in the 20 century.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When I was a boy, I disliked the feeling of "being a stranger" if my family went on holiday to another country.

    At the age of seven, we went to visit a family friend in France. I had been practicing my French and was excited to use it. I spoke the first French words in a bakery in Paris. Despite a carefully prepared request, I was not ready for the rapid fire response. I had no idea what the sales girl said! I was so upset and knew if I wanted to get better, I would have to put in more efforts.

    I started studying Chinese after my trip to China and I studied at Beijing Normal

    University in the late 1990s. I knew the language would help me to understand China better.

    Like Chinese, my motivation to study Russian came from my interest in the country's history, culture and music. Although I studied languages before joining the foreign office, I hoped that one day I would work internationally.

    As a native English speaker, I didn't expect people to understand me while traveling the world. I wanted to make efforts to understand others through their languages.

    Leaning a language also improves how you express yourself. When you have limited vocabulary, you have to creatively communicate your messages and meanings. This can also benefit communication skills in your first language. You'll become more aware of the words you use and how you want people to respond.

    Being able to speak other languages gives you another dimension. Not necessarily in terms of personality, but in your ability to have richer experiences with a broader mind.

    (1)、What upset the author in the bakery?
    A、He didn't meet his friend. B、He couldn't speak French. C、He didn't prepare the request. D、He couldn't understand the girl.
    (2)、Why did the author study Russian?
    A、To live in Russia. B、To travel the world. C、To join the foreign office. D、To learn more about Russia.
    (3)、What does the author intend to tell us?
    A、Ways of learning foreign languages. B、Benefits of learning foreign languages. C、Efforts needed to speak a language well. D、Different languages in different countries.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Robots can be programmed to move a car and even perform some operations. However, when it comes to picking up something that they have not touched before, such as an egg, they often fail. Now, engineers have invented an artificial fingertip (指尖) which breaks that limitation. It enables machines to sense objects as a human fingertip does.

    Engineers have been working hard to make robots flexible and sensitive. When researchers from a university began designing an artificial fingertip in 2009, they used human skin as a guide. Their first fingertip was about the size of a coke can. By 2018, 3D printing made it about the size of an adult's big toe, with the multi-layered structure like human skin.

    The latest breakthrough is called TacTip. Scientists include artificial nerve networks into the fingertip, which enables a robot to quickly process what it's sensing and react accordingly like a real finger.

    "A lot of our sense of touch is decided by our skin," says professor Benjamin, leader of the research team. In our fingertips, nerve endings will deform when the skin touches an object and then sends the signals to the brain about what's happening. Similarly, the nerve networks of TacTip pick up and translate those signals into the fingertip's actions, telling robots to handle objects of all shapes and sizes without programming, according to Benjamin.

    Some scientists doubt whether TacTip is only just skin-like. The signals from the artificial and human fingertips are not quite the same, as the signals in real skin are more intense. Other scientists think highly of this breakthrough. "At least it helps clarify how human touch works and is a necessary step to improve robotic touch," says professor Smith, a material scientist.

    (1)、Why does the writer mention "an egg" in Paragraph 1?
    A、To find a solution for engineers. B、To show robots have limitations. C、To tell how robots sense objects. D、To explain why robots often fail.
    (2)、Which of the following plays the most important role in the latest breakthrough?
    A、Artificial nerve networks. B、3D printing. C、Multi-layered structure. D、Human skin.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "deform"" mean in Paragraph 3?
    A、Develop. B、Stop working. C、Decrease. D、Change shapes.
    (4)、Which is the best title for the text?
    A、TacTip Changes How Touch Works in Humans B、Robots Have Become More Flexible and Sensitive C、Artificial Fingertip Gives Robots Human-like Touch D、Engineers Have Achieved a Breakthrough in 3D Printing


  • 4. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。缺一空

    Imagine taking a voyage to the deepest part of the ocean. What types of thing would you expect to see? Would you see familiar animals and plants or find strange and new ones?

    Scientists keep looking for new species and new facts

    Diving deep in the ocean

    The deep ocean, 1,000 meters below the surface, is freezing cold.

    What's worse, the water pressure can harm you if you don't have protective devices on. Therefore, deep divers wear special diving suits to protect themselves from the water pressure. , some of which have robot arms that can collect samples of water, soil, and small animals underwater.

    Using satellites for tracking

    Satellites up in space can help to track sea animals travels in the ocean. Scientists attach some e animals with electronic sensors to study them. Then, a satellite can track the signal from the sensor attached on the animal's fin or back., Besides, scientists can use this signal to predict the animal's future movements.

    What types of animals are in the ocean? How many are there? Oceanographers studied and counted animals for ten years to discover the answers. They looked at all the world's oceans from the North Pole to the South Pole. They counted more than 30,000 species in more than 30 million records. More than 6,000 new species had never been seen before!

    However, not all the animals have been discovered.

    There are many more surprises to come!

    A. Counting sea animals

    B. Living deep underwater

    C. The more they explore, the more they find

    D. It shows when, where, and how the animal travels

    E. For really deep dives, they ride in small submarines

    F. Life is more diverse than people previously thought

    G. With sensors, some fish have traveled over 75,000 kilometers


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Martin and Weiss, both were art teachers in a local primary school. They spoke to their students, aged 6 to 11, about the1of opening a hotline.

    The teachers asked the students to think of how they stayed2 throughout the pandemic (大流行病). They also asked them to recall moments when they were in trouble and received helpful3 "So all of the responses are really coming from the kids and their own life4. And their advice is based on their - 5 years on this planet," Martin said. The teachers and their students also hung a number of posters throughout the town6positive messages.

    The hotline was launched on February 26 and - 7 more than 500 calls in just two days. It8 receives up to 90 calls per hour. After dialing, you'll be provided with a menu of options, such as life advice, encouragement and even 9songs from kindergartners.

    Amy, who10a serious disease, says she has called the hotline several times for encouragement and has even11it with fellow patients." It's joy, straight from the Mouths of12," she told the journalist." We adults forget 13 that spreading positive thinking can really be that14"

    The hotline, which is funded by a charity, will be15with more messages in the coming months. Martin hopes to find more funding to keep the hotline operating well.

    A、theory B、idea C、code D、tale
    A、positive B、polite C、modest D、curious
    A、patent B、clues C、advice D、conclusions
    A、quotes B、meanings C、goals D、experiences
    A、busy B、late C、short D、extra
    A、editing B、sending C、checking D、correcting
    A、received B、made C、missed D、refused
    A、suddenly B、randomly C、currently D、apparently
    A、scary B、complex C、boring D、cheerful
    A、worries about B、works on C、finds out D、suffers from
    A、combined B、shared C、created D、compared
    A、teachers B、patients C、kids D、adults
    A、diseases B、justice C、rumours D、kindness
    A、formal B、simple C、strange D、urgent
    A、updated B、bothered C、covered D、charged


  • 6. Children haveurge to meet the astronauts coming back from the ShenzhouXII spacecraft.
  • 7. He stayed in hospital(temporary) before he moved into the nursing home not far away.
  • 8. Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics attracted a great many(participant) worldwide.
  • 9. sports apps becoming popular, more and more people are doing exercise at home.
  • 10. The population of the world is growing constantly,means we need new resources to meet the needs of people.
  • 11. Pepper is an important part of daily life for people(live) in Sichuan province.
  • 12. I often sleep with the windows openit is really noisy outside.
  • 13. The carnival held in our school last week(sponsor) by several famous graduates.
  • 14. Lily couldn't find my missing parcel and asked me what.looked like.
  • 15. (describe) as soft power, culture plays an important role in the development of society.


  • 16. Youngsters tend toit (认为理所当然) that parents should do everything for them and give them whatever they want.
  • 17. I didn't understand the new word until I looked it up in the dictionary. (改为倒装句)

      I looked the new word up in the dictionaryI understand it.

  • 18. It seemed that we had experienced four seasons in a day. (句型转换)

    We seemed   four seasons in a day.

  • 19. "Can I apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon?" Mary asked (改为间接引语)

    Mary asked  apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon.

  • 20. Mary had lost her Bing Dwen Dwen, so she felt very sad. (用分词作状语改写)
  • 21. They are testing out the new system to see if it works well. (用被动语态改写)
  • 22. 让孩子们高兴的是他们下周将去旅游。(用名词性从句翻译)


  • 23. 你正在准备英语课堂演讲,请以"The Importance of Physical Exercise"为主题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:






    The Importance of Physical Exercise


  • 24. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成-篇完整的短文。

    It was spring, and Steve wanted to get a new set (套装) of football, sports shoes, and a really cool backpack. There was only one problem. That great set was too expensive. Steve only saved $10, and that was not even close to what he would need to buy the set." I could ask mom and dad to give my pocket money in advance," he thought to himself, "but that would be a big advance!"

    That night, Steve told his parents the problem. "Have you ever thought about doing something for the neighborhood to earn some extra money?" asked his dad. "No, it would take me too long to earn the money," answered Steve, "I need the new set for the school football match in two weeks."

    "Well, if you earn part of the money, I'll advance you the rest. Is that OK?" suggested his dad. Steve agreed with the offer, went back to his bedroom and thought about what he could do to earn some money." Billy from next door takes care of Mrs. Smith's garden, Kelly walks Mr. Frank's dog, and Tony washes Mr. Lipton's car. There is nothing that I can do to ear some money," thought Steve.

    The next day after school, Steve went past the store, Sports Time. He loved to lok in the window at all the football equipment and other goods on the shelves. Steve went in and looked at the new football set he wanted.

    "Hi, Steve," said Mrs. Thomas," what can I do for you today?"

    "I want to see if there is a sale on that football set"

    "I am afraid not," said Mrs. Thomas, "it is sill S60."

    "I only have $10 saved, and my dad said if I could do something for the neighborhood, he would advance me the rest," said Steve, and he told her about the school football match.




    Paragraph 1:

    Seeing that Steve was eager for the set, Mrs. Thomas came up with an idea.

    Paragraph 2:

    With her permission, Steve mushed to the new football set excitedly.