牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级上册Unit 5 基础测试卷

试卷更新日期:2022-07-21 类型:单元试卷

一、语言知识运用(分二节,共15分) 第一节、单选选择(5分)

  • 1. He  ________  in this school since 1988.
    A、teaches B、taught C、has taught D、is teaching
  • 2. My pen-friend in America invited me to _____ his country.
    A、come over to B、say goodbye to C、keep in touch with D、look forward to
  • 3. —Sally, I will ________ the basketball match with Lucy and Lily!

    —Wow! It sounds so interesting.  Can I________ you?

    A、join, take part in B、take part in, join C、join, join in D、attend, take part in
  • 4. —Have you finished your homework_______?

    —Yes,I have ______ finished it.  Can I watch TV now, Mum?

    A、already, already B、yet, already C、yet, yet D、already, yet
  • 5. Miss Gao isn't here. She _____ to the bus station to meet Mr. Brown.

    A、go B、has gone C、has been D、would go


  • 6. 语法选择

    If you ask me what are my favorites, I 1 you that books are my favorites . I 2 a lot of books so far and I like Robinson Crusoe 3than any other book. It is such a good book that I like it a lot ,and Robinson is my idol(偶像). Robinson is a man who can survive (生存)on the small island with many cannibals. He can 4 all kinds of problems by 5. He fights with cannibals(食人族), he can not win at first , but he doesn't give up 6. In the end , the cannibals are beaten by Robinson. I can learn7from him.

    I never read books in a hurry, so I can have 8better understanding of them in that way. I also like taking notes while I 9, that will help me 10the details (细节).

    A、tell B、tells C、told D、will tell
    A、read B、have read C、will read D、is reading
    A、best B、better C、good D、well
    A、to solve B、solve C、solving D、solved
    A、him B、himself C、he D、his
    A、to try B、trying C、tried D、try
    A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、read B、am reading C、was reading D、reads
    A、remembering B、to remember C、remembered D、not to remember


  • 7. 完形填空

    Once upon a time, there was a little candle standing in a room 1 other candles. Most of other candles were much 2 and more beautiful than her. She had no idea why she was there, and the other candles made her feel rather 3 and not important. She wanted to leave away.

     When the sun went down and the room began to get 4, she noticed a man walking toward her with a box of matches (火柴). She thought that the man was going to set her on fire. No, no! she cried in fear, ―Don't 5 me, please! But she knew that she could not be heard, so she got prepared for the pain that would surely follow.

    To her surprise, the room was full of light. She wondered where it came from since the man extinguished (熄灭) his fire stick. To her 6, she realized that the light came from her. Then the man struck another match and, one by one, lit the other 7 in the room. Each one gave out the same light.  Over the next few hours, she 8 that her wax(蜡) was beginning to flow slowly. She knew that she would 9 die, and finally understood why she had been created. My 10 in my life is to give out light until I die, she said. And that's exactly what she did.

    A、covered with B、filled with C、filled in D、covered in
    A、larger B、easier C、hotter D、smaller
    A、perfect B、free C、awful D、happy
    A、shiny B、dark C、clear D、thick
    A、burn B、leave C、pull D、fight
    A、regret B、sadness C、shame D、happiness
    A、candles B、books C、posters D、crayons
    A、repaired B、noticed C、faced D、hoped
    A、only B、still C、soon D、just
    A、duty B、dream C、result D、plan

四、 阅读理解(40分)

  • 8. 阅读理解

    In a big amusement park, there were some students sitting on the ground. They were listening to a speech after spending a happy morning there. At the beginning of the speech, the speaker told them a story about himself. "When I was in middle school, our class was once asked to write about our dreams. That night I wrote down my dream of opening up an amusement park. However, my teacher gave me an "F" and told me to write it again," the speaker said. "Her reason was just that it was impossible for a poor boy to make such a dream come true. I went back home and asked my father what I should do. He told me to make the decision by myself. So I decided to make no changes. My teacher can keep the "F" and I'll keep my dream."

    "And what happened?" the students asked. All of them were anxious to know more about the story.

    "This is what is happening now. You are listening to my speech in my dream park," said the speaker. "I told you this story in order to make you know one thing: follow your heart, keep your dream und never let others destroy your dream."

    When the students were leaving the park, their teacher went over to the speaker. "Thank you, Mr. Black. I think my students have learned a lot from your speech. Here I have to say sorry to you. Some years ago, I was once a dream stealer and stole a lot of students' dreams, including yours. But you didn't give your dream up because of me," she said and then left.

    (1)、The speaker's teacher thought it was impossible for the speaker to make his dream come true because           .
    A、he was silly B、he was very poor C、he didn't study hard D、he was very lazy
    (2)、According to the passage, the speaker's final decision was           .
    A、to hold on to his dream B、to give up his dream easily C、to follow his father's advice D、to oppose his father's advice
    (3)、The underlined words "a dream stealer" probably means            .
    A、a person who has a great dream B、a person who makes others give up dreams C、a person who has no great dream D、a person who gives up his dreams
    (4)、We can know from the passage that           .
    A、the speaker's dream was too big to come true B、the speaker's father encouraged him to keep his dream C、the speaker's teacher felt sorry for what she had done some years ago D、the speaker's teacher encouraged him to keep his dream
    (5)、The speaker told the students his story in order that            .
    A、he could show off his success to the students B、he could tell the students to keep their dreams C、he could make the students know more about his school life D、he could tell the students he was poor
  • 9. 阅读理解

    At the moment, high school students in the state of Philadelphia, USA, can wear their own clothes. However, next year the high schools must do one of the following:

    ● Either make students buy school uniforms (in other words, all students must wear the same uniforms)

    ● Or say which colors must be worn, but let students buy their own clothes in these colors

    A survey made at Central High School, Philadelphia, showed that most of the students didn't think that wearing school uniforms was a good idea.

    Rachel didn't like the idea of a uniform in the slightest. "It makes us look like prisoners (囚犯). Everyone's different, so why is the school trying to make us all the same?"

    Sandra was wearing a brightly-colored shirt with her jeans. "No one else wears a shirt like mine, " she said. "I'm the only one, and I like that. I can understand that the school needs a dress code (准则). It's a problem if students come to school with their shirts open. We all understand that, but no one wants a uniform. Even my mum thinks it's silly."

    Only one student, Ben, said he didn't mind wearing a school uniform. He said,  "I used to wear a school uniform when I lived in Australia for a year. It wasn't so bad. You can wear a uniform and still be tidy. We used to wear grey trousers, a round-necked shirt and a jacket in blue or green. It wasn't a problem."

    (1)、The high schools in Philadelphia ________.
    A、don't allow students to wear their own clothes at present B、must make students buy school uniforms next year C、must let students wear clothes in different colors next year D、can choose not to let students buy school uniforms next year
    (2)、According to the survey made at Central High School in Philadelphia, ________.
    A、one third of the students thought wearing school uniforms was a good idea B、none of the students thought wearing school uniforms was a good idea C、not all students were against wearing school uniforms D、only one student was against wearing school uniforms
    (3)、In Rachel's opinion, ________.
    A、uniforms make students look ugly B、students should wear uniforms in the same way C、wearing a school uniform isn't a problem D、some colors must be worn at school
    (4)、When Ben lived in Australia, he used to wear ________ in the school.
    A、a brightly-colored shirt and jeans B、blue or green trousers and a round-necked jacket C、clothes that no one else wore D、a tidy school uniform
    (5)、What does the underlined word "that" mean in the sixth paragraph?
    A、No one wants a uniform. B、The school needs a dress code. C、Wearing a school uniform is stupid. D、Wearing one's own clothes isn't right.
  • 10. 阅读理解

     History was made in 2008 when Barack Obama became the first African-American president. Do you believe there will be a Chinese-American president? Ten-year-old Alana Muller is working hard to make her dream come true.

    However, there is a big problem ahead. It is that Alana Muller was not born in America. Born in Guangdong Province, China, Alana was adopted(收养) by an American couple when she was ten years old. When Alana's foster mother asked about her ambition, she said that she would like to be the U.S. president. But she was told that according to the law, the U.S. president had to be born in the United Stated.

    Unlike other girls, Alana didn't think of giving up. She considered the law unfair and planned to make changes. She wrote to President Obama with a joint letter signed by her classmates. In the letter, she talked about her ambition and how she would like his support to change the law. Though she received a reply from the White House, she was not satisfied with it.

    As a result, Alana started to attend Massachusetts state council(州议会)herself, hoping to change the law. In Alana's opinion, an old law written 200 years ago shouldn't stop the talents serving Americans now.

    (1)、Alana can't become the U.S. president because            .
    A、she is a Chinese-American B、she wasn't born in America C、she is too young D、she didn't know the American law
    (2)、In the third paragraph, the underlined word "it" refers to            .
    A、Alana's ambition B、American law C、Alana's birth place D、a reply from the White House
    (3)、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A、Alana's foster parents are both from America. B、A Chinese-American person can't be the American president. C、Alana wants to be an American president. D、The White House replied Alana's letter.
    (4)、Which is the correct order according to the passage?

    a. Alana wrote to President Obama.

    b. Alana was adopted by an American couple.

    c. Alana attended Massachusetts state council and hoped to change the law.

    d. Alana was born in Guangdong Province.

    e. Alana's foster mother asked about her ambition.

    A、d-e-b-a-c B、d-b-e-a-c C、b-d-e-a-c D、d-b-e-c-a
    (5)、What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A、Alana is trying to change the American law to become a president. B、Alana attends Massachusetts state council meeting every year. C、Alana wrote to President Obama to know about the law. D、Alana is a Chinese-American girl.
  • 11. 阅读理解



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    Tel: 020-82831111

    (1)、If you take a tour of Guilin on October 1, you will visit            on October 3.
    A、The Li River B、Yangshuo C、the Silver Rock D、other places of interest
    (2)、The price of the tour doesn't include            .
    A、meals B、hotels C、the tour guide service D、the bus service
    (3)、You can't book the tour            .
    A、at 10:00 on Tuesday morning B、at 4:00 on Thursday afternoon C、at 4:30 on Sunday afternoon D、at 10:30 on Saturday morning
    (4)、If your parents will take you, a 14-year-old student, to Guilin, how much will you pay for the tour in all?
    A、¥1, 500 B、¥800 C、¥2, 300 D、¥3, 800
    (5)、This is most probably taken from a(n)______ .       
    A、encyclopaedia B、advertisement C、report D、notice


  • 12. 阅读填空

    What's a present?

    Ten years ago, my family was poor. .  One day I came back from work, tired and hungry. To my surprise, I found my 10-year-old daughter decorating a box with some expensive paper. I was a little angry and said, You should spend money and time on more important things."

    The next morning, she came into my room with the box and said, "Daddy, it's a present for you. Wish you a happy father's Day." I was embarrassed (尴尬). . I became angry again and shouted, "Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there should be something inside it?"

    The little girl looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I put my kisses in the box. I filled it with my love. All for you, Daddy."

    . I put my arms around her and said, "Daddy is sorry. And thank you, my girl. This is the best present in the world!"

    A. And we lived a hard life.

    B. Tears came into my eyes.

    C. And what present can make others happy?

    D. But when I opened the box, there was nothing in it.

    E. Hearing that, my daughter ran into her room without saying anything.


  • 13. 短文填词

    My exchange visit will end, but I will never f this experience in England.

    In England, I have lived in a h family. The family members are very f to me. They have taken me to visit many places of interest. And they have cooked traditional English food for me. I have studied in a language school. There I have learnt about their language, c and history. I think going on an exchange visit is a great experience. It will help you get along well with different people and learn many different things. If you have a c, don't miss it.


  • 14. 你什么时候来中国看我?

    When will you   China and see me?

  • 15. 我只能给你提供关于这件事的一点点信息。

    I can only give you    information about it.

  • 16. 至今为止,他已经在这家公司工作了十年了。

    He in this company for ten years .

  • 17. 昨天我向全班同学作了自我介绍。

    I myself the class yesterday.

  • 18. 我很高兴能给你提点建议 。

    I give you some .


  • 19. 你叫李明,你的英国朋友David要来你们学校交流学习一年,他写信问你关于你们学校的情况以及他要注意的事情。请根据以下提示内容,写一封回信。







    参考词汇和短语:glad to do, practice (练习), friendly, travel around, know about

    Dear David,

    I am glad to know you will come to our school as an exchange student.