人教精通版(三年级起点)三年级上学期Unit 3 Look at my nose 单元达标检测卷

试卷更新日期:2022-07-20 类型:单元试卷



  • 2. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、Look at my neck. B、Show me your neck.
  • 3. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、How are you? B、Glad to meet you.
  • 4. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、Not so well. B、Not very well.
  • 5. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、Clap your hands. B、Nod your head.
  • 6. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、Touch your face. B、Close your eyes.
  • 7. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、Oh, I'm sorry. B、Oh, it's small.


  • 8. 听录音,选择合适的答句(   )
    A、I'm fine, thank you. B、Thank you.
  • 9. 听录音,选择合适的答句(   )
    A、Nice to meet you, too. B、How are you?
  • 10. 听录音,选择合适的答句(   )
    A、Goodbye. B、Oh, I'm sorry!
  • 11. 听录音,选择合适的答句(   )
    A、It's a book. B、My name's Peter.
  • 12. 听录音,选择合适的答句(   )
    A、Good evening. B、Good morning.


  • 13. 听录音,选择所给的词补全对话。

    knee   leg   foot   arm

    Mary: Good morning, Tom. How are you?

    Tom: Not very well. Look at my .

    Mary: Oh, I'm sorry. Look at my .

    Tom: Oh no! I'm sorry. Show me your .

    Mary: My leg is OK. Thank you. Touch your .


六、用am, is, are填空。




  • 36. 找出与图片内容相符的对话。

    A. —Touch your face, Tom.

    —OK, my face.

    B. —Show me your arm.

    —This is my arm.

    C. —This is my eye.

    —No. It's your nose.

    D. —She has a small mouth.

    —Yes, a small mouth.

    E. —Draw a hand, Lucy.




  • 37. 给下列句子选择合适的应答语。

    A. Oh, I'm sorry!

    B. Nice to meet you, too.

    C. I'm Duck.

    D. Very well.

    E. Oh, it's nice!

    (1)、—How are you?

    (2)、—I'm not so well. Look at my foot.

    (3)、—Nice to meet you.

    (4)、—This is my new bag.

    (5)、—What's your name?


  • 38. 你想让别人看看你受伤的脚,你会说:
    A、Look at my foot. B、Show me your foot.
  • 39. 做游戏时你想让同桌小朋友拍拍手,你会这样说:
    A、Clap your hands. B、Wave your arm.
  • 40. 英语课上,李老师让同学们打开书,她会这样说:
    A、Close your books. B、Open your books.
  • 41. 你和小华做游戏, 你发指令让她点点头,你会这样说:
    A、Touch your head. B、Nod your head.
  • 42. 你想把高老师介绍给妈妈,应这样说:
    A、Mum, this is Miss Gao. B、Hello, Miss Gao.



  • 48. 短文,根据短文中介绍的先后顺序给下列图片排序。

    Hello! My name's Kate. I have(有)a small mouth. This is Li Lei. He has big eyes. This is Li Yan. She has big ears. This is Mike. He has a small nose.