
试卷更新日期:2022-07-19 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同。
    (1)、her     tiger
    (2)、table         let
    (3)、face    cake
    (4)、hamburger     bird
    (5)、world   fork


  • 2. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。
    A、math class B、music C、art class
    A、first B、second C、three
    A、how B、what C、this
    A、Sydney B、China C、world
    A、hens B、tomatoes C、horses



  • 8. This is my sweater. That is________.
    A、yours B、your C、you
  • 9. —Whose pencil-box is this?


    A、Mike B、Mike's C、Mikes
  • 10. —Do you have________ music room, Mike?

    —Yes, we do.

    A、An B、the C、a
  • 11. He________ glasses and his shoes are blue.
    A、has B、is C、have
  • 12. —Can I go outside, Mum?

    —________ It's too cold outside.

    A、Yes, you can't. B、No, you can't. C、Yes, I can.
  • 13. Mr. Black has eight ________.
    A、sheeps B、sheep's C、sheep
  • 14. —What's the weather like in New York?

    —It is________.

    A、sun B、rain C、rainy
  • 15. We have an art class ________ 11:20 ________ the morning.
    A、at, at B、at, in C、at, on
  • 16. It will________ sunny tomorrow.
    A、be B、is C、are
  • 17. —Are these carrots?


    A、Yes, these are. B、No, they are. C、Yes, they are.
  • 18. It's time________ go to school.
    A、for B、to C、of
  • 19. —What are those?

    —________ cows.

    A、They' re B、It's C、These are
  • 20. Go to the________ . Read a book.
    A、living room B、study C、bathroom
  • 21. —________ these sunglasses?

    —Fifty yuan.

    A、How much is B、How much are C、How many are
  • 22. These shoes are nice. Can I try________ on?
    A、they B、them C、it


  • 23. 在B栏里找出A栏的正确答案。


    ⑴How do you like the jacket?    

    ⑵What time is it?    

    ⑶What would you like for dinner?    

    ⑷Is that the teachers' office?    

    ⑸Would you like some juice?    


    A. I'd like some noodles.

    B. It is very nice.

    C. No, it isn't.

    D. Yes, please.

    E. It is 3:20.


  • 24. 你想告诉同学“我准备好了”,应该说:__________
    A、I am ready. B、We are ready. C、It's just right.
  • 25. 你想表达新鞋正合适,应该说:__________
    A、They are new. B、They are just right. C、They are 100 yuan.
  • 26. 当你的东西找不到,希望别人帮你时,应该说:__________
    A、Can I help you, please? B、Can you help me, please? C、What can I do for you, please?
  • 27. 妈妈提醒你汤非常烫,要小心点,应该说:__________
    A、OK. It's cool. B、Be careful! It's hot. C、It's too expensive.
  • 28. 你告诉营业员你想试试6码鞋子,应该说:__________
    A、Let me try size 6. B、Let me try 6 size. C、They are just fine.


  • 29. 选择合适的句子补全对话

    A. Do you like this black skirt?

    B. Oh, it's cool. How much is it?

    C. Can I help you?

    D. It's only 80 yuan.

    E: Yes. I'd like a skirt.

    A: God morning.



    B: It's nice, but it's too big.

    A: What about the red one?



    B: OK. I' ll take it. Here's the money. Bye!



  • 35. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。

    Hello! I'm Sarah. I'm a student. I'm 11 years old. I have big eyes and long hair. Come and meet my family. This is my bedroom. You can see a nice and small bed, a white desk and a yellow chair. I'd like some fish, chicken and bread. My mother is an English teacher. My father is a maths teacher. They are in my school. I love my family.

    (1)、Sarah is a twelve-year-old girl.
    (2)、Sarah's bed is small.
    (3)、Sarah has short hair and small eyes.
    (4)、Sarah would like some chicken.
    (5)、Sarah's parents are teachers.