
试卷更新日期:2022-07-19 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    No human has set foot on the Moon since 1972. Now, after more than four decades of inactivity, interest in putting humans back on the Moon is finally heating up again. But who will get there first?


    On 14 December 2013, China successfully landed its Jade Rabbit rover (探测车) on the Moon. It is now working on its next exploration mission. Named Chang'e 4 the mission is scheduled to touch down in the Aitken Basin near the end of 2018. If successful it will be the first landing on the Moon's far side.


    Russia plans a manned Moon landing in 2030. It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the lander will explore the south pole of the Moon, exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost (前哨站).


    Following the success of its Chandrayaan-1 in 2008 India announced a follow-on mission

    Chandrayaan-2 was meant to cooperate with Russia. But when the Russians failed to deliver the promised lander in 2013. India decided to go it alone. Chandrayaan-2 is about to be sent up in 2018.


    In December 2018 NASA plans to send up the Exploration Mission 1, an unscrewed test of their Orion astronaut capsule in which the craft will circle around the Moon before returning to Earth. All being well, a crewed capsule will follow in 2023. Should the mission prove a success, the astronauts will be the first humans to see the far side of the Moon with their own yes since Apollo 17 in 1972.

    (1)、What will China do in its next space mission?
    A、Improve its Jade Rabbit rover. B、Work with other countries C、Land Chang'e 4 on the Moon. D、Explore the south pole of the Moon.
    (2)、Why did India try to carry out its follow-on mission alone?
    A、It couldn't find a partner. B、It didn't get the lander as planned C、The Russians refused to work with India. D、It planned to launch Chandrayaan-2 in advance.
    (3)、Which country is interested in resources on the Moon'?
    A、Russia. B、China. C、India. D、U.S.A.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Mrs. Foxwell is one of the most respected people I know. She is always kind to everyone and she treats others the way that she wants to be treated. She taught me respect in many different ways, but mainly how to be respectful in the business world. She told me that I needed to have a firm handshake and that I should always look people in the eye when I talked to them.

    Mrs. Foxwell also taught me that I could earn someone's respect by working hard to achieve my goals. In addition to working at Brandy wine Springs School, Mrs. Foxwell once worked at a bank as a manager but she gave that up to teach kids how to be successful. Mrs. Foxwell told our class that she would cry because of the amount of work she had to do in very little time. She told our class that working all night at something we don't love is very stressful, so we should try and do something we love. In the end, she taught me that I have to keep my head high and pull through difficulties. I don't think I have ever worked as hard in any class as I did in her class. I created my own 28-page business plan to share with her, my parents, other teachers and my classmates. Although creating a business from nothing was a lot of hard work, I really enjoyed it and learned several lessons that will help me throughout life.

    I have had a lot of role models in my life, but one of the greatest ones is Eva Foxwell. She taught me leadership qualities, how to be respectful and why I should work hard. She changes my life for the better and I desire to be like her.

    (1)、How did the author show respect according to Mrs. Foxwell?
    A、By working hard to achieve goals. B、By looking at people's hands. C、By shaking people's hands firmly. D、By greeting people with joy.
    (2)、What can we know about Mrs. Foxwell according to Paragraph 2?
    A、She used to be a bank manager. B、She was a business planner. C、She never cried while facing difficulties. D、She insisted on doing everything well.
    (3)、Which of the following can best describe Mrs. Foxwell?
    A、Rude. B、Kind. C、Humorous. D、Confident.
    (4)、In the author's eyes, Mrs. Foxwell is a ( n ) ______ .
    A、teacher and coworker B、educator and role model C、friend and leader D、coach and manager
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Music is an art that almost everyone enjoys. Everyone can make sounds by singing, banging a stick, plucking (弹) a tight string or blowing through pipe. All over the world, many kinds of music have developed as people find out how to make sounds in different ways. There are so many kinds of music to hear that you can soon find a kind that you like.

    People can get all kinds of feelings hearing music. Music can make you march of dance; it can make you feel happy or sad. More than other arts, music can affect your moods and feelings. This is why music is so popular.

    Every country has its own kind of music. In France many people like dance music played on the accordion (手风琴), and many Americans enjoy banjo (班卓琴) music. Spain is famous for its guitar music, and India for the twanging sound of the sitar.

    Many people like music in their own national style. But there are also people who enjoy classical music and pop music, which have spread throughout the world with the help of the record player and radio.

    However, there are still great differences between the music of the west and that of the cast. Many of the instruments are very different. The guitar and the sitar are both instruments in which strings are plucked by fingers, but they two not sound alike.

    The musical differences between the east and the west are not only in the instruments, but also in ways the notes are put together.

    (1)、Music is an art that is very popular in the world because ______ .
    A、everybody can make a beautiful music B、people can get different feelings from music C、music can only make people happy D、music is much better than other arts
    (2)、If you're very good at playing the guitar, you may be popular in _______ .
    A、America B、France C、India D、Spain
    (3)、In the opinion of the writer of this passage, ______ .
    A、all countries and races have the same kind of music B、the musical differences between the east and the west are only in the instruments C、all the French people enjoy dance music played on the accordion D、different people like different kinds of music
    (4)、The title of this passage should be ______.
    A、Music B、Music the Best Art C、How to Enjoy Music D、Different Music
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    It is said that tea can improve creative power of the literary (文学的) artists in ancient China. According to Lu Yu's Tea Classics, tea-drinking in China can be traced back (追溯) to the Zhou Dynasty — tea was discovered by Shen Nong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.

    Tea-drinking in China has a history of four thousand years. As the legend (传说) has it, Shen Nong tasted hundreds of wild plants to see which were poisonous, in order to prevent people from eating the poisonous plants. It is said that he was once poisoned but was saved by eating some leaves of an evergreen plant with white flowers. Later, people called the leaves that saved his life "cha".

    In modern times, people still keep tea-drinking as one of their daily activities. According to the study, tea can also have effects on some modern illnesses. To those who have to work with computers for a long time, drinking tea can help them to build up a wall against the computer radiation. To those who may have too much fat, drinking tea can help them to recreate a new balance in their bodies. And to those aged people, drinking tea is also a good way to keep a calm mood for a longer life.

    (1)、Tea — drinking in China can be traced back to ______ .
    A、the Zhou Dynasty B、the Xia Dynasty C、the Qing Dynasty D、the Tang Dynasty
    (2)、The underlined word "poisonous" in the passage means " ______ " in Chinese.
    A、供饮用的 B、美味的 C、多姿多彩的 D、有毒的
    (3)、What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
    A、Shen Nong was once poisoned. B、Shen Nong was a hero. C、The birth of tea. D、Tea became popular.
    (4)、What is the main idea of the passage?
    A、The legend of Shen Nong. B、The history of tea — drinking in China. C、Drinking tea can help people live longer. D、Tea can have effects on some modern illnesses.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    If something that you're doing doesn't challenge you, then it doesn't change you. We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all.  So challenge the following limits:

    Figure out what you're scared of and do it continuously.

    If you're a salesman, and you're scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, now, instead of being scared and thinking you'll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call.  But don't stop on the first try!

    Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, " Go on, I'm not scared! "


    Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra income.

    Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.

     A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself. Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself.

    Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.

    Don't just limit yourself to your fellow travelers — try to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people they're going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class.  

    A. You should do it continuously.

    B. Someone may hang up on you.

    C. You don't need to go to the gym.

    D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.

    E. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.

    F. Take a class for a hobby you've been wanting to develop.

    G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.


  • 6. 完形填空

    People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it. Most Americans1never been out of the country and have very little2that with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneously to get children to help (主动的), friendly and open, and3 meeting new people, having guests and4people together formally (正式地) or informally.

    They tend to use first names in most5and speak freely about themselves.6if your American hosts do something that makes you7, try to let them know how you feel. Most people will8your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again. And you'll learn something about another culture!

    Many travelers find it9to meet people in the U.S. than in other countries. They may just10and introduce themselves or even invite you over before they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be11friendly. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just12a good time. Just like anywhere else, it takes to13become real friends with people in the U.S. If and when you stay with American friends, they will probably enjoy14you to their friends and family, and if they seem eager to know you. its probably15they are relax and enjoy it!

    A、has B、have C、had D、having
    A、trouble B、patience C、knowledge D、experience
    A、enjoy B、avoid C、dislike D、mind
    A、receiving B、putting C、mixing D、bringing
    A、situation B、conditions C、surrounding D、aspects
    A、And B、However C、So D、But
    A、unfortunate B、uncomfortable C、pleasant D、comfortable
    A、believe B、praise C、appreciate D、support
    A、easier B、happier C、simpler D、harder
    A、come to B、come around C、come on D、come up
    A、naturally B、pretended C、heartily D、extremely
    A、killing B、wasting C、having D、taking
    A、time B、money C、ability D、chance
    A、inviting B、leading C、devoting D、introducing
    A、so B、because C、therefore D、thus



  • 17. 从以下句子中找出有错误的一处并改正,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    Wang Mei and her classmates is always helping others every day. Last Sunday they went to a nurse home and did some voluntary work When they arrived, they were all warm welcomed. They presented the old people with flowers and fruit. Then, they began work at once, clean the windows and sweeping the floor. With everything doing they sat in the yard reading newspapers to an old. When it was time for the volunteer to leave, the manager praised and thanked for them. They were very happy because that they did really brought joy to others. From their experience, I've learned that helping others is a great virtue.


  • 18. 假如你是Lisa,最近你们班同学围绕"Is Money Everything"的话题开展了激烈的讨论,并发表了不同的看法,请你以此为题,写一篇作文。






