广东省广州市南沙区 2021-2022学年五年级下学期期末考试英语试题

试卷更新日期:2022-07-14 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 请你根据下面的英语释义选择正确的英语单词填空。

    hospital  safe  late  zoo  winter  crossing

    (1)、: Doctors and nurses work here.
    (2)、: not dangerous
    (3)、: It's a season after autumn.
    (4)、: You can see traffic lights here.
    (5)、: You can see many animals here.
    (6)、: not on time


  • 2. I usually go to school _________ foot.
    A、/ B、by C、on
  • 3. Don't _________ the tree.
    A、climb B、climbing C、climbs
  • 4. I am going to buy a present _________ my mother.
    A、give B、to C、for
  • 5. I don't like skating and I don't like running, _________.
    A、too B、either C、also
  • 6. The water is _________ hot to drink.
    A、too B、very C、so
  • 7. We _________ run in the library.
    A、can B、should C、shouldn't
  • 8. It is time to _________ a class.
    A、have B、having C、has
  • 9. My brother is very _________ about the trip.
    A、boring B、exciting C、excited
  • 10. We can't leave the school _________ asking the teacher.
    A、with B、without C、no
  • 11. When it is summer in China, it is _________ in Australia.
    A、autumn B、winter C、spring



  • 17. 选择句子补全对话。

    A. What about you?

    B. What are you going to do for this summer holiday?

    C. Where are you going to travel?

    D. I hope you will have a good time.

    E. How will you go there?

    Mike: Hello, Ann.

    Ann: I am going to travel with my family.

    Mike: Oh,

    Ann: We are going to Beijing.

    I will visit the Great Wall.

    Mike: That sounds great!

    Ann: We will go there by plane.

    Mike: I will go to Shanghai with my parents.

    Ann: Don't forget to take some photos.

    Mike: Sure.



  • 23. 根据上下文,选择括号内的单词把短文补充完整。

    Signs(标志) on the road

    This is a "zebra crossing sign. (Don't/ Do) run across the road.

    You can walk on the zebra crossing.

    We can see this sign  here and there in Guangzhou. It's the sign (of/ for) the underground. It is easy to (sit/ take) an underground in Guangzhou.

    You should turn (left/ right) when you see this sign .

    What does this sign  mean? It means "No Parking". You (can/ can't) park your car here.

    When you see this sign , you can't move, you should (go/ stop).


  • 24. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案并把单词写在横线上。

    My name is Liza. I'm sitting with my friends and we're all looking at a big screen(屏幕). I'm drinking a coke. The man sitting in front of me is very tall, so I can't see very well.

    My name is Jack. I'm walking on the grass with my dog. Some old people are doing Kung fu under the trees. A family is having a picnic under a tree. A girl is flying a kite with her father.

    My name is Jason. There are so many things here. Some are foods, some are drink, some are fruits. My mum and dad like grapes, so they want to buy some grapes. And I am going to buy some coke. Oh, Liza's birthday is coming. I need to buy a birthday card for her.

    (1)、Liza is in the . Jack is in the . Jason is in the (supermarket/cinema/ park).
    (2)、Jack is walking on the grass with his (cat/ dog).
    (3)、Jason is (shopping, eating) now.
  • 25. 读短文,根据短文内容完成任务。

    What's the weather like today? How do you know about the weather?
    Lucy: I live in New York. It is going to rain. There are a lot of dark clouds in the sky.It's windy. I can feel the air is wet.
    : I live in Beijing. I listen to the weather report on radio. It's going to be cold today. I must wear my sweater.
    Tim: I live in London. I go outside to feel the weather but I can't see anything. It's foggy today. I think I will do some reading at home.
    John: I live in Tokyo. I ask my mum about the weather. It is going to be sunny today. Mum asks me to wear my sunglasses. It can protect(保护) my eyes from the sun.

    (1)、David can wear a T-shirt because the weather is not cold.
    (2)、Tim will stay at home and read books.
    (3)、John will wear his sunglasses to protect his eys from the sun.
    (4)、It's It's foggy today. The word foggy means"有雾的".




    How to know the weather


    New York

    windy, rainy, wet

    feel the air is wet





    go outside to feel the weather


    ask my mum


  • 26. 暑假即将来临,Li Ling为自己制定了一个暑假计划。假如你是Li Ling,请根据计划表,写一篇不少于35个单词的作文,要求包含至少4个所提供的计划信息,可以适当拓展。要求句子正确, 表达连贯,语言得体、书写工整。


    Special days(特别的日子)

    Have lessons in Nansha Children's Palace




    提示句型:I'm going to... / I will...

    Hi! I'm Li Ling. Summer holiday is coming. I have a plan.   _____________