
试卷更新日期:2022-07-12 类型:期末考试


  • 1. Why does Cindy know much about animals?
    A、She works on a farm. B、She really likes animals. C、She once lived on the farm.
  • 2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A、The modern lifestyle. B、A painting. C、A trip to the countryside.
  • 3. What does Mary probably do?
    A、She is a journalist. B、She is a firefighter. C、She is an animal trainer.
  • 4. Who is Mike?
    A、The woman's husband. B、The woman's father. C、The woman's son.
  • 5. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Teacher and student. B、Assistant and shopper. C、Customer and repairman.


  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、Who does the woman want to buy a sofa for?
    A、Her sister. B、Her friend. C、Herself.
    (2)、Where are the speakers?
    A、In a grocery store. B、In a bedding shop. C、In a supermarket.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What does the woman have to do?
    A、Write two essays. B、Prepare a research paper. C、Study for an English test.
    (2)、How does the woman feel about her classes?
    A、Excited. B、Stressed. C、Bored.
    (3)、What is The Grapes of Wrath?
    A、A short story. B、A movie. C、A sad book.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What has made working at home possible?
    A、Living far from workplaces. B、Communication industry. C、More job opportunities.
    (2)、What is the advantage of working at home according to the woman?
    A、Saving more time. B、Having a lot of freedom. C、Taking care of the family easily.
    (3)、What might happen in the future in the woman's opinion?
    A、British company will move overseas. B、All companies will employ homeworkers. C、People will work at home for a foreign company.
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What is Penny's current problem?
    A、She has a toothache. B、She has a sore throat. C、She has an earache.
    (2)、How often will Penny take the medicine?
    A、Once a day. B、Twice a day. C、Three times a day.
    (3)、When does the conversation take place?
    A、On Monday. B、On Tuesday. C、On Thursday.
    (4)、What does the man ask Penny to do in the end?
    A、Make an appointment. B、Go to the medicine shop. C、Take the medicine properly.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1)、How many factors of car accidents are mentioned?
    A、2. B、3. C、4.
    (2)、What measure has been taken to reduce car accidents?
    A、Improved highway design. B、Stricter traffic management. C、Strengthened training for drivers.
    (3)、What remains an important cause of road accidents?
    A、Poor traffic control. B、Some driverless cars. C、Drivers' carelessness.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Dance Classes


    Ballet teaches grace, posture(姿势) and flexibility. Students focus on the use of proper ballet items, expanding their knowledge of classical ballet techniques and improving motor skills for classical ballet practice. The class is a formal ballet class.

    Age 8-10

    September 7, 2019-May 16, 2020

    10:30 am-12:00 am on Saturday

    Creative Movers

    Students can explore creative movement, balance, focus, the development of skills, motor planning and balance. The class helps build strength, flexibility and self-confidence, and allows children to realize expression in a positive and encouraging environment. Children use their imagination to celebrate movement and have lots of fun.

    Age 3-5

    September 7, 2019-January 18, 2020

    9: 00 am-9: 45 am on Saturday


    Jazz includes movements from both classical ballet and dance techniques. This class will focus on traditional jazz dance. Students will be introduced to jazz-style rhythms and movements. In order to ensure proper placement for your child, we invite all students to participate in a sample(示例) class. Students and parents work with program staff to meet students' personal dance goals.

    Age 5-6

    September 7, 2019-May 16, 2020

    2: 00 pm-3: 00 pm on Saturday

    Hip Hop

    Students will be introduced to several different aspects of hip hop dance including popping, locking, breaking and tottering in a high-energy environment. Our hip hop instructors are highly knowledgeable and will provide students with a wonderful view of hip hop dance.

    Age 7-10

    September 7, 2019-May 16, 2020

    1: 00 pm-2: 00 pm on Sunday

    (1)、Which class is suitable for 4-year-old children?
    A、Ballet. B、Hip Hop. C、Creative Movers. D、Jazz.
    (2)、What can students do in the jazz class?
    A、Make use of all the ballet items. B、Learn the long history of jazz. C、Dance with famous modern jazz dancers. D、Get to know jazz-style movements.
    (3)、What is special about the hip hop class?
    A、It is open in the afternoon. B、It is available on Sunday. C、It teaches traditional dances. D、It has the most skilled teachers.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Self-driving cars have been backed by the hope that they will save lives by getting involved in fewer crashes with fewer injuries and deaths than human-driven cars. But so far, most comparisons between human drivers and automated vehicles have been unfair.

    Crash statistics for human-driven cars are gathered from all sorts of driving situations, and on all types of roads. However, most of the data on self-driving cars' safety have been recorded often in good weather and on highways, where the most important tasks are staying in the car's own lane and not getting too close to the vehicle ahead. Automated cars are good at those tasks, but so are humans.

    It is true that self-driving cars don't get tired, angry, frustrated or drunk. But neither can they yet react to uncertain situations with the same skill or anticipation of an attentive human driver, nor do they possess the foresight to avoid potential perils. They largely drive from moment to moment, rather than think ahead to possible events literally down the road.

    To a self-driving car, a bus full of people might appear quite similar to an uninhabited corn field. Indeed, deciding what action to take in an emergency is difficult for humans, but drivers have sacrificed themselves for the greater good of others. An automated system's limited understanding of the world means it will almost never evaluate a situation the same way a human would. And machines can't be programmed in advance to handle every imaginable set of events.

    Some people may argue that the promise of simply reducing the number of injuries and deaths is enough to support driverless cars. But experience from aviation(航空) shows that as new automated systems are introduced, there is often an increase in the rate of disasters.

    Therefore, comparisons between humans and auto-mated vehicles have to be performed carefully. To fairly evaluate driverless cars on how well they fulfill their promise of improved safety, it's important to ensure the data being presented actually provide a true comparison. After all, choosing to replace humans with automation has more effects than simply a one-for-one exchange.

    (1)、What makes the comparison between self-driving cars and human-driven cars unfair?
    A、Self-driving cars never get tired. B、Statistics are collected differently. C、Machines can make decisions faster. D、Self-driving cars know the world better.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "perils" in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
    A、Dangers. B、Self-driving cars. C、Pedestrians. D、Human-driven cars.
    (3)、n which aspect can self-driving cars beat human-driven cars?
    A、Driving steadily. B、Climbing steep slopes. C、Evaluating the cost of loss. D、Making complex decisions.
    (4)、Where is the text most likely from?
    A、A poster. B、A novel. C、A brochure. D、A magazine.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    European researchers say they have created a process that can produce oxygen from moon dust. The process could provide a major source of oxygen for humans taking part in moon exploration activities in the future. Researchers from the European Space Agency, or ESA, carried out the experiments at a laboratory in the Netherlands.

    The team says ESA's experimental "plant" was able to successfully produce oxygen from simulated moon dust. The dust is part of a material known as regolith, a top layer of dirt and rock pieces that sit on the surface of the moon. Samples of regolith returned from the moon have confirmed that the material contains about 45 percent oxygen by weight. However, the oxygen is chemically locked in the form of minerals or glass, so it is not easily available for use. Having real samples of regolith from the moon made it possible for the researchers to create the simulated moon dust material used during testing.

    The oxygen extraction(提取) process is carried out using a method called molten salt electrolysis(熔盐电解). This includes first placing the regolith in a metal container. Calcium chloride salt is added to the mixture, which is then heated to 950 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the regolith remains solid. Next, an electrical current is passed through the material. The researchers say it is this step that results in oxygen being extracted from the regolith. The study reported that up to 96 percent of oxygen in the simulated moon dust was extracted during the experiments.

    ESA's long-term goal is to design an oxygen-producing "pilot plant" to operate full-time on the moon. The first technology demonstration of the system is expected to take place in the middle 2020s. Beth Lomax, a lead researcher on the project, said, "Being able to acquire oxygen from resources found on the moon would obviously be hugely useful for future lunar settlers, both for breathing and the local production of rocket fuel. "The researchers reported that "as a bonus", the process also results in the production of usable metallic materials.

    ESA and the US space agency NASA are both working on plans to return human beings to the moon. NASA has set a goal for 2024 with the aim to keep humans on the moon for long periods.

    (1)、Why is oxygen from moon dust difficult to use?
    A、It is tough for human beings to get moon dust. B、It is chemically fixed in the form of minerals or glass. C、The conditions of moon dust are terrible. D、There exits only a little of it.
    (2)、What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
    A、What molten salt electrolysis is. B、Where the value of the study lies. C、How oxygen is extracted from moon dust. D、What is necessary in the oxygen extraction process.
    (3)、What is Beth Lomax's attitude towards the possibility of getting oxygen from moon dust?
    A、Positive. B、Skeptical. C、Cautious. D、Indifferent.
    (4)、What can be the best title for the text?
    A、Recent Studies of Moon Dust by Researchers B、How Researchers Extracted Oxygen from Moon Dust C、Potential Significance of Oxygen Extracted from Moon Dust D、Researchers Report Extracting Oxygen from Moon Dust Successfully
  • 14. 阅读理解

    A new study published this week in the journal Nature Communications has concluded that a 100 percent change to organic(有机的) food production in England and Wales would actually lead to a great increase in greenhouse(温室) gas emissions(排放). In turn, this would contribute to further climate change.

    Although organic farming directly pours out fewer emissions than conventional farming—around 20 percent lower for crops and 4 percent for farm animals—it produces notably less food. As to this study's findings, total organic agriculture in England and Wales would produce 40 percent less food. With less food in the market, the countries would need to increase food imports, which would produce more global greenhouse gas emissions.

    Organic farming also increases the amount of absorbing carbon, a process where carbon dioxide (CO2) is "absorbed" out of the atmosphere and captured by plants and stored in the soil. However, even a total change to organic farming would only be equal to a tiny part of the higher emissions from overseas land use.

    "We predict a drop in total food production of 40 percent under a fully organic farming process, compared to conventional farming, if we keep to the same national diet, " Dr Adrian Williams, lead author and reader in Agri-Environmental Systems at Cranfield University, said in a statement. "This results from lower crop quantity, because output is limited by a lower supply of nitrogen, which is mainly from other crops or solid waste from cattle on the grassland. "

    Nevertheless, it is important to note that organic farming still holds some useful benefits for the environment, such as reducing exposure to chemicals and improving the varieties of creatures. In conclusion, the study suggests that organic farming will continue to play a key role in resolving the world's environmental problems. However, it's just one part of a much wider solution.

    (1)、What will total organic agriculture bring to England?
    A、More main food. B、More species of crops. C、More food imports. D、More fresh oxygen.
    (2)、How does organic farming increase the amount of absorbing carbon?
    A、By changing CO2. B、By taking in CO2. C、By giving off CO2. D、By producing CO2.
    (3)、What is the last paragraph mainly about?
    A、The ways to reduce organic farming. B、The results caused by organic farming. C、The solution to the environment problems. D、The advantages of organic farming.
    (4)、Which of the following is the best title of the text?
    A、Organic Farming, Green food B、Organic Farming, Our Hope in Future C、Organic Farming, a Mistake We Made D、Organic Farming, a Double-edged Sword


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Ways to Express Your Thanks

    Expressing thanks is very important. But many people don't know how to do that. Maybe you have difficulty in expressing yourself. How do you express your thanks?.

    ● Make a card

    Making a card to express your thanks is a creative idea. If you are too shy, you can write down some words on the card to express your feelings. You can also draw some pictures on it. The card with pictures will be beautiful. .

    ● Send a gift

    Sending a gift to express your thanks is a polite way. If somebody helps you, you can buy him or her a gift.

    . It may not be expensive, but it's the thought that counts.

    ● Leave a message

    . Sometimes, you may forget to say "Thank you" to your roommate. You can leave a message on the door to show your thanks. Seeing the message, your roommate will be happy. In this way, the relationship between you and your roommate will become closer.

    Writing an email is a good way to express your thanks. If you can't say "Thank you" to your friend face to face, you can write an email. Even if your email is short, it may get your friend moved.

    A. Write an email

    B. Share your story

    C. The gift can show your thanks

    D. Leaving a message is a great way

    E. Here are some useful ways for you

    F. Tell your friends that you are very busy

    G. The beautiful card will show your feelings


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Angela never liked seeing plastic waste washing up on the shore near her home. She had been 1 to call on her community to clean it up, to change the 2, so she tried to set up an organization called Washed Ashore:Art to Save the Sea. Her 3 proved quite a success.

    Here's how it 4. Volunteers help clean up 300 miles of shoreline. Then, 5 only plastic from the beach cleanup, Angela and many other volunteers create sculptures of sea 6. She explains, "I mean to create sculptures that make people take a look and 7, 'How can there be this much waste on the beach?' 8, these sculptures will make people consider what they have 9 in their daily life and realize how so much plastic ends up in the oceans." So far, about 10,000 10 volunteers have collected 21 tons of waste and helped create more than 70 works of art. Four traveling 11 have demonstrated the art works in 18 places of the country. One of the sculptures, Turtle Ocean, received a 12 honor. It was admitted into the National Museum.

    The Washed Ashore team is now working on sculptures of a dolphin, with 13 for more sculptures. "Until we 14 plastic on the beach, the work will continue. These sculptures are a(n) 15 for clean oceans, " Angela says seriously.

    A、offering B、longing C、claiming D、hesitating
    A、landscape B、evaluation C、tendency D、situation
    A、choice B、attempt C、fantasy D、instruction
    A、describes B、ensures C、functions D、guarantees
    A、submitting B、presenting C、delivering D、employing
    A、waste B、floor C、waves D、creatures
    A、rethink B、remark C、confirm D、announce
    A、Generally B、Hopefully C、Fortunately D、Surprisingly
    A、achieved B、observed C、purchased D、recommended
    A、devoted B、surprised C、grateful D、adventurous
    A、guides B、managers C、advertisements D、exhibitions
    A、regular B、simple C、special D、sensitive
    A、plans B、calls C、elements D、exchanges
    A、get down to B、keep away from C、run out of D、end up with
    A、excuse B、appeal C、praise D、response

六、语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Of all the pastimes(消遣) that the Chinese (bring) to a fine art since the dawn of civilization, tea drinking is one of the most typical and it requires  highly trained mind as well as palate(味觉) (appreciate) it to the full.

    Moreover, there is a book known as the Cha-Ching or Tea Classic, which shows us that in former centuries tea drinking in this country was developed to an even  (high) form of art than today. Among other things that we are told in this delightful book is the fact  tea should be drunk from green transparent cups, in order that the light, shining through the cup, may reveal the delicate beauty of the coloring of the tea.

     the Cha-Ching is no longer a popular book, tea drinking still persists (继续存在) in many parts of the country. Almost every part of China has 62. (it) own customs and (prefer) with regard to tea. Not only do the ways of preparation and drinking differ  province to province, but even tea-houses take on (vast) different characters.


  • 18. 为了让同学们远离疾病,保持身体健康,你班将举行一次班会,主题为 "How to be strong and healthy"。 请你根据提示写一篇英文发言稿。



    2) 给出解决办法。


    1) 词数80左右(开头已给出,但不计入总数);

    2) 文中不得出现真实姓名和班级信息;


    How to be strong and healthy

    It is obvious that some students are neither in good health nor full of energy.

  • 19. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    A knock at the front door announced a visitor. Phil Radcliffe opened the door, looked down, and found a small boy of about 10, head down and face hidden, nose sniffling(抽鼻子), obviously in some unhappiness.

    Phil and his wife Molly lived in this neighbourhood for almost three decades. The families here all knew and trusted one another. Youngsters bounced from home to home looking for friends and entertainment. In the school holidays, Molly and Phil had been known to take children at a time to the local cinema to give some of the parents a break.

    Having taken him to the living room and had him seated, Phil asked the boy, "Philip, what's happened?"

    The boy seemed genuinely upset by the inquiry. "Sorry, Mr. Radcliffe, " he sobbed, "My dad's just left home. He is not going to live with us any more. Mum's crying. It's made me cry. I don't think I'm going to see him again. "

    Phil sat down next to him and put a comforting arm around his shoulders, trying to reassure the youngster, "I'm sure that you'll see your father again very soon Philip. You're a lovely boy and he'll want to see you a lot. And your teachers will understand if sometimes you're a bit sad. "

    The boy wiped away his tears with the back of a hand.

    "Let me get something for us," Phil suggested. He went into the kitchen, and then returned with an orange juice for the boy, a coffee for himself and a selection of biscuits for them. However upset he might have been, young Philip was obviously happy with the drink and concentrated on the chocolate samples among the biscuits.

    Once the boy seemed more settled, Phil proposed, "Perhaps you should call your mum and tell her where you are, so that she doesn't worry. "

    "It's OK, Mr. Radcliffe" he insisted. "I'll go home in a few minutes. But I like talking to you. "

    "You can stay as long as you want, Philip. I just don't want your mother to think that she's lost you. "




    Paragraph 1

    The response surprised and troubled Philip.

    Paragraph 2

    On the doorstepyoung Philip looked up at his friendly neighbour.