
试卷更新日期:2022-07-12 类型:期末考试

一、短对话理解,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共5 小题,每小题1分,共5分)

  • 1. What did Bill's father do this afternoon?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. Where did Johnny go on vacation?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. How does Alice like the school dining hall?
    A、It is clean. B、It is quiet. C、It is small.
  • 4. What's the relationship between the two speakers?
    A、Mother and son. B、Teacher and student. C、Sister and brother.
  • 5. What rule are the speakers talking about?
    A、No talking. B、No eating. C、No swimming.

二、长对话理解,你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、When did the man arrive at the restaurant?
    A、At 7:25. B、At 7:35. C、At 7:45.
    (2)、How long did it take the woman to get to the restaurant?
    A、About 20 minutes. B、Over 35 minutes. C、Over 30 minutes.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What does the girl want to wear for the party at first?
    A、White trousers. B、New shorts. C、A skirt.
    (2)、Who does the boy want to bring to the party?
    A、Peter. B、Jenny. C、Steve.
    (3)、What will the teachers do if the students bring a friend?
    A、They will welcome him to stay. B、They will ask him to sing or dance. C、They will ask him to leave.


  • 8. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的AB、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
    (1)、How was the weather today?
    A、Sunny and hot. B、Rainy and cold. C、Sunny but cold.
    (2)、Why did the speaker go to the museum?
    A、Because it's near her home. B、Because she wanted to learn about history there. C、Because her friend asked her to go there.
    (3)、How did the speaker go to the park?
    A、By Car. B、By bus. C、By bike.
    (4)、What did many people do in the park?
    A、They flew kites. B、They rode bikes. C、They read newspapers.
    (5)、What did the speaker have for lunch?
    A、Bread. B、Eggs. C、Dumplings.


  • 9. 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。

    A Boat Trip


    We'll have a special boat trip this Saturday if it's .

    The boat will at 10:30.


    A (n) will be with us along the way.

    How much

    Every student needs to pay yuan.

    How long

    The boat trip will take about two hours.


    We can take photos at some beautiful places. We can take a look at the by the river.


  • 10. —Do you know Tina?

    —Yes, she is _________ American girl and she has _________round face.

    A、an; an B、a; a C、an; a D、a; an
  • 11. —_______ you visit the Great Wall last summer?

    —Yes. We had a good time there.

    A、Do B、Did C、Were D、Are
  • 12. Peter, ______________ fight with them. They are your classmates.
    A、not B、don't C、doesn't D、isn't
  • 13. Fan Jinshi has a busy and great _________, and she works in Dunhuang.
    A、work B、works C、job D、jobs
  • 14. —Which kind of books would you like to read, paper books or e—books?

    —My parents only allow me to read paper books. They __________my eyes.

    A、talk about B、know about C、hear about D、worry about
  • 15. The T-shirt looks nice and sells _____________ in the shop this weekend.
    A、good B、well C、slow D、bad
  • 16. I will go camping if it _____________.
    A、won't rain B、isn't raining C、don't rain D、doesn't rain
  • 17. Tina______________ every evening. Look! She ___________ in her room.
    A、draws; draws B、is drawing; is drawing C、draws; is drawing D、is drawing; draws
  • 18. Just walk down the road and you will see the bank ____________ your right.
    A、in B、at C、by D、on
  • 19. —My parents and I will go to the USA on a vacation tomorrow.

    —Rally? ___________________!

    A、Have a good time B、I don't think so C、That's all right D、You can go there

六、完型填空(共 20小题,每小题1分,共 20 分)

  • 20. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    What do you usually do after class in your school? You 1go home and finish your 2 because you are a good student. 3 finishing it, what will you do? Stay at home and watch TV? That sounds 4. I think we can have lots of great things to do after class.

    One thing is to join different clubs. We can learn to play 5 violin and the drums. Some students join the 6 club. They can play basketball, soccer and volleyball there. Others do some 7things for the people. These people 8 help. They usually help them 9 the house. For me, I usually 10 books. Oh, am a bookworm (书虫).

    A、want B、do C、may D、are
    A、fish B、milk C、fruit D、homework
    A、After B、Before C、Later D、Ago
    A、boring B、difficult C、great D、strict
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、movie B、music C、English D、sports
    A、sad B、useful C、terrible D、exciting
    A、need B、needing C、to need
    A、buys B、buy C、cleans D、clean
    A、read B、watch C、tell D、see
  • 21. 完形填空

    Last weekend our teacher, Mr Green, 1 us to Green Town on a school trip. We left home at 7:00 on Saturday morning. Mr Green drove the school bus. It took two 2 to get there ! Some of us were asleep (睡着) on the way, because we got 3 very early in the morning. We finally 4 in Green Town at about 11:30 am. Then it started to rain heavily.

    At lunch time, one of the 5 fell into the river.6 , Mr Green was very good 7 swimming. He heard the boy's shouts and ran out to save him.

    Sunday afternoon was terrible, 8 . Two girls went to the center of the town and didn't till Mr Green. They got lost. A policeman brought them 9 to our hotel. Mr Green was very angry. We came back to our city on Sunday evening. We 10 cold and tired. Never again!

    A、kept B、took C、made D、visited
    A、weeks B、minutes C、hours D、months
    A、to B、on C、out D、up
    A、got B、left C、arrived D、came
    A、boys B、men C、girls D、teachers
    A、Lovely B、Easily C、Differently D、Luckily
    A、to B、with C、at
    A、also B、too C、either D、well
    A、away B、back C、from
    A、was B、were C、thought D、feel


  • 22. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个选项为多余选项。

    A: Hello, Mike. Nice to meet you.

    B: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you, too.

    A: By bus. What about you?

    B: I ride my bike here with Jack. Oh, where is Jack? I must find him.


    B: Well, he is wearing black shorts and a white T-shirt.

    A: Don't worry.

    B: Oh, look! There are some boys watching the animals over there. Jack must(一定) be there.

    A: Yes, you are right. What animals do you like, Mike?

    B: I like koalas. They're very cute.

    A: Well, I like koalas, too. But my favorite animals are elephants.


    A: Because they are friendly.

    B: I also like giraffes because they are beautiful.

    A: Well, my sister likes giraffes, too. She thinks they are interesting.

    A. Why do you like elephants?

    B. How do you get to the zoo?

    C. What time do you get to the zoo?

    D. What is he wearing today?

    E. What other animals do you like?

    F. Let's go and find him.

    G. Let's go to see the animals first.

八、阅读理解(共 20小题,每小题2分,共 40分)

  • 23. 阅读理解

    Breakfast is very important to us. So we must have it every day. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Some children tell us about their breakfast.

    I'm Simon. I come from the USA. I usually eat cakes and drink milk with sugar(糖) for breakfast. I love sugar, but mom says a lot of sugar is not good for my teeth. I never drink tea or juice for breakfast.

    My name is Jack. I'm from the UK. I always have bread and a glass of juice for breakfast. My favorite is apple juice, but all the others in my family like orange juice. I have eggs and milk sometimes.

    I'm a girl from China. I'm Lulu. I always have soup and baozi (包子) for breakfast. Sometimes my mother makes noodles for me. My favorite is beef noodles. I never have bread or cakes for breakfast.

    (1)、Jack's favorite drink is ______________.
    A、apple juice B、green tea C、milk with sugar D、soup
    (2)、We know that Lulu _________________.
    A、is an American girl B、sometimes has bread for breakfast C、likes tomato noodles D、eats Chinese food for breakfast
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Simon drinks juice for breakfast. B、The 3 children have different breakfasts. C、Jack has cakes for breakfast. D、Lulu's father makes breakfast for Lulu.
  • 24. 阅读理解

    We often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather, we can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV and watch the weather forecast (预报). And we can ask other people about the weather in two different ways: "What's the weather like today?" or "How is the weather today?" Sometimes you can call 121 for the weather.

    When it's cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves. When it's raining, we need raincoats or umbrellas (雨伞). When it's hot, we need to stay in a cool place and want to drink cold water.

    (1)、From the first paragraph, there are ____________ways to know about the weather.
    A、two B、three C、four D、five
    (2)、The underlined word "shiver" means"_______________" in Chinese.
    A、避暑 B、看病 C、出汗 D、颤抖
    (3)、We can read the passage from a magazine about ______________.
    A、history and geography B、the weather and climate C、countries and people D、TV shows and newspapers
  • 25. 阅读理解

    My name is Tony. I am the fifth child of my parents. My father is Kim, and I was born in a kitchen. There I can get things to cat. When I grow up (长大), I become (成为) a street dog.

    A boy named Bob takes me home. He loves animals and he keeps many pets. He has some dogs, cats and other animals. He always takes us out to play with his friends on the weekend. I am happy with Bob.

    One of his friends Julie likes me very much. She asks Bob to give me to her. Julie is very busy and her son needs a pet to play with. Then, I go to live with them. The happy days don't last (持续) long. Julie has to go to America for work. They don't need me now. So I become a street dog again.

    I don't know what my future (将来) will be like. I want to find a good home again.

    (1)、Tony feels _____________when being with Bob.
    A、happy B、busy C、afraid D、free
    (2)、Julie takes Tony home to ____________________.
    A、help her with work B、play with her C、play with her son D、be just for fun
    (3)、From the passage, we know __________________.
    A、Tony doesn't know his father B、Tony has 5 brothers or sisters C、Tony has no home now D、Tony goes to America with Julie
    (4)、What is the best title for the text?
    A、My friends. B、My family. C、A boy's pet. D、A dog's story.
  • 26. 阅读理解

    At school, we have thirty minutes' rest (放松) between classes. Most (大多数) of us are playing for 30 minutes. Some students are on the playground. They are having a basketball game. Oh! A boy is running with a ball. And another one is trying to stop him. They are so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. Some of them are reading or doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds (鸟) in a tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling (微笑). What are the teachers doing? Do you know? Some of them are working in the office, and some are talking with students. Everyone (每人) is busy with his or her things, busy but happy.

    (1)、Where are the students playing basketball?
    A、In the office. B、In front of the classroom. C、On the playground. D、In the classroom
    (2)、The girl who is looking at the birds is ___________.
    A、happy B、busy C、sad D、interesting
    (3)、What are the teachers doing?
    A、They are working or talking with students. B、They are having a basketball game. C、They are playing with the students. D、They are talking to each other.
    (4)、What is the passage mainly about?
    A、Students. B、A basketball game. C、Rest time. D、School activities.
  • 27. 阅读理解

    Everyone needs friends. A good friend should be a friend in need. He will never leave you alone (独自) when you are in trouble (麻烦).

    I have a best friend like this, and her name is Rachel. She and I are both 12 years old. We became good friends four years ago.

    She has black and short hair, a little mouth and two big eyes. She is very smart. Her parents are both math teachers in a school. They love her very much. Her friends like her, too. So she is happy every day.

    She studies very hard. She is good at English. She likes to speak English She can speak English very well. She always says, "Learn by doing. "So she thinks speaking is very important in learning English. But her favorite subject is Chinese. We have the same hobby (爱好). We like playing the piano.

    I like Rachel very much. When I am sad in trouble, she never laughs at me. She always tries her best to make me happy-she tells me funny jokes (笑话) and plays the piano with me. She helps me solve 解决) problems. So I will not feel worried any more. When I make mistakes (犯错), she asks me to correct them in time. So I never make any big mistakes. This is what a friend should do. I am lucky to be her friend.

    (1)、Rachel and I became friends when she was _____________ years old.
    A、four B、six C、eight D、twelve
    (2)、Rachel ____________ according to (根据) the passage.
    A、has black and long hair B、is of medium height C、learns English by speaking D、likes playing the guitar
    (3)、A good friend will ______________ when you are in trouble.
    A、do your homework B、never leave you by yourself C、be late for your party D、always visit new friends
  • 28. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。

    Every year lots of people come to the Edinburgh International Festival in Scotland. Every August for three weeks there are artists (艺术家) from all over the world in Edinburgh. They come to Edinburgh for the big festival. At the festival you can listen to music and watch dances from early morning to late night on the streets. You can ever see artists draw pictures on the streets. Students also do some funny shows.

    Many visitors come to the festival to enjoy beautiful music and dances. This year you can watch a—bout five hundred shows with artists from over forty countries.

    The tickets (票) for these shows are at very good prices and it's usually easy to see your favorite star. So why not come to Edinburgh? But it can be difficult to find a room. So why not book (预订) a room now?

    (1)、What do students do at the festival?(不超过5个词)
    (2)、How many shows are there this year?(不超过5个词)
    (3)、Why do people need to book a room now?(不超过 10个词)



  • 34. 你校将举办一年一度的英语专题征文比赛啦!请你根据下列表格中的信息以"My friend为题写篇 70词左右的英语短文,可适当发挥以使行文连贯。

    Linda 12



    Favorite weather






    Last trip
