
试卷更新日期:2022-07-12 类型:期末考试


  • 1. What are they talking about?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. Why doesn't Jane go to the concert?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. Who did Sally go to an old people's home with?
    A、Her friends. B、Her cousins. C、Her classmates.
  • 4. What does the girl think of Bob's father?
    A、Outgoing. B、Quiet. C、Strict.
  • 5. What does the girl mean?
    A、She'll keep the radio. B、She'll throw away the radio. C、She'll give the radio to Eric.

二、长对话理解,你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个 最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How many students didn't go to school yesterday?
    A、Two. B、Three. C、Four.
    (2)、What was the matter with Lily?
    A、She had a stomachache. B、She had a cold. C、She had a headache.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What does the man think of the fish?
    A、It's sweet. B、It's salty. C、It's fresh.
    (2)、When did Jane get the fish?
    A、Yesterday afternoon. B、Last night. C、This morning.
    (3)、What are the two speakers going to do later?
    A、Take a walk. B、See a film. C、Do some shopping.


  • 8. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
    (1)、How long is the restaurant open on Saturday?
    A、For three hours. B、For four hours. C、For five hours.
    (2)、Who can enjoy the food in the restaurant?
    A、The old. B、The disabled. C、The homeless.
    (3)、What does Mr. Miller do?
    A、An actor. B、A doctor. C、A writer.
    (4)、How was Mr. Miller's life when he was young?
    A、Happy. B、Hard. C、Funny.
    (5)、What does the speaker think of her / his job?
    A、Meaningful. B、Relaxing. C、Boring.


  • 9. 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写岀下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。

    A School Sale

    For what

    To raise money for the students.

    What to sell

    Lily has had her toy for a week and she decides to sell them.

    Jack has had his bike for years and he wants to sell it.

    Jane has had her storybooks for about three and she wants to sell them.

    Dale has had his for just a month and he wants to sell it.


  • 10. —Where is your mother, Jack?

    —She is busy _________ a cake. I will have a birthday party tonight.

    A、make B、made C、making D、to make
  • 11. Annie has a ________ and she is going to see her dentist today.
    A、cold B、fever C、cough D、toothache
  • 12. —It seems that my friends don't understand me.

    —Don't worry. I'm sure you will _______them if you are really friendly to them.

    A、agree with B、catch up with C、get along well with D、end up with
  • 13. He was watching TV         his mother was cleaning his room.
    A、while B、since C、after D、because
  • 14. —I have too much housework to do at home!

             ask your husband for help.

    A、Shall you B、Why don't C、Why not D、How about
  • 15. —Why are you so strongly         keeping animals in the zoo?

    —I think animals also have the right to enjoy freedom.

    A、up B、against C、for D、down
  • 16. The girl couldn't believe her eyes when she saw         in the mirror.
    A、her B、herself C、hers D、she
  • 17. —How long has Alexis         from his school?

    —For about 20 years.

    A、leave B、left C、been away D、be away
  • 18. —Would you mind looking after my cat while I'm on vacation?


    A、I'd like it B、Yes, I'd be happy to C、Not at all, I have no time D、No, Certainly
  • 19. —Liz got the first prize in the speech contest.

             .She's so shy that she even can't speak in front of her friends.

    A、You're kidding B、You're welcome C、Thank you D、That's nothing


  • 20. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Work is helpful to health. Scientists find that the hard-working people live longer than those who have no 1 . Studies show that the job-holders are in better health than jobless. Career (职业) women are healthier than 2.

    3 is work good for health? It is because work 4 people busy, away from loneliness (孤独). Researchers show that people feel unhappy and worried when they have 5 to do. Instead, the happiest people are those who are busy. Those who are successful feel they are 6 when they are working hard. They work as a bridge 7 dream and reality (现实), so they have energy (耕力) every day. By working, people get to know each other. By taking part in all kinds of activities, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. Losing your job 8 losing everything. It will make people sick. Even taking medicine won't help.

    Besides, work brings people success. Work makes one feel his value and status  (地位) in society. When a 9 finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on (对….动手术) a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are very happy.

    All in all, the studies tell us that the 10you work, the happier and healthier you will be.

    A、money B、jobs C、homework D、friends
    A、housewives B、workers C、drivers D、cleaners
    A、What B、When C、Which D、Why
    A、keeps B、tries C、seems D、cares
    A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
    A、the happiest B、the luckiest C、the most worried D、the healthiest
    A、through B、between C、during D、with
    A、thinks B、means C、stands D、minds
    A、cook B、pilot C、pianist D、writer
    A、less B、fewer C、more  B D、lower
  • 21. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Why Are Parents So Strict With Us?

    When I was young, my parents used to disagree nearly on everything I did. I liked wearing bright red clothes , but they said the 1 was too sharp (时髦的). I hated eating vegetables, but they said they were good for my health.

    As for my study, my parents 2 me so hard in every subject I was learning. They always asked me to study hard. Every night before I fell asleep, I asked myself, " What's wrong with me? Everything 1 did was always not right. I had to 3 many things I like. I could 4 have time for my hobbies. I felt 5. " When I was at college, I studied the science of human activities (人类学). I got very good marks, but I still did not understand why my parents were so strict.

    Then I got married and had my own 6. I heard myself telling him, "You should focus on(集中于)your school work in 7 of your time. Playing computer games is not good. That T-shirt is not for your age. Put on a jacket!" It was at that time that I learnt a(n) 8 lesson in my life. I began to understand my parents. They told me what to do because they9 , just like I told my son what to do because I cared . Young people, behind all the 10 your parents give you, what they are really saying

    is "We care about you and we love you.

    A、price B、color C、size D、shape
    A、pass B、press C、push D、play
    A、give up B、put up C、set up D、take up
    A、always B、often C、hardly D、sometimes
    A、stressed B、relaxed C、excited D、happy
    A、sister B、son C、daughter D、mother
    A、most B、least C、none D、some
    A、important B、boring C、comfortable D、strange
    A、minded B、blamed C、hated D、cared
    A、sadness B、advice C、money D、progress


  • 22. 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: Oh, the summer holiday is coming soon. Pin so excited.

    B: Me too.

    A: Not yet. How about you?

    B: Have you ever been there before?

    A: Yes, I have. In fact, I go there once a year, usually in October.


    A: Yes. My uncle owns a farm there. Well, I really want to do something different this summer.

    B: I see. I went there last summer.

    A: Really? You must have a good time there.

    B: Of course.

    A. I'm thinking of going to the countryside.

    B. Why don't you go to Tibet?

    C. What did you help your uncle to do on the farm?

    D. I also learned a lot about the culture there.

    E. Have you got any plans for it?

    F. How many times have you been to Tibet?

    G. Does anyone in your family live there?


  • 23. 阅读理解

    Do you want to have a nice trip in your spare time? Maybe Yunnan is a good choice for you. There you can enjoy different places of interest.



    Day 1

    Arrive in Shangri-la. You will meet your local guide al the airport or the bus station and he or she will take you to the hotel. Visit Napa Lake in your free time in the afternoon.

    Day 2

    Drive to Lijiang for 2 hours and visit Tiger Leaping Gorge on the way. After you reach Lijiang, you can visit Black Dragon Pond and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. You can take the cable car to Baisha village in Lijiang.

    Day 3

    Take a bus to Dali (about 3. 5 hours). You can go boating on Erhai Lake. Visit Bai village, Xizhou and Zhoucheng. Do some shopping in the old Dali town.

    Day 4

    Fly to Kunming in the morning, which is the capital of Yunnan. Then take a tour to the Stone Forest. In the afternoon, end your trip and leave Kunming by air.

    Contact Information:

    Phone: 0517-83987236

    Working time: 9:00-17:00

    Company: Sunshine Travel Agency

    Address: 209 Hunan Road, Huai'an, Jiangsu

    (1)、Who will take you to the hotel when you arrive in Shangri-la?
    A、Your local guide. B、Your driver. C、Your parents. D、Your friends
    (2)、You can't visit ___________ in Lijiang on the second day.
    A、Black Dragon Pond B、Tiger Leaping Gorge C、Napa Laike D、Baisha village
    (3)、Please put the following sentence in a correct order.

    ①Fly Jo the capital of Yunnan. ②Visit Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

    ③Go hiking in Tiger Leaping Gorge. ④Do some shopping in the old Dali town.

    A、③④②① B、③②④① C、②④③① D、②①④③
  • 24. 阅读理解

    Do you like reading? Here is some advice to help you improve your reading skills.

    Get into the habit of reading regularly. Read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as you can.

    Reading should be fun, so make sure the texts you choose are not too difficult for you. If you think the reading material is a challenge, find something easier. Try to read books that are written especially for ESL(English as a second language)learners. Here is a guide on how to choose a book.

    ★Is this the book you want to read? Look at the book's cover. Usually this will give you some ideas of what the book is about.

    ★Is this the right level? You can choose a page near the middle of the book and read it. Do you understand more than 70% of the text? If you do, then it's probably the right level for you.

    Find a writer you like and read all his or her books. By doing this you will know the style of the writer, it can also help you master typical words and grammar that he or she usually uses.

    Try to read things more than once. Read something and then read it again a few weeks or months later. You will understand it better.

    Try to discuss a book with other people. Join an online book club or write book reviews online. As you share your ideas with others and others share theirs with vou, you are able to hear different opinions and learn from them.

    (1)、How do you make sure that the book you choose is the right level?
    A、By asking your teacher. B、By reading the whole book. C、By looking at the cover of the book. D、By reading a page near the middle of the book.
    (2)、When you know the style of a certain writer, you will _____________.
    A、be tired of reading his books B、know what he will write next time C、find it hard to get the main idea of his books D、know his usual way of using words and grammar
    (3)、What can we learn from the text?
    A、The writer shares three ways to choose a book. B、You will feel tired when you read a book twice. C、People can get some ideas about a book from the cover. D、People should discuss a book with the book's writer online.
    (4)、In which part of a magazine may you read this text?
    A、Advice. B、Science. C、History. D、Health.
  • 25. 阅读理解

    Maybe there are many moving stories around you. Today you can know one of them. This story is just so sweet and sad at the same time. 11-year-old Lu Zikuan had to eat five times a day because he wanted to save his father's life.

    His father got badly ill years ago. Doctors told him that the only way to save his father's life was with a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植). Lu was the only person in the family to save his dad. But there was one big problem—he had only 30 kg. And doctors told the family that the boy had to gain weight (增重) to at least 15 kg. In order to do the transplant safely,Lu ate a lot for five meals a day. This made it hard for him to walk. He was only a primary school student, but in the end, he gained enough weight and saved his father in September.

    "Adding each kilogram means I'm one step closer to helping my dad. I can do it, "Lu said. The boy got an award for his filial piety (孝顺) in a contest called Searching for Filial Teens. He set a good example for young people. "I will look after my father well, and I will be more filial to my parents. "Lu said.

    (1)、What does the writer think of the story about Lu Zikuan?
    A、Moving, sweet hut sad. B、Moving, interesting hut sad. C、Interesting and exciting. D、Moving, exciting and sad.
    (2)、How many times did Ln Zikuan have to eat a day?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
    (3)、What can we learn from Lu Zikuan?
    A、Study hard at school. B、Be filial to parents. C、Get an award. D、Gain much weight.
  • 26. 阅读理解

    What do you usually do in your free time? Do you watch short videos on some apps? According to the China Internet Network Information Centre, the number of short video users reached 773 million in March, 2020. That is, about 86% of all Chinese Internet users are watching or making short videos, or both! If you say short videos are only popular in China,you are wrong. TikTok (抖音) has more than 800 million users around the world.

    Many users like short videos. They say the videos not only make them relax, but also teach them useful skills. "I love watching Iao Qiao's short videos on my phone, "Francis, one of the short video users, says. "Lao Qiao is a famous cook and his videos are my favourite ones. From his videos, people can learn how to make Shaanxi noodles in no time at all. "

    However, quite a few people think short videos are not that good. "There are many other ways to relax, like watching movies, reading books and playing sports, " they say. "All of them are more meaningful (有意义的) to people. "What's more,if people start watching the short videos, they can't stop. There are always new ones waiting for them, so they always spend hours on them.

    Some teachers say people should not spend much time on short videos. " Most of them are just for fun, " they say. " They don't teach people to think or to improve themselves. It's not good for the people, and not good for society (社会), either. "

    (1)、From the first paragraph, we know that ________________.
    A、children around the world like watching short videos B、people spend much time watching short videos C、short videos are popular around the world D、TikTok is the first short video app in China
    (2)、The writer talks about Francis in Paragraph two to _______________.
    A、describe how much he loves using his phone B、tell readers how he learns to make videos C、ask readers to watch Lao Qiao's short videos D、show people can learn something through short videos
    (3)、The underlined word "ones" in Paragraph three refers to ___________.
    A、short videos B、other ways to relax C、useful skills D、movies and books
    (4)、What do the teachers ask us to do?
    A、Make full use of short videos to have fun. B、Try not to spend much time on short videos. C、Make some short videos about life by ourselves. D、Use short videos to do something meaningful for society.
  • 27. 阅读理解

    If you go into theforest with friends, stay with them. If you don't, you may get lost. Sit downand stay where you are. Don't try to find your friends, but let them find youinstead. You can help them find you by staying in one place. There is anotherway to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle(吹口哨) 3 times. Stop for a while. Thenshout or whistle 3 times again. Any signal given 3 times is a help.

    Keep up shouting orwhistling. Always 3 times together. When people hear you, they will know thatyou are not just making a noise for fun. They'll let you know that they haveheard your signal. They'll give you 2 shout or 2 whistles. When a signal isgiven twice, it's an answer to a call for help.

    If you don't thinkthat you'll get help before night comes, try to make a little house withbranches (树枝). Make yourself a bed withleaves and grass. When you need some water, you have to leave little branch tolook for it. Don't just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as youwalk in order to go back again easily. When you are lost, the most importantthing is to stay in one place.

    (1)、If you get lost in the forest, you should ___________.
    A、try to find your friends B、stay in one place and make signals C、walk around the forest D、shout as loudly as possible
    (2)、When you hear 2 shouts or 2 whistles, you know that __________ according to the passage.
    A、someone is afraid of animal B、something terrible will happen C、someone needs help D、people will come to help you
    (3)、Which of the following statements is TRUE?
    A、If you get lost in the forest, you should try your best to find your friends. B、When you hear whistles for twice, that means someone needs your help. C、If you leave branches to look for water, you can find your way back easily. D、When you are lost the important thing to do is to cry.
  • 28. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

    Everyone can join the fight against C0V1D-19. Not sure what you should do? Here is some advice.

    •Stay away from the crowds and keep healthy

    Don't go to crowded places. If you have to, remember to wear a mask. Stay at least one meter away from others. COVID-19 can spread through mucus droplets (粘液飞沫). The droplets can fly one to two meters in the air before falling to the ground. If you don't wear a mask, you can get sick easily. And sick people should wear masks to make sure they don't give the virus to others.

    When you stay indoors, open windows to let fresh air in. Do it three times a day for fifteen minutes to half an hour each time.

    •Wash hands

    Remember to wash your hands before eating, after going to the bathroom, coming into contact with rubbish and touching animals. Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. When you wash your hands, use running water and soap.

    •Choose proper masks

    Wearing masks is a good way of stopping the virus from entering your mouth and nose, but you must choose proper ones. Medical masks and N 95 masks are the best choices. "N 95" means the mask stops at least 95 percent of very tiny particles.

    (1)、How can COVID-19 spread?(不超过10个词)
    (2)、When should we wash our hands?(不超过15个词)
    (3)、What is a good way to stop the virus from entering our mouth and nose?(不超过5个词)



  • 34. 假设你是李华,刚刚被评为三好学生,将在家长会上分享你的成功经验,请你根据以下的几点 写出你的发言稿,给同学和家长们介绍一些好的建议。










    Hello, everyone. I am Li Hua. I'm very glad to share my experience with you.


    Thanks for your listening!