
试卷更新日期:2022-07-12 类型:期末考试


  • 1. —Did you take our son to get _______ X-ray, Bill?

    —Yes, and I also told him _______ ways of keeping safe in P. E. class.

    A、a; an B、a; the C、an; the
  • 2. —What do you think of the book?

    —_______ my opinion, it is the most popular one among these books.

    A、In B、As C、For
  • 3. _______ trees we plant, _______ our city will be.
    A、The more; the more beautiful B、The most; the most beautiful C、The less; the more beautiful
  • 4. —Do you like your new neighbors?

    —No, the _______ between us are getting worse, I think.

    A、Results B、inventions C、relations
  • 5. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he _______ yet.
    A、didn't arrive B、hasn't arrived C、isn't arriving
  • 6. If you _______ your classmates, you will enjoy your school life better.
    A、take care of B、get on well with C、are used to
  • 7. You will be able to see something _______ you climb onto those rocks.
    A、if B、unless C、though
  • 8. —_______ did you marry your husband?

    —I _______ him for nearly 5 years.

    A、How long; have married B、When; have been married to C、When; have married
  • 9. You'd better not give up _______ English. It's very useful.
    A、learn B、learns C、learning
  • 10. —Our team lost the game again.

    —_______ At least, you tried your best.

    A、What's the matter? B、It's not a big deal. C、I'm afraid not.

二、完形填空 (本题共10分,每小题1分)

  • 11. 选择最佳选项完成短文。

    Space suits don't just make astronauts (宇航员) look cool. Without these special suits, astronauts wouldn't be able to1 their spacecraft (宇宙飞船). That is to say, they wouldn't be able to walk on the 2 or work outside the International Space Station.

    3 do astronauts need to wear space suits?

    Space is a4place for human beings. Firstly, there is no air to breathe (呼吸). Secondly, space also has high levels of radiation (辐射) that can pass 5 our bodies and make us sick. Thirdly, some parts of space are really 6 while other parts are very hot. So astronauts could die in just a few seconds if they stepped outside their spacecraft without their suits. With a space suit, astronauts can move around in 7 for several hours.

    ★What can a space suit do for an astronaut?

    Space suits keep astronauts safely sealed (密封的) inside. A backpack sends O2 (氧气) in to let astronauts breathe 8. At the same time, the CO2 (二氧化碳) that astronauts breathe out is sucked away (吸走). The suit also 9 them from harmful radiation and fast-moving space dust. Under the space suit is another suit that looks like a pair of tight pajamas (睡衣) with little pipes (管子) running through them. Water runs through these pipes to 10 astronauts because wearing a space suit can make astronauts very hot!

    A、leave B、live C、stay
    A、sky B、earth C、moon
    A、When B、Why C、How
    A、safe B、beautiful C、dangerous
    A、in B、through C、across
    A、cold B、hot C、cool   
    A、room B、air C、space
    A、quickly B、normally C、easily
    A、stops B、helps C、protects
    A、warm up B、cool off C、look after


  • 12. 阅读短文,从原文的每一行找出一处错误并改正,不加词,不删词。

    Running are becoming more and more popular these days. Many

    of us run for our health. Doctors say much of the health problems

    come from these badly habits: eating too much, drinking too much,   

    smoking and not take enough exercise. Running is good exercise.    

    It makes us heart strong. It also helps many people lose weight.       

    One 68-year-old woman runs three time a week. She runs to lose      

    weight. Running is good to health in other ways, too. Many runners   

    say running keeps colds and another small health problems away.      

    “Running is my doctor,” says one man. Running can also helps       

    people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy run.       


  • 13. 根据所给对话从A至F中选择最佳回应。将选项填到相应的题号右面横线上,每个选项只能用一次。

    A: Hi, David!

    B: Yes. I have finished my homework.


    B: I'd like to work outside.

    A: Me, too!

    B: I would like to do something to help others. Would you like to go with me?

    A: Sure! Let's come up with a plan. In the afternoon we can visit the children's hospital to cheer up the sick children. What do you think?

    B: But we had better join the school weekend volunteer program.

    A: Good idea! We could do better then.

    A. Do you have any ideas?

    B. Are you free tomorrow?

    C. What would you like to do?

    D. That sounds good!

    E. There are many homeless people.

    F. Tomorrow morning let's hand out food at the food bank.


  • 14. 用适当的词或句子补全对话。

    A: Hi, Amy! I haven't seen you for a long time.?

    B. Hi, Tony! I have been to Hainan island.

    A: That sounds wonderful! ?

    B. I went there by plane. It's very far from here.

    A: Oh, I see. ?

    B: I went there with my parents.

    A: ?

    B: Oh. It's very beautiful. We had a good time there..

    A: Not yet. I'm going there this summer vacation.

    B: I hope you will have a good trip.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

    Parents are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they're not as close to their parents as before. They even don't think their parents are fair (公平的) to them.

    Some students complain that their parents often say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say their parents don't allow them to play computer games when other classmates are doing that. Others say when they're making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if they're speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home because they're afraid to tell their parents when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams. Then they usually think running away is the only choice (选择). But they don't know running away may bring them some more problems.

    Problems are parts of life. Here are some suggestions for you to solve your problems.

    1) Find a good chance to talk with your parents. Don't be afraid to tell them your feelings.

    2) Get help from others like good friends or teachers.

    3) Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.

    4) Show your parents you're growing up. Then they'll feel you're no longer a small child.

    (1)、Today's students are very happy and they don't have any problems.
    (2)、Some students think their parents are unfair to them.
    (3)、We should talk to our parents if we have problems.
    (4)、The writer suggests that we keep a diary because it can help us practice writing.
    (5)、Students usually tell their parents their ideas when they do something wrong.
  • 16. 阅读理解

    What's the most popular Winter Olympics design with kids and teenagers? It must be the mascots (吉祥物). Bing Dwen Dwen, a panda in an ice shell, was chosen as the mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in 2019. Now it has been made into lovely toys and models, as well as printed on notebooks, bags, and so on.

    "The International Olympic Committee (国际奥组委) has found that successful mascots had to be cuddly (令人想拥抱的) and liked by 9-year-old children, " said Cao Xue, one of the designers of Bing Dwen Dwen. "And I knew Bing Dwen Dwen would be. "

    Cao's team once made three designs, and Cao asked his 9-year-old son to choose his favorite. "When he first saw it, he chose Bing Dwen Dwen, which was the final mascot, " Cao said.

    Cao's team tried many plants and animals, finally going with a panda. "What can better stand for China than our national treasure (宝藏)?" said Cao, "We don't need to say anything to have it understood across different cultures. "

    They faced a problem, though, there were already too many cartoon pandas. Cao's team looked at panda designs from around the world. They wanted to make sure their panda was different. For this reason, Cao thought that it should be a baby panda. This is how they got Bing Dwen Dwen's body shape.

    Bing Dwen Dwen looks like an astronaut in a space suit. It waves its left hand to say hello. It has two red hearts on its hand, showing kindness and love. A series of colored floating lines around its head look like the tracks on an ice rink (冰场). They refer to "Ice Ribbon (冰丝带)", which stand for Beijing's National Speed Skating. The colorful lines also refer to fast 5G signals.

    (1)、What is Bing Dwen Dwen?
    A、A toy popular with children. B、An adult panda. C、A mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
    (2)、Colored floating lines around Bing Dwen Dwen's head Do Not refer to _________.
    A、kindness and love B、"Ice Ribbon" C、the track on an ice rink   
    (3)、Why did Cao Xue decide Bing Dwen Dwen for the final mascot? Which is Not the answer?
    A、Only because Cao's 9-year-old son likes it. B、No other animals can stand for China than pandas. C、Bing Dwen Dwen is different from other cartoon pandas.
    (4)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、The achievement of Cao Xue and his team. B、How did Cao Xue and his team design Bing Dwen Dwen? C、The introduction of Cao Xue.
    (5)、This article probably comes from _________.
    A、Science World B、Olympics World C、Space World
  • 17. 阅读短文,根据首字母或所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通顺。

    It's not often sunny in Paris,but people still love to walk along the banks of the Seine. They love the city's old buildings,(especial) Notre-Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院) . Unluckily,that view has (go) since April 16th, 2019.

    On April 16,a fire destroyed the 850-year-old cathedral,and two-thirds of the roof. The fire (shock) Parisians. People came together to the church,(sing) songs and praying (祈祷)for the hundreds of firefighters who fought the flames. "Notre-Dame, not only to Catholics, b also to all Parisians means a lot," wrote by author. "It's a symbol of French culture and history." That's w people felt sad. The church itself,after all,is a treasure. It was built in 1163 and after Notre-Dame,churches in Europe were built (tall) and looked more beautiful. Though Notre-Dame had a long history and many (treasure), Victor Hugo,a writer,made the church truly famous. His novel,The Hunchback of Notre-Dame,presented the building to us. He wrote the book to remind people o it,with hope they would work to protect the beautiful old buildings of Paris.

  • 18. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    What should you do if there is a fire at school? Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd? Every year since 1996, on the last Monday of the last week in March, the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students (全国中小学安全教育日) is held. This year it falls on March 28th. It offers us a chance to learn more about school safety.

    A survey shows that the worst accidents are a result of stampedes (踩踏), fires and traffic. When facing an accident, the first and most important rule is to stay calm. But you should have different ways to deal with different accidents.

    A stampede happens in a place where there is a large crowd. When students around you begin to push, stand still and try to hold on to something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves. If you fall down in a moving crowd, cover your head with both hands to protect yourself. Lean to one side, curl your body and bend your legs.

    When there is a fire, you should follow the teachers' instructions. Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don't breathe in smoke.

    If you walk to school or go by bike, follow traffic rules. Wait for the green traffic light, and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.

    (1)、When is the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students this year?
    (2)、When facing an accident, the first and most important rule is to ask for help. Is that right?
    (3)、What should you do when students around you begin to push?
    (4)、Before crossing the road, what should you do?
    (5)、What does the passage mainly talk about?

七、书面表达 (共计15分)

  • 19. "A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart"这句谚语让我们体会到了朋友的珍贵之处。交流是我们收获珍贵友谊的重要途径之一。请根据下面图示, 以 "How to Communicate with Our Friends" 为题写一篇英语短文。



    How to Communicate with Our Friends

    A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.