
试卷更新日期:2022-07-12 类型:期末考试

一、单项选择,从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。(15分)

  • 1. — Let's play ___________ chess now.

    — That's boring. How about playing ___________ piano?

    A、/; / B、/; the C、the; / D、a; the
  • 2. — ___________ is it from your home to the park? 

    — It's about 10 minutes' bike ride.

    A、How much B、How soon C、How far D、How often
  • 3. My parents and I always see things ___________. I like rock music, but they think it's noisy.
    A、quickly B、differently C、early D、slowly
  • 4. — Excuse me, where is the Science Museum? 

    — Go ___________ the street. It is on your right.

    A、past B、from C、through D、across
  • 5. — It's bad for students to ___________ too late. 

    — I agree. Enough sleep is important to them.

    A、stay up B、put up C、cut up D、get up
  • 6. — Hello, is that Simon speaking? 

    — No, he isn't in now. Can I take a ___________ for him?

    A、name B、letter C、card D、message
  • 7. Jim practices ___________ basketball hard. I think he wants to be a great basketball player.
    A、play B、plays C、playing D、to play
  • 8. — Where is your sister, Bill? I can't see her.

    — Oh, she ___________ the dishes in the kitchen.

    A、wash B、washes C、is washing D、washed
  • 9. I like reading and there are over five ___________ books in my bookcase. 
    A、hundred B、hundreds C、hundred of D、hundreds of
  • 10. On school days, we must wear school uniforms, but on weekends we ___________. 
    A、must B、mustn't C、have to D、don't have to
  • 11. ___________ Tom was late again, ___________ the teacher was very angry.
    A、/; so B、Because; so C、/; because D、/; but
  • 12. — ___________ good weather it is today! Let's go climbing.

    — Good idea.

    A、How B、How a C、What D、What a
  • 13. — Could you please tell me ___________?

    — Sure. It is between the bank and the hotel.

    A、where is the pay phone B、where the pay phone is C、where can I make a phone call D、where I can make a phone call
  • 14. Either you or he ___________ to clean the classroom after school.
    A、have B、has C、need D、want
  • 15. — Would you like to go for a walk with me?

    — ___________. It's relaxing.

    A、Yes, please B、No, thanks C、Yes, I'd like to D、Sorry, I can't


  • 16. 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    A. See you.

    B. A bottle of milk.

    C. A cup of coffee, please.

    D. What's your telephone number?

    E. What kind of noodles would you like?

    F. What size bowl of noodles would you like?

    (Mr. Li is ordering some food at House of Noodles on the phone.)

    Waiter: Hello, House of Noodles.

    Mr. Li: Hello, I want to order some food.


    Mr. Li: I'd like a bowl of beef noodles.


    Mr. Li: A large bowl.

    Waiter: Would you like some drinks?

    Mr. Li: Yes.

    Waiter: OK. A large bowl of beef noodles and a cup of coffee. What's your address?

    Mr. Li: It's 558 Hongqi Road.


    Mr. Li: It's 3988-4528.

    Waiter: Al right. That'll be twenty-one yuan.

    Mr. Li: Well, thank you. See you.

    Waiter: You are welcome.


  • 17. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Each of us makes mistakes (犯错) from time to time. In fact, we can 1 a lot from our mistakes.

    Donnie was a2student and he never answered questions in class. He was afraid3making mistakes. He never finished his homework 4 he didn't want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed (改变) 5 Mary, a teacher, came to our class.

    One morning, Donnie was asked to 6 some questions. After a while, he was in tears (眼泪) because he 7 a mistake. Then Mary took out a box filled (装满) with 8 from the desk.

    "Look, Donnie," she said standing beside 9," I have something to show you." She 10 the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk.

    "See these erasers, Donnie?" she continued. "Do you know 11 these erasers become smaller and smaller? That's because we make mistakes. But we erase (擦除) the mistakes and try 12. That's what you must learn."

    "Here," she said, "I'll 13 one eraser on your desk, so you'll remember that 14 may make mistakes." Donnie looked at Mary and smiled.

    Donnie 15 a lot from then on. He knew that everyone might make mistakes. He should learn from them and tried again.

    A、save B、make C、learn D、bring
    A、good B、shy C、clever D、small
    A、to B、at C、on D、of
    A、because B、or C、if D、but
    A、after B、because C、before D、for
    A、answer B、ask C、give D、have
    A、took B、made C、brought D、carried
    A、erasers B、pens C、books D、rulers
    A、her B、me C、him D、you
    A、look out B、go out C、took out D、come out
    A、how B、where C、what D、why
    A、ever B、again C、even D、only
    A、forget B、remember C、leave D、come
    A、nobody B、something C、anything D、everybody
    A、changed    B、forgot C、sent D、said


  • 18. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    These days, No. 1 Middle School has made a survey about the ways people go to work or school. There were 300 people taking part in the survey. Here are the results.

    From the survey, we can see most people drive their cars to school or work now. So there are lots of cars on the streets. Sometimes, it's not easy for us to go to school or work on time. How to solve this problem?

    Four people in Germany make a new plane — Lilium Jet. It doesn't look like a plane but an egg. Many people think it looks funny. The nice "egg" can take two people each time and run about three hundred kilometers an hour.        

    The Lilium Jet is not very big. So it doesn't need an airport. A small place is OK. Some people also call the Lilium Jet a flying car. It's not difficult for you to learn to drive it. You can drive it like driving a car.

    Maybe you can buy one if you like it. I'm sure your trip to school or work will be great.

    (1)、According to the survey, how many people go to work or school by car?
    A、43. B、81. C、129. D、144.
    (2)、Why is it difficult for people to go to school or work on time now?
    A、Because there are more people now. B、Because there are lots of cars on the streets. C、Because it is not easy for people to get up early. D、Because most people go to school or work on foot.
    (3)、What does Lilium Jet look like?
    A、A plane. B、A bike. C、An egg. D、A car.
    (4)、How many people can Lilium Jet take each time?
    A、Four. B、Three. C、Two. D、One.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Eighty people go to school or work by bus. B、Lilium Jet can run five hundred kilometers an hour. C、Four people in Britain make a new plane Lilium Jet. D、The Lilium Jet doesn't need an airport because it is not very big.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you couldn't? Can you eat a box of chocolate all by yourself?

    Can you say "no" to sweets at parties? If you can't, then perhaps you're sugar addict (有瘾的人). Doctors say that people who often eat sweets can easily become addicted to sugar.

    Sugar addiction is serious, because it can really damage your health and even cause (导致) death. Doctors say that we should eat healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables, and we shouldn't eat a lot of sugar or fast food. But sugar addicts are difficult to follow the advice. Well, here is some useful advice for sugar addicts:

    ★ Eat some fresh fruit when you really want something sweet to eat.

    ★ Cut down on sweet food slowly. Don't try to stop eating it all at once.

    ★ You have to tell your parents. They will help you give up (放弃) bad eating habits.

    (1)、Who can become addicted to sugar easily?
    A、People who often eat sweets. B、People who eat lots of fast food. C、People who don't have healthy food. D、People who eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "damage" probably (可能) mean?
    A、Be kind to. B、Be good for. C、Be bad for. D、Be sorry for.
    (3)、The doctor gives the following advice _______.

    ① We should eat chocolate to keep healthy.

    ② We shouldn't eat a lot of fast food.

    ③ We have to give up bad eating habits by ourselves.

    ④ We should eat fresh fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.

    ⑤ We'd better cut down sweet food slowly.

    A、①④⑤ B、②④⑤ C、①②③ D、②③④
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、Fresh fruits are the worst food for us. B、We should eat sugar to keep healthy. C、Parents may help you give up bad eating habits. D、We can stop eating sweet food at once.
    (5)、What's the best title of the passage?
    A、Sweet Food B、Sugar Is Bad    C、Sugar and Fast Food D、Sugar Addiction
  • 20. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    Koi fish (锦鲤) are large fish. They are very popular in the world, but Japanese and Chinese people especially (尤其) love them. Walk through any garden or public park in Japan or China, and you will always find a pond with these colorful fish. The fish are big. Some can grow as long as 90 cm!

    Koi fish can be white, black, blue, red, cream and yellow in color. They have different spots (斑点) on their bodies. They look very beautiful.

    Koi fish usually live for 25 to 30 years. But some can live for more than 100 years!

    Koi fish eat watermelons and peas. They also eat other kinds of fish and their eggs.

    Koi fish are very clever. Keepers can train the koi fish to eat from people's hands.

    The best water temperature for koi fish is anywhere between 15 and 25℃. In the cold winter, they swim to the bottom of their ponds and go into dormancy (冬眠) .

    Do koi fish love the sun? No! If their ponds don't have enough shadow, they can get sunburned (晒伤的) on hot sunny days and may die.

    (1)、Japanese and Chinese people love Koi fish very much.
    (2)、Koi fish are large fish and some can be 90 cm long.
    (3)、All koi fish can live for more than 100 years.
    (4)、Koi fish are very active in the cold winter.
    (5)、Koi fish love hot sunny days.
  • 21. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全短文,使文章内容完整、通顺。

    A. We had a big dinner at six.

    B. The match was really exciting.

    C. Uncle Tyler took me to go fishing.

    D. Mom, Sally and I came here to visit my uncle.

    E. Sally and I visited many interesting places with Aunt Susan.

    My name is Sam. I am in Chengdu now!  We are having a good time. Dad didn't come with us because he went to India last month.

    For Sally and me, it's our first time to come to China. We are so happy. Last week Mom went to a lot of different shows in Chengdu. She knows Chengdu very well because she worked here ten years ago.  Sally and I can't speak Chinese, but Aunt Susan can speak Chinese well.

    Yesterday afternoon, Mom, Sally and Aunt Susan stayed at home cooking dinner.

     He drove for an hour and then we arrived at his favorite lake. First, we walked along the lake, looking for a good place to fish. Uncle Tyler said we must fish from the top of a large rock (岩石). We fished for two hours and my uncle caught many fish. He is really an excellent fisherman. It was five when we got home.

    In the evening, Uncle Tyler took Sally and me to watch a basketball match. It was between Sichuan and Liaoning.

  • 22. 根据文章内容,回答下列问题。

    Luo Wei, born in Guangzhou, is a pianist in Shanghai. He likes expressing(表达) his love through his music. He writes his piano pieces from the everyday scenes (场景)in Shanghai. He wrote more than 100 "love letters" for his city. They are all piano pieces.

    Luo's musical journey started when he was a little child. His parents were strict with him. "They did not believe in shortcuts (捷径). When I wasn't having classes in school, I would spend most of my free time practicing the piano," he said.

    He wrote his first piano piece on a rainy day when he was feeling sad. "I just love riding on the streets to look for something interesting, such as the singing birds in the trees in summer, and the fallen leaves on the floor in autumn. All these are good for my piano pieces. People will find that Shanghai is a good place to live through my music," he says.

    Many people love listening to his music. Some people even say they want to go to Shanghai after listening to his music. "His music is so beautiful and warm," they say.

    Luo Wei says he wants to write more good music for people and bring Shanghai to the world.

    (1)、How many "love letters" did Luo Wei write for his city — Shanghai?
    (2)、When did Luo Wei's musical journey start?
    (3)、Why does Luo Wei love riding on the streets?
    (4)、Does Luo Wei love Shanghai?
    (5)、What do some people think of Luo Wei's music?


  • 23. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    I'm David Brown. I stay at home for eight  (hour). I don't know what I can do but I find it boring to stay at home. That makes me feel bad. So, I  dressed and get out for some fresh (新鲜的) air .

    I live in a small neighborhood. Only some people are riding bikes on the street. It's about 6:30 p.m. now and many people  (cook) at home. The food must be delicious. It smells good. I remember that I need to eat dinner, too.  I never eat out. I'm not sure  the restaurants are. I have to ask for help. A man tells me that there's one  North Street and the food there is nice. To get there, I need to go across the road and then turn right. After walking past two crossings, I find it on  (I) left. It's kind of  (noise) in it because it's dinner time. I  (quiet) sit down and order my food. Then I see an old man coming in and walking to me.

    "Can I sit here?" he asks. "Yes," I say.

    "You look unhappy, young man. Are you sure I can sit here?" the old man asks again.

    "Oh, of course. I'm just thinking about my bad life. Today is my birthday but I lost my job."

    "Why not stop  (think) like this? You can get the next good job soon," the old man says, "Life is not only about hard times. Happy birthday!"


  • 24. 假如你是李华, 交换生Mary下周要来你们学校学习。请你给她发一封邮件,向她介绍一下你们学校的校规。

    要求: 不少于40词。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)

    Dear Mary,

    How's it going? I'm very glad to hear you are coming to our school.


    I hope to see you soon.


    Li Hua

  • 25. 长春市二道区正在评选"优秀少年",为同学们树立积极的榜样。假如你是推选人,你想要推选自己的同学大明。请你用英语写一篇文章,介绍他的情况。



