
试卷更新日期:2022-07-08 类型:期末考试


  • 1. Where will Mrs. White go next week?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. Which charity can Lucy join?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. What does Andy advise to live a green life?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. What public sign may be there?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. What kind of book does the boy like best?
    A、History B、Cooking C、Novel
  • 6. What time does the girl's school start?
    A、At 7:15 a. m. B、At 7:30 a. m. C、At 7:45 a. m.
  • 7. Who has been to the beach?
    A、Jim B、Jim's uncle C、Jim and his uncle
  • 8. What's probably the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Shopkeeper and buyer B、Librarian and student C、Mother and son
  • 9. How long has the man had the camera?
    A、For five years B、For six years C、For seven years
  • 10. What will Nancy do?
    A、Play volleyball B、Watch a game C、Find a player

二、听下面3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分遍)

  • 11. 听一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How did Daniel get the news?
    A、From his friend. B、On the internet. C、In the newspaper.
    (2)、Why will the two speakers go to the show this evening?
    A、Because the singers are famous. B、Because they want to do something for the poor. C、Because they have nothing interesting to do.
  • 12. 听短文,回答问题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。

    Some information about Sunshine Travel Office

    New Telephone number

    Please ring at 1.

    New Address

    68 Park Road.

    Near 2, behind the Bank of China.

    Business Hours

    Open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    New Treatment

    If your holiday costs $500, you will get3.

    A、8487669 B、8748996 C、8478696
    A、the town hall B、the park C、the shopping mall
    A、a free ticket B、a free travel bag C、a special offer
  • 13. 听短文,回答问题。
    (1)、Where is the language school?
    A、In Canada.   B、In the UK. C、In the USA.
    (2)、How long should the students learn English in the classroom?
    A、Two hours and a half. B、Three and a half hours. C、Four hours and a half.
    (3)、What do the students do in the afternoon?
    A、They must learn English. B、They can do some reading. C、They are free to do anything.
    (4)、How soon will they get the result of the exam?
    A、In four weeks. B、In five weeks. C、In six weeks.
    (5)、What does the headteacher think of the exam?
    A、It's not so hard. B、It's very difficult. C、It's not so easy.


  • 14. In many languages, __________ word "mama" sounds like nana.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 15. You're now __________ the other end of the world, but I feel like you're here, smiling.
    A、in B、at C、on D、by
  • 16. — Have you decided what to do next?

    —No, it depends on what _____________ we'll make from this discussion.

    A、conclusion B、conversation C、condition D、competition
  • 17. — Lucy, which song will you choose for your show?

    —I _____________choose Lonely Warrior. I need more advice.

    A、must B、may C、would D、should
  • 18. It's an important part of your daily communication to __________ yourself properly.
    A、interview B、believe C、explain D、express
  • 19. —What do you think of A Dream of Red Mansions, the great classical Chinese novel?

    —I've no idea. I ___________ only half of it, and I will try to finish it by the weekend.

    A、was reading B、am reading C、have read D、will read
  • 20. — I don't know _________ to deal with the old mobile phones?

    —It's said that they should be recycled in a special way.

    A、which B、what C、how D、where
  • 21. The Silk Road helped __________ markets for Asia, Africa and Europe in ancient time.
    A、open up B、put up C、get up D、make up
  • 22. What a terrible experience! ____________, lucky us, we are safe now.
    A、Moreover B、Otherwise C、However D、Anyway
  • 23. The food there doesn't taste as good as it __________. Don't eat only with your eyes.
    A、smells B、is smelt C、looks D、is looked
  • 24. —Is that Mrs. Li?

    —It can't be her. She, as a volunteer, _____________ Shanghai since April.

    A、has been to B、has gone to C、has been in D、has come to
  • 25. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?
    A、Break dancing is a style of dance. B、Ballet is the most beautiful dancing. C、The history of ballet began in Italy. D、Xinjiang dance has neck movements.
  • 26. The English exam isn't _____________for me. I hope I haven't failed.
    A、enough difficult B、enough easy C、difficult enough D、easy enough
  • 27. Pay attention to your words. Just as the saying goes, "A tree ________by its fruit, and a man by its talk"
    A、Knows B、is known C、knew D、will be known
  • 28. —I plan to apply to be a volunteer for the 2023 Asian Games in Hangzhou

    —______________. It will be a wonderful experience.

    A、You bet B、I agree C、Never mind D、Sounds great


  • 29. 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Every day I get outside and take a walk near my house. Several days ago, I happened to 1 a coin on the road. But I 2 walking. After a while I started thinking of my 3. She likes collecting loose change. If she saw the coin, she wouldn't 4 it. I wanted to go back for it, but I thought it would be shaming if someone saw me 5 a coin.

    Later that day I told my 6-year-old daughter Kate about the 6. As I expected, she didn't say, "Don't 7 it. It is only a coin. "Instead, Kate said, "I would have picked it up. When small coins are 8, they will become something important. " She 9 catches small opportunities (机遇).

    Deep into the night, I thought of that coin again. I once stepped on 10 but passed by. I also thought of my opportunities. I lost many opportunities 11 I thought they were not important.

    The next morning, I walked along the 12 road. I decided to pick up that coin if I saw it again. But it was 13. Someone else caught the opportunity which had belonged to me.

    Since then, I have paid much attention to small opportunities around me. I began to understand that a small opportunity can be the 14 of something bigger. What a great life lesson! And it only 15 me a coin.

    A、collect B、throw C、notice D、lose
    A、stopped B、avoided C、kept D、enjoyed
    A、mother B、daughter C、cousin D、friend
    A、want B、get C、miss D、find
    A、holding up B、giving up C、looking up D、picking up
    A、event B、road C、walking D、coin
    A、worry about B、talk about C、hear about D、laugh about
    A、thrown away B、thought about C、added up D、found out
    A、sometimes B、never C、seldom D、usually
    A、it B、them C、one D、those
    A、before B、until C、though D、because
    A、similar B、same C、new D、different
    A、gone B、hidden C、dirty D、broken
    A、step B、beginning C、result D、end
    A、costs B、takes C、pays D、spends


  • 30. 阅读理解

    What's wrong with your computer?

    Will you feel helpless if your home computer breaks down? In fact, there are some basic things that you can do on your own. Here is a simple guide for you.

    Check your connections

    It's the smartest thing that you can do when you run into a computer problem. Many network problems are as simple as a bad connection. They can be solved quickly. Begin by restarting your router. Then, check all network lines or the power source.

    Restart your computer

    Turn your computer off and on again when it can't operate as usual. In most cases, your computer will correct itself. Many simple computer problems can be solved in this way. And if s the easiest way.

    Write down the error messages

    Error messages are very important for solving computer problems. Write them down as they come out. This way, you can look them up online later using your smart phone. You will also be able to talk to a computer repairman with better accuracy (准确).

    Do some simple tests

    Search online for a list of things that could be the cause of your problem. Test each of them, one by one, to rule out (排除) impossible ones. You can also tell your computer repairman your findings so that he or she will find it easier to fix your broken machine.

    (1)、When your computer breaks down, the easiest thing you can do is to ___________.
    A、check your connections B、restart your computer C、write down the error messages D、do some simple tests
    (2)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Restart your router, and your computer will correct itself. B、Error messages only help when you look them up online. C、You can search online or ask a computer repairman for help. D、A computer repairman can easily solve any computer problem.
    (3)、Where would you be most likely to read the passage?
    A、In a sports newspaper. B、In a user's guide. C、In a restaurant menu. D、In a shopping list.
  • 31. 本题为课外阅读考查,取材于扬州市"五个一百"工程课外阅读指定书目《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》,请根据书本内容及问题,选择正确答案。
    (1)、(About the writer) Mark Twain_______________.
    A、is a famous American writer B、is good at writing poems C、gets his name from his novel D、writes stories without his experiences
    (2)、(About the characters)Which of the following describes Pap correctly?
    A、He's kind to Huck. B、He likes beating Huck. C、He helps Huck escape. D、He promises to love Huck.
    (3)、(About the plots) In the adventure, who does Huck meet first?
    A、Jim B、The two frauds C、The three sisters D、Tom Sawyer's aunt
    (4)、(About the themes) Which is NOT the main theme of the story?
    A、Freedom. B、Bravery C、Health D、Friendship
  • 32. 阅读理解

    CNN-China launched (发射) another manned mission (载人任务) to its new space station on Sunday, sending three astronauts (宇航员) who will continue space work for six months.

    The astronauts lifted off on the Shenzhou-14 spacecraft at 10:44 a. m. , June 5th, 2022, launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert, Inner Mongolia.

    The crew includes Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe. Chen was aboard China's Shenzhou-11 manned space mission in 2016 and once held the record for longest stay in space bya Chinese astronaut. Liu became the first ever Chinese woman in space in 2012 on the Shenzhou-9 mission. And this will be Cai's first mission in space. The team will live and work at the Tiangong Space Station's Tianhe core module (核心仓) for six months before returning to Earth. It marks a new step in China's space program.

    Six months is the standard mission duration (标准任务期限) for many countries—but it is an important chance for Chinese astronauts to be accustomed to a long-term stay in space and help prepare future astronauts to do the same.

    Six space missions have been scheduled (规划) before the end of the year, including another manned mission, two laboratory modules and two cargo missions.

    The team aboard Shenzhou-14 will help with the docking, setting up and testing of the two laboratory modules Wentian and Mengtian, which are ready to launch in July and October this year.

    (1)、The three astronauts will come back to the earth this
    A、July B、October C、November D、December
    (2)、What does the underlined phrase "be accustomed to" mean in Paragraph 4?
    A、适应 B、完善 C、总结 D、享受
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、It was Chen Dong's second time to get into space. B、Mengtian will be launched earlier than Wentian this year. C、Six more space missions will be scheduled after Shenzhou-14. D、All the international astronauts should work in space for 6months.
    (4)、Which can be the best title for the passage?
    A、China's new space station B、A new step in China's space program C、Great Chinese astronauts D、Another successful moon landing mission
  • 33. 阅读理解

    It has troubled almost anyone thinking carefully about a word for some time. Think about the word "flower". F-l-o-w-e-r. Flowers. The flower in the field. The flower in the grass. Flower. Flower. Flower.


    ① _______ Did the word just break into pieces before your eyes, become strange and unable to understand, or some meaningless letters? If so, what just happened to you is nothing new, In fact. the phenomenon (现象) was first described in The American Journal of Psychology in 1907;""Ifa word is looked at carefully for some time, it will be found to become strange and foreign. …"Or, as Urban Dictionary describes the situation: "When you say a word so much, it starts to sound strange"

    ② __________Over the years, this phenomenon has got many different names, but the best known one is semantic satiation (语义饱和) . Leon James, a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii's firstly used it in 1962. James did many experiments to find out how semantic satiation affects (影响) thinking.

    ③_________ It's a kind of mental fatigue (心理疲劳) , he said. When a brain gets started, it takes more energy to start the second time, and still more the third time. And finally, it won't even answer until you wait a few seconds for the fourth time. "This gave me an idea: If you keep saying a word, the meaning in the word keeps being repeated, and then it becomes more difficult to understand when you continue to pay attention to it."

    ④________ Some new medical research showed that it could be used to treat steering (口吃). Businessmen have begun rethinking their ways of selling. One example is "Double Eleven. "Because of overuse, "Double Eleven is no longer as exciting and popular today as it once was.

    (1)、The writer uses the example of "flower" at the beginning to_
    A、tell us the word is hard to remember B、show us his or her love of flowers C、help catch the topic of the passage quickly D、teach us how to read it better
    (2)、The sentence "Today, semantic satiation continues to be studied in different fields. "can go in _______________.
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (3)、The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refers to (指代)_____________.
    A、a phenomenon B、a situation C、a name D、a word
    (4)、What can we infer from the passage?
    A、According to Leon James's research, Stuttering can be cured. B、The more times your brain gets started, the more energy it takes. C、A word will become strange because of some meaningless letters. D、People are now more interested in "Double Eleven" than before.


  • 34. People will be if they don't wear helmets while driving their e-bikes. (罚款)
  • 35. After hard work, people can always have fun themselves in outdoor activities. (放松)
  • 36. I felt much, of being a Chinese after the 24th Olympic Winter Games. (自豪)
  • 37. The couple have lived a happy life since they each other. (结婚)
  • 38. To save the time to work, he moved to a flat his factory. (对面)
  • 39. Jack looked through the about the book before he decided to buy it. (introduce)
  • 40. John came in the race, but he made up his mind to keep practising. (five)
  • 41. This summer I will do something by joining the Helping Club. (mean)
  • 42. What you decide to do now will make a to your future. (different)
  • 43. They wanted me to join their hiking, but I refused their invitation. (polite)


  • 44. 阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题(每题回答字数不超过10个词)。


    I gave the young man I had rescued (救) bread and water. He was tired out and fell quickly asleep.

    I guessed his age at around twenty-six. He was tall and strong and looked kind, especially when he smiled. He slept only about a half. Again he made gestures (手势) to show that he was grateful to me.

    We communicated by gestures at first. Soon he showed himself much better at learning my language than I was at learning his. I told him I'm Robinson. I called him Friday, for it was on a Friday that I rescued him. He quickly learned "yes" and "no" and the names of many things.

    At first, I didn't completely trust Friday and he was separated from me in another room. But soon I found it unnecessary. Nobody would be more loyal than Friday. He seemed almost to consider me like a father. Friday was also willing to help in any way.

    For the next three years, I taught Friday to use all my tools. I took him to see everything I had made. Friday was quick to help with the work on the island. One day, I showed Friday the ruin of the wreck (沉船). I explained that I had come upon the island the same way. That was when Friday told me the most amazing thing. He saw such a wreck before, not far from his home.

    "We rescue the white men from drown. "he said.

    I asked him how many men they had rescued, and he showed me on his fingers — seventeen. I was surprised at the idea of a group of Europeans so close. I took Friday to the highest point of the island where other lands could be seen. He began jumping and dancing.


    (1)、How did they communicate at first?
    (2)、Why was the man called Friday?
    (3)、What did Friday learn to use from Robinson on the island?
    (4)、What was the most amazing thing told by Friday?
    (5)、What do you think of Friday?(at least 2 points)


  • 45. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,每空一词。

    After my parents' divorce (离婚), I moved with my father to a small town when I was 12 years old. I already knew that my teen years would be a h  time of my life. I was a total outsider (旁观者) and a stranger at a new school. I felt really l in my small town.

    But by starting to do volunteer work when I was 14, I turned my problem into a love of h others. This made me feel like my life had a greater purpose. The more positive (积极的) energy I s, the more kindness I received. I realized that my purpose in life would be to reach out to people, especially teenagers, and help them feel l lonely. Then books entered my life with its special warmth.

    Thanks to the w who wrote those books, the kindness from their books saved my life. Later, one of my biggest d  was to become a writer so I could write books that would help other teenagers the way those books helped me. Luckily, I have been a full-time writer of teen novels since 2007. I am thankful for this great c to reach out to my young readers every day.

    Small kind acts can change someone's life. You n know what someone else is going through. But by practicing daily k_, you can become an architect (缔造者) of positive change.



  • 51. 为了锻炼学生社会实践能力,阳光中学图书馆将在八年级学生中招聘一名图书管理员助理(librarian assistant),负责外文书籍区的服务工作。假设你是Lucy,你将参加本次竞聘面试,请根据下列所示内容用英文写一篇面试稿,介绍你的个人情况及竞聘优势。















    Hi, I'm Lucy, from Class 5, Grade 8. I'm French and I've been here for 2 years. I'm here to challenge the position. I think I'm able to be a good librarian assistant.


    I hope you can accept me. Thanks for your time!