
试卷更新日期:2022-07-08 类型:期末考试


  • 1. What will Jane drink?
    A、Tea. B、Water. C、Juice.
  • 2. How does Linda feel?
    A、Happy. B、Satisfied. C、Upset.
  • 3. What does the woman usually do on Sunday evenings?
    A、She goes to the market. B、She works in the garden. C、She reads the newspaper.
  • 4. What does the man mean?
    A、He will be busy later. B、He won't help the woman. C、The woman doesn't need his help.
  • 5. When will the plane from London arrive?
    A、At 9:20. B、At 9:35. C、At 9:55.


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What will Mary buy for her brother?
    A、A dictionary. B、A storybook. C、An English book.
    (2)、Where does Mary plan to go tomorrow afternoon?
    A、To the cinema. B、To the bookstore. C、To the school library.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why does the woman talk to Dave?
    A、To drink Chinese tea with him. B、To buy some Chinese tea from him. C、To ask for advice on choosing Chinese tea.
    (2)、What kind of tea would the woman like to try?
    A、White tea. B、Black tea. C、Green tea.
    (3)、What helps Dave know well about Chinese tea?
    A、His experience of drinking tea. B、His interest in Chinese culture. C、His work of selling Chinese tea.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why doesn't the man take the first jacket?
    A、It's not on sale. B、It's not the right color. C、It doesn't fit him well.
    (2)、What color of jacket will the man buy?
    A、Black. B、Blue. C、Red.
    (3)、How much will the man pay for the jacket?
    A、$150. B、$180. C、$200.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why does Karen have a bad headache?
    A、She suffered a bad illness. B、She was busy with her work. C、She did not sleep well last night.
    (2)、What does the man usually do?
    A、Work overtime. B、Relax for an hour daily. C、Take exercise every day.
    (3)、What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A、Colleagues. B、Manager and secretary. C、Husband and wife.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the purpose of the announcement?
    A、To tell passengers the rules. B、To help passengers stay safe. C、To warn passengers not to lose things.
    (2)、What is the weather like today?
    A、Rainy. B、Snowy. C、Sunny.
    (3)、Where should passengers go if they have any problems?
    A、To the top of the stairs. B、To the end of the waiting area. C、To the center of the waiting area.
    (4)、How may the staff deal with the luggage left behind in the waiting area?
    A、Remove it. B、Look after it. C、Find its owner.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    With the completion of the Beijing Winter Games, the city has become the first in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

    As Beijing normally doesn't have much snow in winter, artificial snow has been used at venues for the Beijing 2022 Olympic winter Games.

    "If you want to wait for nature ensured the smooth running of the Winter Games. provide you with all of the required materials to ski on, you risk not being able organize a competition," the former International Ski Federation (FIS) freestyle coordinator Joseph Fitzgerald told Xinhua.

    Artificial snow has been commonly seen in the Olympic Winter Games for decades ever since its first use in Lake Placid, New York, in 1980. Artificial snow has many benefits. It's fairer and safer for athletes, competing during each event Competition snow requires a higher density (密度) than recreational snow in order to meet the requirements of the FIS. Different from natural snow, certain characteristics of the artificial snow can be easily changed to meet the qualities and needs of different competition venues(场地).

    Snow machines at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games all ran on renewable energy"We have designed the latest in snow-making. It's very efficient in terms of energy consumption and the use of water,"Davide Cerato , an Italian mountain operation expert in charge of snow-making in Zhangjiakou, told China Daily. "Water used for snow-making only comes from rainfall and surface run-off, and it can be recycled, Wei Qinghua, the mountain operation manager at the Zhangjiakou, told Shine, a Shanghai-based news platform. A sewage (污水) treatment station has also been established to process the sanitary(卫生的)sewage from the competition zone into recycling water for plant-watering and toilet use, Sun Xianghui, an engineer from Beijing Beikong Jing'ao Construction Corporation, told Xinhua.

    (1)、Which of the following does Joseph probably agree with?
    A、The Winter Games should not only rely on natural snow. B、Organizers are advised to use artificial and natural snow. C、Natural snow can bring risks and challenges to winter sports. D、The required material for the Winter Games is hard to obtain.
    (2)、What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
    A、High requirements and qualities of the FIS. B、Artificial snow's better quality than natural snow. C、The advantages of artificial snow in competitions. D、The wide use of artificial snow in the Winter Games.
    (3)、What can be learned about the snow machines at the Beijing Winter Games?
    A、They are very environmentally friendly. B、They can produce certain types of rainfall. C、They process the sewage for watering plants. D、They use sanitary sewage and recycling water.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Recently, our school held a show called "Us After Ten Years", where the speakers presented what they would become in the future. It was a sort of "coming-of-age"ceremony. The student representatives predicted their future careers. At first, I didn't care about the activity, but just four days before the ceremony, my head teacher asked me to take the place of one student who got ill. I was amazed, but I had no choice, as it was an honor to be asked."Be confident, Susan," she encouraged me.

    There were three barriers during my preparation. Firstly, I didn't have a clear career path at that time. Luckily, my classmates suggested that I should choose to be a diplomat(外交官),who is persuasive, hardworking, and enjoys creative thinking, like me. Secondly, I had to choose a representative scene to show my career. My first design was to hold a press conference. However, that would have taken longer than the scheduled time. Eventually, I decided on coming back to my school and giving a speech to the current students about my job. Thirdly, I had to decide the presentation style. During my first two practices, I tried to imitate the foreign ministry spokesmen. But I felt embarrassed and couldn't find myself like a true spokesperson when speaking. I told myself, "You are unique, so just be yourself and create your own style."

    Finally the day came. Wearing a uniform, I paced backstage with my heart beating wildly. I couldn't stop thinking,"Will I be too nervous to speak fluently? What if I don't perform like a diplomat? Is my speech good enough?" Trying to calm myself down, I took a deep breath and then felt a little more relaxed.

    Then came my time. I walked steadily onto the stage, waving to my audience. The bright lights and screams from the hall suddenly surrounded me tightly.

    Fortunately everything went as expected. When the last speech concluded, the pride. suddenly shifted into a whole sense of relief, and then a sense of I'm proud that I have overcome the mental barriers and challenges. I'm also proud of Chinese diplomats, who meet all kinds of questions and emergencies every day but manage to keep showing Chinese wisdom and conveying Chinese values. That's the kind of person I want to be!

    (1)、How did the author feel when asked to participate in the activity?
    A、Thrilled. B、Surprised. C、Embarrassed. D、Worried.
    (2)、What challenge did the author face during her preparation?
    A、She knew little about the career she chose. B、She felt anxious about performing in public. C、She had trouble behaving like a spokesperson. D、She found it very difficult to memorize her speech.
    (3)、What did the author think of her presentation?
    A、It helped her to find her real life purpose. B、It encouraged her to overcome difficulties. C、It increased her interest in Chinese culture. D、It deepened her understanding of Chinese values.
    (4)、What does the author mainly intend to tell us in this passage?
    A、How to achieve her dream. B、How to be a good diplomat. C、Her great admiration for diplomats. D、Her successful experience in an activity.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    My mother-in-law left us an unexpected and priceless gift. After she died, my husband and his sister were going through the contents of her house when they discovered every letter we'd written to her during our 46-year marriage. She also kept all the letters my mother had written to her over the years.

    During my holidays, I've had time to go through these letters. I read about our early married life, our struggle to have children and. especially the progress of our three children from birth to adulthood. I began writing all these details for my children, and now they have details about when they were small. I discovered much I'd forgotten.

    To read the letters written by my mother to my husband's mother is a gift. I wish I'd saved my mother's letters to me, but now I have these letters that tell me things about my own mother I never knew. I see Mom and Mamma shared their great love for us and for our children.

    I come from a long line of letter writers and was trained to stay in touch with our parents. My grandparents loved to receive letters from across the ocean. When I was away on a student exchange in 1970, my mother told me my grandfather kept my airmail letters in his pocket and read them daily. Knowing this, I've tried my best to write to our family regularly.

    To all of you who write to me. I thank you. The handwritten word is a powerful tool of friendship and it connects us together. Perhaps the greatest gift these letters have given me is to see how much my husband's parent treasured our letters to her. The letters helped her know her grandchildren and feel like part of our lives. I shall collect and arrange them for my children so that they can read the events of our lives and know they were treasured, too.

    Keep writing to those you love. Those letters are our greatest gifts to each other.

    (1)、What did the author do after she read the letters?
    A、She passed on all the letters to her children. B、She had a long and friendly talk with her mother. C、She required her children to write letters regularly. D、She wrote the details about her children's childhood.
    (2)、What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 4?
    A、How her grandfather influenced her. B、What handwritten letters meant to her. C、What inspired her to keep writing letters. D、How she stayed in touch with her parents.
    (3)、What does the author think the power of handwritten words is?
    A、Improving our hands-on abilities. B、Allowing us to practice writing skills. C、Helping us understand ourselves better. D、Strengthening our emotional exchanges.
    (4)、What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?
    A、To encourage readers to write letters. B、To list the benefits of handwritten letters. C、To remind readers to value those they love. D、To express her thanks to her mother-in-law.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Facial recognition cameras are everywhere. Many people rely on this technology to unlock their phones open doors or make quick payments, but there is a problem :Everyone is wearing masks. What a hassle!

    Now, tech companies have updated their software. Facial recognition technology can now recognize people even if they are wearing a mask. Beijing-based tech company Hanwang has announced a software that can correctly recognize 95% of people wearing masks, Engineering & Technology (E&T) reported. What's the secret? It's all about your eyes.

    Marios Savvides, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, US, studies facial recognition technology. As we get older, he said, our faces change shape, but not the area around our eyes. It stays the same -even if we put on weight. Another company, Geneva-based Tech5, has also been working on this kind of software. It has AI that measures the shape of your face. It also scans your irises(虹膜)and hopes to ignore all of the face below the nose. Japan's NEC Corp. claims an astonishing 99.9% accuracy rate when identifying people with masks. The UK's Metropolitan Police Service has been approved to buy and use NEC Corp.'s facial recognition technology, Forbes reported.

    Facial recognition software is about more than just unlocking your phone. It's about public safety. For example, you don't need to present an ID card, which can be lost or stolen. It also means that germs aren't spread by touching things, said has NEC's Shinya Takeshima."Touchless verification(验证)has become extremely important due to COVID-19,"he said to Reuters.

    "We hope to contribute to safety and peace of mind."

    More than that, facial recognition can be used to fight crime. "It can detect crime suspects and terrorists,"said Huang Lei, Hanwang's vice president. Hanwang's technology is used by the police in high-security settings, Reuters reported. This means places like government buildings, subway stations and airports. Similar technology is used by the United States Air Force and other governments.

    Huang Lei admits one big weakness of this technology: It fails when people wear both a mask and sunglasses."In this situation, all of the key facial information is lost, "Huang said to E&T.

    (1)、The underlined word "hassle" in Paragraph 1 probably means"
    A、device B、problem C、mistake D、struggle
    (2)、What does the facial recognition software scan to identify people with masks?
    A、The shape of face. B、The irises of eyes. C、The facial expressions. D、The face below the nose.
    (3)、What can be inferred about the new technology from the last paragraph?
    A、It cannot store key facial information. B、Huang Lei has a negative attitude to it. C、There's still room for improvement on it. D、It doesn't work on people wearing glasses.
    (4)、What can be the best title for this passage?
    A、Identification through eyes B、Hanwang's hi-tech recognition C、Mask-wearing facial recognition D、Security identification not perfect


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白外的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    It's easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find -"I'm too tired","I'm busy" or"The weather is bad". Don't worry!

    ※ Take baby steps.

    You'll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right? When you do too much too soon, you'll end up injured and discouraged. Take it easy as you get stated. Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week.

    ※ Show the clock who is boss.

    Health experts say that you should aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, plus weight training at least twice a week. If you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you can't do 30 minutes at once, break it up into 10or 15 minutes' sections.

    Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When it's part of your routine, you won't even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day.

    ※ Keep it real.

    You're not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week. Gradually, you should increase your workout schedule from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for 15more minutes each time.


    It takes weeks to see real changes. Therefore, even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward yourself.

    A. Do it for yourself.

    B. Try to get used to it.

    C. Go out with friends or buy a pair of jeans.

    D. Keep a fitness journal to record your progress.

    E. Aim for something that is realistic as a first step.

    F. The following tricks can keep your fitness routine on track.

    G. When it gets easy for you, you'll surely make it more challenging.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In September 2019, I was travelling alone along a track at Cabbage Tree Creek(小溪),Mount Nebo. Although I'd done it many times before, I wanted to be 1. So, I filled my backpack with 2 like food. warm clothing, maps and so on.

    I reached the base of a waterfall. From there. I started 3  the rocks at the right side of the falls. But around three-quarters of the way up, I  4, breaking my left wrist on a rock before dropping into the water. I knew I was  5  as soon as I started swimming. Finally, I  6  myself up onto the bank and saw my foot was hanging from my leg. I made a splint(夹板)to keep it in place. Then I got my phone from my dry bag. There was no  7 ,but I figured I could make the thirty metres east to get coverage.  8,as I went to put the phone in my pocket it fell into the creek. Now I  9 . Surrounded by thick rainforest, there was no 10 that anyone would find me. But I knew there was a junction(汇合处)of two creeks three kilometres away, where a helicopter could  11me.

    12  to walk, I relied on my right hand and set off on my bottom. The following three days were very13 . Every metre I stopped to take a rest. To keep myself  14I thought about my family and 15 myself. It was an incredible 16  when I reached a waterhole on my way where I drank.  17  ,I was rescued by a helicopter in the end.

    I was told that it was my boss who found I hadn't18 on Monday morning and phoned my sister. She called a few people, including my friend Judy, who 19 to know about my walking plans. I didn't even remember telling her, but I was so 20 I had!

    Now I'm back to exploring the great outdoors -but I always tell people where I'm going.

    A、free B、different C、safe D、practical
    A、necessities B、valuables C、collections D、favourites
    A、holding B、exploring C、removing D、climbing
    A、escaped B、slipped C、paused D、returned
    A、at ease B、at peace C、in despair D、in trouble
    A、gave B、pulled C、picked D、sent
    A、signal B、power C、call D、response
    A、Indeed B、Instead C、However D、Therefore
    A、reflected B、wept C、hesitated D、panicked
    A、doubt B、worry C、chance D、secret
    A、monitor B、spot C、contact D、seek
    A、Ready B、Eager C、Unable D、Unwilling
    A、tiring B、boring C、strange D、impressive
    A、changing B、struggling C、growing D、going
    A、defeated B、encouraged C、questioned D、warned
    A、relief B、harvest C、adventure D、sight
    A、Actually B、Apparently C、Properly D、Fortunately
    A、set off B、settled down C、turned up D、signed up
    A、demanded B、happened C、preferred D、tended
    A、thankful B、embarrassed C、shocked D、proud


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Once there was a girl  rich father wished her to marry a rich man, but she was (determine) to find her own husband who would love her. At first, her father overlooked her point of view. But she insisted and at last they came to a compromise if she couldn't find herself a husband in one year, she would have to reconsider the rich man her father suggested. So, she left home. Unfortunately, all her money (steal), and she had to work in a laundry washing clothes. It was heavy work and she often sobbed at nighttiredness, but she stayed.

    One day she got so thirsty that she went into a tea shop. At a table was a young man  (wear) a shabby coat.

    "Would you like to join me?" he asked. "You look as if you are in need of a drink." The young man poured her a cup of tea from a teapot, (add) cream and offered her a cookie. She (grateful) accepted and before long they chatted like old friends. The young man happily paid for the food. Imagine their  (amaze) when they discovered that they were both rich and looking for true love. Her father's  (happy) was complete when the girl returned with a rich husband.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


    删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。





    The other day, our class had made an interesting outing. Though we enjoyed the charming scenery and fresh air all the way, we were astonishing to see some bad behavior. Some people threw rubbish here and there, turn the public place into a large dustbin. Others carved word on famous buildings or picked flowers casually.

    An eco-friendly journey not only allows us express our love for nature but need our responsibility. As we enjoy the beauty of nature, we can't damage them. Only when we improve our aware of eco-friendly travel can the earth become more beautiful. After all, which matters most for us is the earth because it is the only place for us to live.


  • 19. 假设你校将举办题为"The effect of music on my life"的英语演讲比赛,请写一篇演讲稿参赛。内容包括:






    The effect of music on my life