
试卷更新日期:2022-07-05 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 写出下列大写或小写字母的左邻右舍


  • 2. 找出每组单词中不同类的一项
    A、taller B、older C、younger D、singer
    A、magazine B、storybook C、dictionary D、different
    A、fell B、felt C、faster D、fixed
    A、drank B、cleaned C、had D、slept
    A、read B、climbed C、tired D、visited


  • 3. —What size are your shoes?


    A、56 kilograms. B、1.78 meters. C、Size 38.
  • 4. There _________ no Internet or computers in my time.
    A、is B、was C、were
  • 5. —How was your birthday party?


    A、It was great. B、I am fine. C、It's OK.
  • 6. —_________
    —Yes, I want a pair of shoes.
    A、Can I help you? B、What would you like? C、What can I do for you.
  • 7. That's the ______ dinosaur in this hall.

    A、tall B、taller C、tallest
  • 8. I _________ like pink before, but now I like it very much.
    A、wasn't B、didn't C、doesn't
  • 9. —_________
    —I fell off the horse.
    A、How was your weekend? B、What happened? C、Where did you go?
  • 10. —Hey, I'll go to Hawaii this summer holiday!


    A、Of course! B、Have a good time! C、Yes, you are.
  • 11. Tom _________ Chinese food well now. But he couldn't _________ it 3 years ago.
    A、cook, cook B、cooks, cooked C、cooks, cook
  • 12. Your hands are _________ than _________.
    A、biger, mine B、bigger, I C、smaller, mine


  • 13. 阅读配对,选出与图片相对应的语句

    A.   B.   C.   D.    E.

    (1)、Last night, I had a dream. I ran fast in my dream. But suddenly I tripped and fell. What a bad dream!
    (2)、I wanted to visit my grandparents yesterday. But I had a cold. Then I stayed at home and slept all day.
    (3)、Yifan couldn't go cycling before. But now he can ride bikes very well.
    (4)、I had a happy weekend. It was sunny. I went camping with my family.
    (5)、Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I bought a gift for her yesterday.


  • 14. 从方框中选择正确的选项,补全对话

    A. What about you?

    B. Have a good time!

    C. Where did you go?

    D. How did you get there?

    E. But we are going to Xinjiang.

    Tom: Hi, Sam! Long time no see!

    Sam: I went to Hainan with my family.


    Sam: By plane. We were happy there.

    Tom: I stayed at home these days.

    Sam: Wow, Xinjiang is beautiful.

    Tom: Thank you!


  • 15. 阅读短文,判断正误

    There are two kinds of elephants on land. One is the Asian elephant and the other is the African(非洲的) elephant. A 15-year-old African elephant is about 4 metres and 8 tons. They are the biggest animals on land. So they are bigger than Asian elephants. How tall and how heavy is a baby elephant? It's about 100 cm and 100 kg. Elephants like to live together. We can often see them eat and drink together. We know dogs are very clever. But elephants are more clever than dogs. They can do many things for us. They can even(甚至) look after human babies. Elephants are really our friends.

    (1)、The Asian elephant is bigger than the African elephant.
    (2)、The baby elephant is about 100 kg.
    (3)、Elephants don't like to eat and drink together.
    (4)、Dogs are more clever than elephants.
    (5)、Elephants are our friends.


  • 16. (临近毕业,Amy回顾自己的小学生活,与了以下毕业感言。阅读感言,选择正确的选项。)

    Thank you, my dear classmates! We really changed a lot in six years. Before, we were short. Now, we are tall and strong. We studied and helped each other. We had a really good time.

    Thank you, my dear teachers! Sometimes you were strict, but we were happy in your classes. We also went camping with you in grade 4. We had a lot of fun.

    Thank you, my dear school! You were so beautiful! We played football on the playground. We read books in the library. We drew pictures in the art room. We had a lot of good memories(回忆) here. But, it's time to say goodbye, Thank you! I'll miss all of you!

    (1)、The students were ________________ before.
    A、small B、short C、tall and strong
    (2)、The students read books in the ________________.
    A、classroom B、playground C、library
    (3)、What were teachers like?
    A、Very kind. B、Often strict. C、Sometimes strict.
    (4)、What did the students do with teachers in grade 4?
    (5)、Did the students like their school?


  • 17. 同学们, 你们就要小学毕业了。在这些年中, 你们肯定有很大的变化吧。假如你 是Amy, 请你根据以下表格信息, 从身高、体重、生活习惯、兴趣爱好、性格这 些方面用英语介绍你个人的变化, 要求不少于6句话。







    1.20 m

    30 kg





    1.60 m

    50 kg




    Hello, I'm Amy. I changed a lot. I was 1.20 metres before. Now I'm 1.60 metres. ……