
试卷更新日期:2022-07-05 类型:期末考试



  • 6. 选出下列每组单词中与其他两项不同类的一项。
    A、sun B、busy C、earth
    A、city B、aunt C、town
    A、windy B、cloudy C、week
    A、buy B、long C、dirty
    A、Monday B、today C、Friday


  • 7. She played __________ piano last week.
    A、a B、the C、/
  • 8. —What's this?

    —It's a book __________ Beijing.

    A、at B、in C、about
  • 9. —__________ house is it?

    — It's the queen's house.

    A、What B、Where C、Whose
  • 10. This ship is big, __________ that one is small.
    A、and B、but C、because
  • 11. We sang and __________ in the park last Sunday.
    A、danced B、dance C、will dance


  • 12. 当你想给Ms. Smart介绍你的妹妹时,你应该说:___________
    A、Ms. Smart, he is my cousin. B、Ms. Smart, this is my sister. C、Ms. Smart, this is my mother.
  • 13. 当你想知道奶奶的身体状况时,你应该问:___________
    A、How old are you, Grandma? B、Where are you, Grandma? C、How are you, Grandma?
  • 14. 当你的朋友询问你的假期过得怎么样时,你应该回答:___________
    A、Thank you! B、It was great! C、Of course!
  • 15. 当你想表扬你的弟弟帮妈妈做了家务时, 你应该说:___________
    A、You are a good boy! B、You are very clever! C、You are a good girl!
  • 16. 当你想表达昨天你的胃痛时,你应该说:___________
    A、I had a fever yesterday. B、I had a headache yesterday. C、I had a stomach ache yesterday.


  • 17. 从方框中选出与图片相对应的短语,并将短语正确抄写在四线三格上。

    A. play basketball

    B. watch TV

    C. ride a bike

    D. read books

    E. listen to music




  • 23. 根据短文内容,判断文后的句子是否与短文内容一致。

    Yesterday was Saturday. It was a busy day for Amy. In the morning, she got up early to help her mother cook breakfast. Then she cleaned the house and washed clothes. In the afternoon, she went to the supermarket with her mother. They bought lots of vegetables and fruit. In the evening, she watched TV and went to bed early.

    (1)、Yesterday was a busy day for Amy.
    (2)、Amy got up late yesterday morning.
    (3)、Amy helped her father cook breakfast.
    (4)、Amy and her mother went to the supermarket yesterday.
    (5)、Amy's mother went to bed early yesterday.
  • 24. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Tom is from the US. He likes China very much. Last year, he went to Beijing with his parents. They went there by plane. They visited the famous Great Wall. They went to the Great Wall on Saturday on foot. The weather was sunny on that clay. They were hungry and thirsty when they were on the top (顶部)of the Great Wall, but they were happy, too. They took many pictures on the Great Wall. They had a great time there.

    Next year, Tom will come to China again(再次). He will come to watch the winter sports games. He hopes his trip will be great.

    (1)、Tom went to Beijing with his __________ last year.
    A、friends B、parents C、teachers
    (2)、They went to the Great Wall __________.
    A、by bike B、on foot C、by car
    (3)、The weather was __________ on that day.
    A、windy B、snowy C、sunny
    (4)、They __________ on the Great Wall.
    A、took many pictures B、sang songs C、had a picnic
    (5)、Next year, Tom will come to China __________.
    A、in spring B、in summer C、in winter