人教版(2019)高中英语必修3:Unit 4 Space exploration 单元同步练习

试卷更新日期:2022-07-04 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 请快速拼写下列单词
    (1)、 n. 程序;步骤;手续
    (2)、-adj. 精神的;思想的
    (3)、 n. 交通工具;车辆
    (4)、-n. 宇宙;天地万物
    (5)、 vt. &n. 发射;发起;上市
    (6)、 adj. 持续存在的;不断发展的
    (7)、vt. 回收利用;再利用
    (8)、 adj. 足够的;充足的
    (9)、 adj. 肤浅的;浅的
    (10)、 n. 模式;图案;模范


  • 2. These difficulties only make us more (determine) not to give up before our dream comes true.
  • 3. He sounded a little (disappoint) when he said he didn't pass the final examination.
  • 4. Although she had some health problems, she carried on (work) hard late into the night.
  • 5. The price of new homes in that area goes and most people cannot afford to buy a house there.
  • 6. The requirement that students (learn) to protect themselves is successfully carried out in most schools.
  • 7. The teacher did not punish me for cheating. Instead, he gave me second chance.
  • 8. From today on I will insist on writing diaries in English, the hope of improving my English.


  • 9. 完形填空

    Confidence has nothing to do with your figure. I learned this recently.

    Every day I'd look in the mirror, hate what I see, and repeat the words 1, "I am beautiful. " Sometimes I'd even grit my teeth (咬紧牙关) to cry the words out. But I 2saying it, no matter what.

    It was at the 3of my friend that I began this habit. He said he wanted to be friends with me because of my 4and gentle character. Besides, he also regarded me as a beautiful girl and it 5him that I couldn't see it in myself.

    For a long time, I had 6that my weight made me a second-rate person. Years of being fat and years of being 7had caused me to build a cocoon(茧) around myself. I 8thought that if I stayed quiet, maybe I would be safe. I put myself in layers of fear, my heart breaking a little more with each wedding invitation. I 9hoping for my true love, believing I wasn't good enough.

    It wasn't until I met him that I was determined to be happy on my own and things began to 10. He pointed out my good personalities and excellent qualities and made me repeat them out loud. I laughed at first because it felt 11, but I kept at it every day.

    Then one day, a(n) 12thing happened. Staring into the mirror, I realized with a shock that I believed it! He wasn't 13and it was true—I'm beautiful! The layers of my cocoon suddenly disappeared. And nowadays, I learn to love myself and keep 14no matter what my dress size is. Indeed, confidence comes from the 15.

    A、hopefully B、unusually C、excitedly D、unwillingly
    A、stopped B、regretted C、continued D、considered
    A、request B、thought C、cost D、invitation
    A、wealth B、kindness C、success D、coldness
    A、delighted B、embarrassed C、worried D、frightened
    A、believed B、doubted C、forgot D、forgave
    A、looked up B、stared at C、shouted at D、laughed at
    A、similarly B、mistakenly C、suddenly D、intelligently
    A、stopped B、enjoyed C、risked D、preferred
    A、disappear B、increase C、worsen D、change
    A、helpless B、dangerous C、silly D、meaningless
    A、interesting B、amazing C、terrifying D、challenging
    A、lying B、listening C、dreaming D、waiting
    A、curious B、quiet C、confident D、healthy
    A、society B、inside C、family D、experience


  • 10. 语法填空

    Sally is a good student. She does well in all her (subject)

    You must wonder she can study so well. Let me tell you something about her good study habits.

    First, Sally spends two hours (study) after school every day. And she always studies from seven to nine on schedule. Sally is a very (determine) girl, so nothing can stop her doing that.

    Second, if Sally wants to start studying, first she (put) everything that has nothing to do with her studying aside, like the cell phone. And (actual) there are only books left on her desk.

    Third, Sally never (leave) her problems till next day. When she meets some difficult problems and she can't work them out, she will make request to others for help. She doesn't wait (do) them next day.

    What do you think Sally's study habits? You can have a try. I hope they will be helpful to you.