外研(新标准)版英语七年级下册期末复习卷 3(Module 3)

试卷更新日期:2022-06-15 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 听下面一段短文,请从A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的信息记录表。

    Lost and Found Information



    Things lost



    11:00 am


    May 6th,2020



    Things in it


    Phone number


    A、Bell B、Tony C、Betty
    A、A small wallet B、A big bag C、A crayon
    A、Red B、Orange C、Black
    A、A wallet, some books and a wallet B、A present, two books and some crayons C、A watch, some books and gloves
    A、64892351 B、64892315 C、46892351
  • 2. Where should the man get off?
    A、At the Bank of China. B、At the People Hospital. C、At the Star Hotel.
  • 3. How will they go to Shanghai?
    A、By car. B、By train. C、By bus.
  • 4. What animals does David like best?
    A、Dolphins. B、Pandas. C、Monkeys.
  • 5. Why does Tim's mum ask him to be quiet?
    A、Because she wants to sleep. B、Because she doesn't like noisy places. C、Because the little pandas are very shy.
  • 6. 听录音,选答案(   )
    A、Clean the classroom. B、Clean his room. C、Wear his uniform.
  • 7. 听录音,选答案(   )
    A、He's watching TV. B、He's doing is homework. C、He's playing computer games.
  • 8. 听录音,选答案(   )
    A、At 7:10. B、At 6:10. C、At 5:50.
  • 9. 听录音,选答案(   )
    A、He often speaks loudly. B、He often listens to music. C、He often eats food.


  • 10. I'm going to travel ___.
    A、a interesting place B、an interesting place C、somewhere interesting D、interesting somewhere
  • 11. ______is ready now. Let's go.
    A、Everything B、Something C、Anything D、Nothing
  • 12. Jill can      stories and the children want      friends with her.
    A、speak; make B、talk; make C、say; making D、tell; to make
  • 13. —_________does your father go to work?

    —He goes to work _________ his car.

    A、How; by B、What; on C、How; in D、What; drive
  • 14. —Is Ms. Jackson good_____ telling stories?

    —Yes. And she's very good_____ children.

    A、at; at B、at; with C、with; at D、with; with
  • 15. —Hello, Jane! _____is the dining hall from the school library?

    —It's only 450 meters.

    A、How far B、How many C、How long D、How much
  • 16. Tina always_____ to eat lunch these days, because she's so busy.
    A、forgets B、misses C、remembers D、makes
  • 17. —There isn't_____ bread at home.

    —Let's buy_____ in the food store.

    A、some; some B、some; any C、any; any D、any; some
  • 18.  Tianma mountain receives____ visitors from January to April each year. 
    A、hundred B、hundreds of C、several hundreds D、hundred of
  • 19. When I was young, I ________ have money to buy expensive things.
    A、use not to B、did use not to C、didn't use to D、not use to


  • 20. 完形填空

    Here are my favorite photos. In the first one, I'm wearing a green1and a pair of white shorts. I'm2my room because it's dirty. The3one is a photo of my family. You can find it's4. My mother and my aunt are5zongzi, because we need to have it on this day. I'm listening to music. My father is6tea. My grandfather is talking about the TV show7my grandmother. They like it and they think it's interesting. And my brother is playing the guitar. I love this photo very much. In the third one, there are two 8. They are my friends, Jill and her sister. They are playing ping-pong. We study in the same middle school. In the last one, I'm singing and my friends are dancing. We are having a birthday party for my math teacher. It's her fiftieth birthday. But my math teacher looks very9. She is friendly to us, so we all like her. When I see these photos, I'm very happy. They make me think of the happy10.

    A、newspaper B、T-shirt C、movie D、soup
    A、washing B、crossing C、cleaning D、living
    A、first B、second C、third D、fourth
    A、the Dragon Boat Festival B、Children's Day C、Women's Day D、New Year's Day
    A、taking B、cutting C、getting D、making
    A、eating B、drinking C、feeling D、studying
    A、or B、about C、and D、with
    A、girls B、boys C、women D、men
    A、old B、lazy C、scary D、young
    A、minute B、hour C、time D、year


  • 21. 根据对话内容,从文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个选项为多余选项。

    A: Excuse me. Can you help me?

    B:Yes. What's wrong(怎么了)?


    B: You can take the No. 332 bus.


    B: It's about 10 kilometers.


    B: About 40 minutes.

    A: Wow, you know a lot.

    B: Because I live here.

    A: Oh, I see. I am very happy to meet you here.

    B: You're welcome.

    A. Is it far from here?

    B. Thank you so much.

    C. How far is it from here?

    D. Is it difficult to find it?

    E. How long does it take to go there by bus?

    F. How can you know so much about his city?

    G. How can I get to the Summer Palace(颐和园)?




  • 42. 阅读短文,回答问题

    One day, a little boy comes into a shop and says to the shop assistant (售货员), "I want to buy twelve exercise books of 6 cents (美分) each and nine pencils of 10 cents each. How much is that altogether (总共)?"

    The shop assistant writes these numbers down on a piece of paper and thinks for a minute. Then she says, "1 dollar 62 cents." "If I give you ten dollars, how much money will I get back?" "You will get 8 dollars 38 cents for change. Here you are. These are the things you want. "

    "No, thank you. I don't want to buy anything." The boy looks at the piece of paper and says politely (礼貌地), "This is my math homework. Thank you very much. Can I take it away?"

    (1)、The story happens (发生) ______.
    A、in a shop B、at a mall C、in a supermarket
    (2)、The little boy comes to the shop for ______.
    A、nine pencils B、nothing C、some books
    (3)、The little boy is ______.
    A、bad B、stupid (愚蠢的) C、naughty (调皮) but clever
    (4)、At last the shop assistant must be ______.
    A、excited(激动的) B、happy C、angry(生气的)
    (5)、The underlined word "change" in the second paragraph means ______.
    A、零钱 B、交换 C、改变
  • 43. 阅读理解

    Jenny is my friend. She has a happy family. In the morning, she gets up at five forty. She takes a shower and then eats breakfast at half past six. Her parents usually get up at five o'clock. They run for thirty minutes and go home to take showers. Then her mother makes breakfast at six o'clock, and her father watches news on TV.

    After breakfast, Jenny's parents go to work and Jenny goes to school. They don't have lunch at home. In the afternoon, Jenny goes home at half past four. She always does her homework after she gets home. Her parents come back at five thirty. They have dinner at six thirty.

    In the evening, she either reads books or watches TV, but she can only watch TV for twenty-five minutes. Her parents say it's bad for her eyes to watch TV too much. She has to go to bed at about nine o'clock.

    (1)、What time do Jenny's parents take showers?
    A、At 5: 20 a.m. B、At 5: 30 a.m. C、At 5: 40 a.m. D、At 6:00 a.m.
    (2)、What does Jenny do after 4: 30 p.m?
    A、She makes dinner. B、She reads books. C、She does her homework. D、She watches TV.
    (3)、How long can Jenny watch TV?        
    A、For1 hour. B、For2 hours. C、For35 minutes. D、For25 minutes.
    (4)、Which is TRUE about the family?        
    A、Jenny's family don't have lunch at home. B、Jenny exercises for 20 minutes in the morning. C、Jenny's mother reads newspapers after showering. D、Jenny's father doesn't go to work in the daytime.
  • 44. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Ali, who was working a long way from home wanted to send a letter to his wife, but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day, so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late at night. At last he found the house of a letter-writer whose name was Nasreddin.

    Nasreddin was already in bed. "It is late," he said. "What do you want?" "I want you to write a letter to my wife," said Ali, Nasreddin was not pleased. He thought for a few seconds and then said, "Has the letter got to go far?" "What does that matter?" answered Ali.

    "Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife, it will cost you a lot of money." Ali went away quickly.

    (1)、Ali wanted to ________ to his wife.
    A、get something B、have a letter written C、bring a flower D、say good-bye
    (2)、At last he found the house of ________.
    A、a writer B、a seller C、an old man D、a letter-writer
    (3)、When Ali told what he wanted to do Nasreddin was ________.
    A、not pleased B、pleased C、excited D、angry
    (4)、Nasreddin said that his writing was ________.
    A、easy for anyone to read B、strange for anyone to read C、too strange for anyone to write D、difficult for anyone to read
    (5)、This story tells us ________.
    A、not to ask anybody for help B、not to trouble others at night C、not to ask for help without money D、not to trust others


  • 45. 未来的生活让人充满遐想,你觉得未来的生活会是什么样的呢?请以"Life in the future"为题写一篇英语短文,要点如下:








    Life in the future