
试卷更新日期:2022-06-02 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 选出不同类的单词
    A、fruit B、banana C、orange
    A、carrot B、cabbage C、nut
    A、these B、birds C、flower
    A、eight B、nine C、help
    A、sweet B、crocodile C、sour



  • 8. 看图写出下列单词的首字母
    (1)、 ear
    (2)、 axi
    (3)、 nake
    (4)、 oo
    (5)、 eer


  • 9. 根据图示选择相应的单词写在四线三格里

    pear     strawberry     lemon     pineapple     watermelon




  • 15. 当你想知道那是什么,你应该问:
    A、What's your name? B、What's that? C、Is it a pear?
  • 16. 当你吃到一个柠檬你会说:
    A、Yuk! It's sour. B、Dooh, yum! C、No, it isn't.
  • 17. 当你想表扬别人时, 你会说:
    A、Come down! B、Look. C、Well done.
  • 18. 当你想帮助别人时, 你会说:
    A、It's not right. B、Let me help you! C、Oh, I love you!
  • 19. 当有危险时, 你会提醒别人:
    A、Be careful! B、Are you OK? C、Let's me see!


  • 20. 将问句和答语连线

    What's that?                                   There are nine.

    What are these?                             No, they aren't.

    Is it a pear?                                     No, it's an orange.

    Are those carrots?                          They are cabbages.

    How many flowers are there?        It's a big watermelon.


九、读一读, 选一选。从下面方框中选出合适的句子,补全下列对话。(把答案写在题下横线上)(8分)

  • 26. 从下面方框中选出合适的句子,补全下列对话

    A. Oh, yum!         B. Mom, what are those?

    C. Great!           D. Mom, what are these?


    —Let's make a salad.


    —They are tomatoes and onions.


    —They are eggs.




  • 27. 阅读下面小短文,判断正误

    There are four people in my family. They are my father. Mother brother and I. We all like fruits. My father likes apples. My mother likes bananas. My brother likes pears. But I don't like them. I only like water-melons. They're two sweet.

    (1)、My father likes apples.
    (2)、My mother likes pears.
    (3)、My brother doesn't like pears.
    (4)、I only like strawberries.
    (5)、My family all likes fruits.