
试卷更新日期:2022-05-31 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读以上柱状图的信息,完成调研表格(第一题已给出答案)。

    Passage Three


    1  How many people lost things are under 16 years old in the chart?


    2. How many people lost things are between 26 to 45 years old in the chart?

    3. How many people lost things are over 45 years old in the chart?

    4. How many people lost things are between 16 to 25 years old in the chart?

    5. What age people lost things the most easily in the chart?

    6. How many people lost things are there in the chart totally?

  • 2. 根据海报内容,选择正确的一项

    Football Class

    (For Boys Only)

    Date: 6th December -24th January

    (every Thursday )

    Time: 3:30 p.m.-5:00p.m.

    Place: Yuanbao Mountain Football Field

    Teacher: Mr. Edison

    Fee: 560yuan (7 lessons)

    No classes on public holidays

    (1)、Mr._____ teaches the football lesson.
    A、Yaoming B、Edison C、William        D、Charlie
    (2)、The football lesson begins at_____.
    A、5:00 p.m. B、3:30 p.m. C、2:30 a.m. D、1:00 a.m.
    (3)、The football lesson is on_____.
    A、Monday B、Tuesday C、Thursday D、Wednesday
    (4)、One football lesson lasts(持续)_____.
    A、2 hours B、2.5 hours C、1.5 hours D、1 hour
    (5)、The girls_____ have these football lessons.
    A、can B、can't C、/ D、should
    (6)、One football lesson costs (花费)_____.
    A、30yuan B、560yuan C、80yuan D、100yuan
  • 3. 根据文章内容。选择正确的一项。

    A Special Man

    Jordon Brown cooks for people. He was born in Scotland, Now Jordon lives in England. He opened his first restaurant in London when he was 31 years old. Jordon often cooks on TV. He is very famous.

    When Jordon was a teenager, he played football. But one day, he hurt his leg badly and could not play football anymore. So he took up cooking. He went to a cooking school. He worked hard and learned to cook well.

    Today Jordon has more than ten restaurants in different countries such as the USA, France and England. He wrote sixteen cookbooks in the last few years. He has also three of his own TV programmes. In the TV programmes, he teaches people how to cook Many people love watching his cooking shows. His dishes are easy to make and they are delicious.

    (1)、Jordon Brown is a famous_____.
    A、teacher B、writer C、actor D、cook (厨师)
    (2)、Where does Jordon Brown live now?
    A、In Scotland B、in the USA C、in England D、in France
    (3)、What did Jordon Brown do when he was 31 years old?
    A、He first cooked for people. B、He went to a cooking school. C、He became a football player. D、He opened his first restaurant.
    (4)、Many people know about Jordon Brown because_____.
    A、He plays football B、He cooks on TV. C、He has many restaurants. D、He travels around the world.
    (5)、What happened to Jordon Brown when he played football one day?
    A、He hurt his arm badly. B、He hurt his leg badly. C、He hurt his feet badly. D、He hurt his head badly.
    (6)、What did Jordon Brown do after he could not play football anymore?
    A、He opened a cooking school. B、He taught people to cook. C、He learned how to cook. D、He moved to France.
    (7)、Jordon Brown wrote_____ cookbooks.
    A、16 B、10 C、3 D、I
    (8)、Which of the following sentences about Jordon Brown is correct(对的)?
    A、He was born in England. B、He taught football in the past. C、His dishes are not easy to make. D、He has three of his own TV programmes.
  • 4. Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择最佳的答案。)

    Ken is from Canada. He works in Guangzhou. He likes Cantonese Opera(粤剧)very much. He wants to know more about the Chinese culture.

    Last Saturday, Ken watched a show in Zhuhai Opera House with his colleague(同事)Mike. He was so excited because the show was wonderful. Look! Here is his ticket(票).

    (1)、Ken works in___________.
    A、Canada B、Zhuhai C、Guangzhou
    (2)、Ken___________ in Zhuhai Opera House last Saturday.
    A、played the violin B、watched a show C、listened to music
    (3)、Ken went to Zhuhai Opera House on___________.
    A、June 19th, 2020 B、July 19th, 2021 C、June 19th, 2021
    (4)、Ken paid(花费)___________ for his ticket.
    A、480 dollars B、480 yuan C、960 yuan
    (5)、Ken was excited because___________.
    A、the show was wonderful B、the show started at eight in the morning C、he didn't have a ticket
  • 5. Read, judge and write. (阅读短文,(1)-(2)判断对错;(3)-(5)回答问题。)

    The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party(共产党成立100周年)of China. There are many great days in China. We'll never forget them!

    Susan usually has lessons about Chinese history(历史)on the first day of the month. Yesterday was July 1st. The teacher took Susan and her classmates to visit Yang Pao'an Exhibition Hall(杨安陈列馆). Yang Pao'an was a great man. He was born(出生)in Beishan Village, Nanping, in 1896. He wrote the book My Life in China&America. The book was written in English. It was published(出版)in 1915. In the exhibition hall, the children saw many photos of Yang Pao'an and read the story of his life. Susan and her classmates learned a lot from the visit. They felt very happy.

    (1)、Susan has lessons about Chinese history twice a month.
    (2)、Yang Pao'an was born in Zhuhai in 1896.
    (3)、What did Susan and her classmates do yesterday?
    (4)、Did Susan take photos and read books in the exhibition hall?
    (5)、Why were Susan and her classmates happy?