
试卷更新日期:2022-05-31 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 请以"My study"为题,写一写你的书房,都有什么书?字典,杂志,故事书,图画书有吗?你最喜欢看什么书?什么时间看?请用50左右的词表达出来。(要求:书写规范,没有语法错误。)

  • 2. 根据Bob和家人的暑假旅行计划,以“Bob's plan for summer holiday”为题写一篇短文,介绍Bob一家人的暑假之旅。至少5个句子。

    Who: Bob and his parents

    Where to go: Hainan

    Go there by: plane

    How long: 7 days

    Weather: hot

    Clothes: T-shirt, cap, umbrella, shorts, shoes ...

    Activities: go swimming and eat seafood ...

  • 3. Ben暑假准备外出旅行,请你根据Ben的计划,以Ben的口吻完成下面内容。要求语句通顺,标点正确,卷面整洁,50个单词左右。

    Ben's holiday plan

    Where to go: Beijing

    When: this summer holiday

    Weather: sunny and hot

    Go there by: plane

    How long: seven days

    Stay in: Spring Hotel

    Want to do: visit the Great Wall, Palace Museum, Beihai Park, Tian'anmen Square

        Hello! I am Ben. I'm going to ……

  • 4. Look and write 看图写话


  • 5. 请以A Healthy Body为题,描述一下你是如何保持身体健康的。

  • 6. 看图,写一写图中这些重要发明及其用途。