
试卷更新日期:2022-05-27 类型:期末考试



  • 11. Lily likes_____ best.
    A、spring B、summer C、autumn
  • 12. It's_____ in Australia.
    A、sunny B、rainy C、cloudy
  • 13. Tom likes_____.
    A、singing B、dancing C、drawing
  • 14. The cinema is_____ the bookstore.
    A、behind B、in front of C、next to
  • 15. John will go to the_____ tomorrow.
    A、park B、museum C、hospital
  • 16. Lucy_____ yesterday.
    A、cleaned the room B、saw a film C、went camping
  • 17. Mr. Smith is_____.
    A、funny B、strict C、friendly
  • 18. The schoolbag is_____ yuan.
    A、15 B、50 C、60
  • 19. Lisa's father works_____.
    A、in a university B、in a gym C、at sea
  • 20. There are lots of_____ on the farm.
    A、green beans and potatoes B、green beans and tomatoes C、potatoes and tomatoes


  • 21. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、—When is the farewell party?


    A、Next Thursday B、Next Friday C、Next Saturday
    (2)、—What can John do for the party?

    —He can______.

    A、sing English songs B、dance C、do kung fu
  • 22. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、—What festival is coming?


    A、Dragon Boat Festival B、Children's Day C、Mid-Autumn Festival
    (2)、—What is Tony going to do tomorrow morning?

    —He is going to______.

    A、clean the room B、make zongzi C、do homework
    (3)、—When are they going to have a big dinner?


    A、Tomorrow morning B、Tomorrow evening C、This evening


  • 23. 根据发音规则,选择正确的选项。

    A. bike   B. cook   C. cat   D. clothes   E. fresh

    (1)、Sally's is very fat.
    (2)、Mike likes to ride a in the nice park.
    (3)、Shelly often eats fish.
    (4)、The is looking at a cookbook.
    (5)、There are many in that box.


  • 24. 理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词,选择正确的选项。

    A. theirs   B. goes   C. strong   D. black   E. table   F. second

    (1)、sofa   bed   
    (2)、first    fifth
    (3)、mine   yours
    (4)、studies    teaches
    (5)、tall   thin
    (6)、brown   yellow



  • 31. —What does your mother do?

    —She is______ art teacher.

    A、a B、an C、the
  • 32. —Chen Jie, you look worried. What's wrong?

    —Fido______ ill.

    A、am B、is C、are
  • 33. —The traffic light is yellow. You should______.

    —OK, I will.

    A、go B、run C、slow down and stop
  • 34. —Let's go to the______.

    —Good idea! I am so hungry.

    A、hospital B、museum C、restaurant
  • 35. —Would you like some strawberries?

    —______. I'd like some pears.

    A、Yes, please B、Yes, here you are C、No, thanks
  • 36. —______can I get to the museum?

    —Go straight. Then you can see it.

    A、How B、Where C、What
  • 37. —Happy birthday! Mum, a gift for you.


    A、Sorry B、Thank you C、Sure
  • 38. —What does Wu Binbin do on Saturday morning, Robin?

    —He usually______ badminton with grandpa.

    A、play B、plays C、playing


  • 39. 情景交际

    Jack: Hi, Anna. Did you have a good time on your holiday!

    Anna: It was interesting.

    Jack: Where did you go this time?

    Anna: I went to Mr Booth's farm.


    Anna: Yes, there are.


    Anna: I planted vegetables and went fishing.

    Jack: Did you ride a horse?

    Anna: But I milked cows.

    Jack: Can I go with you next time?

    Anna: Sure. Maybe we can go this summer vacation.

    A. Are there any animals and vegetables?

    B. Sounds great!

    C. No, I didn't.

    D. What did you do there?

    E. Yes, I did.


  • 40. 临近毕业,同学们正在为自己的朋友写“感谢卡”,请认真阅读,完



    Dear Zhang Peng,

    ou are a wonderful friend. Three months ago, I fell off my bike and hurt my foot. You took me to the hospital. Then you came to my home and talked with me. I will miss you, my dear friend!



    Dear Chen Jie,

    Last year, we went to the Great Wall together. You told me a lot about the Great Wall. We took many pictures there. I will never forget this school trip with you. Thanks a lot!



    Dear Sarah,

    We had a summer camp last summer vacation. We studied and slept together. I will never forget our time together. Best wishes to you!



    Dear Mike,

    Two years age, John and I were invited to your home.  It was my first time to have Christmas dinner. Thanks for your invitation. Best wishes to you!

    Chen Jie


    A.   B.   C.   D.

    A、Thanks, my teachers. B、Thanks, my friends. C、Thanks, my school.


  • 41. 阅读人物传记,选择正确的选项。

    Have you ever shopped on Taobao? If you say yes, then you may know Jack Ma. Jack Ma is a successful businessman in China. He was born on September 10th, 1964. When he was a child, he liked to learn English and he was very good at it. After he finished school, he worked as an English teacher. But he quickly got bored. So he left school. In 1999, he started to build Alibaba. After many years of hard work, he made lots of money and turned Alibaba into a world-famous company(公司). And now he is one of the richest men in China.

    (1)、This passage(文章)is about______.
    A、Jack Ma B、Taohao C、Alibaba
    (2)、When Jack Ma was a child, he was very good at______.
    A、maths B、English C、science
    (3)、In 1999, Jack Ma started to build______.
    A、 B、 C、
    (4)、What does the underlined word "successful" mean in the passage?
    A、失败的 B、成功的 C、富响的
    (5)、According to the passage, which one is NOT true?
    A、Jack Ma was a teacher before. B、Jack Ma was born on September 10th, 1999. C、Alibaba is a world-famous company.
  • 42. 阅读图义,选择正确的选项。

    Green Week

    Date: June 1st—6th, 2020(Mon.--Sat.)

    Time: 7:30 a.m. —3:30 p.m. (Mon.--Fri.)

          8:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m. (Sat.)

    Place: School Playground

    (put the old clothes into the collection box)

    Who gets the old clothes?

    Poor children in China

    When to send the clothes?

    June 20th, 2020


    Tips: Students in Grade 6 can help pack old clothes in the School Hall. Give your name to Miss Chart in the School Office before June 27th, 2020.

    (1)、This is a______.
    A、diary B、poster C、postcard
    (2)、At______ on Saturday, students can put the old clothes in the collection box.
    A、7:30 a.m. B、11:30 a.m. C、2:30 p.m.
    (3)、The collection box is______.
    A、on the School Playground B、in the School Office C、in the School Hall
    (4)、Students can put______ into the collection box.
    A、 B、 C、
    (5)、Which one is NOT true?
    A、Children can bring the old clothes on June 2nd. B、Students in Grade 6 can help pack old clothes. C、They will send the old clothes to Miss Chan.


  • 43. Miss White正在给孩了们讲绘本故事“The king is…”,国王的喷嚏会把考拉、袋鼠和小朋友吹到哪儿呢?请根据右边框内的提示,补全故事,并展开想象,仿写一段吧!

    The king is ... Ahchoo!

    They fly away.

    Look! They are in the .

    They can see .

    The koala and the kangaroo are talking with birds.

    The kid is flying a kite.

    And the king is ... Ahchoo! Ahchoo!

    Where are they this time?

    Where: tree

    See: the blue sky

    What: the koala & the kangaroo—talk the kid—fly a kite

    The king is ... Ahchoo!

    They fly away.

    Look! They are in the forest.

    They can see a lot of trees and grass.

    The koala is .

    The kangaroo is j umping on the grass.

    The kid .

    How funny!

    Where: forest

    See: trees and grass

    What: the koala—climb the tree

    the kangaroo—jump on the grass

    the kid—take pictures


    The king is ... Ahchoo!

    They 75.away.

    Look! They are .

    They can see .

    The koala and the kangaroo .


    How happy!

    Where: beach


    What: the koala & the kangaroo—

    the kid—
