
试卷更新日期:2022-05-27 类型:中考模拟

一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  • 1. —Bob, do you know the Three Gorges Dam on Changjiang River?

    —Yes, it is considered to be ________ great man-made wonder.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. The little girl has such a good ________ that she can keep the names of all her classmates in mind on the first day at school.
    A、experience B、suggestion C、collection D、memory
  • 3. —Have you decided how to spend this weekend with your family, Lingling?

    —Not yet. We ____ go camping along Nanxi River to enjoy beautiful sights.

    A、must B、should C、need D、may
  • 4. The little boy finally realised he might get sick again if he didn't eat _______ after seeing the doctor.
    A、simply B、mainly C、properly D、nearly
  • 5. Firefighters tried hard to save the lives _________ the situation was very difficult.
    A、if B、because C、though D、until
  • 6. —It's raining, but Tom is still playing basketball on the playground.

    —Well, the match is coming. There is ________ more important for him than practising.

    A、everything B、nothing C、anything D、something
  • 7. —Kate, hurry up! The concert          .

    —Don't worry. We still have half an hour left.

    A、begins B、began C、has begun D、will begin
  • 8. Miss Smith told us to_________ the form as soon as we finished it.
    A、throw away B、hand in C、fill out D、point at
  • 9. —Do you know ___________?

    — The news said it would be completed by the end of 2023.

    A、where the new Sanxingdui Museum building will be B、how I can get to the new Sanxingdui Museum building C、what the new Sanxingdui Museum building will be like D、when the new Sanxingdui Museum building will be built
  • 10. —Dad, can I go for a picnic with classmates tomorrow? I feel much better today.

    —________. Wait till your leg is completely fine.

    A、No deal B、Never mind C、It's a pity D、Sound great


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Every day Farid went out to dive for oysters with a group of young men. Zaki, his 12-year-old brother, was angry being treated as a child. Zaki asked Farid to go along, but Farid always refused because 1 was too small.

    So every day Zaki would go to the shallow water to practice. All morning, Zaki would practice 2 beneath the waves. Every afternoon, again and again he would go underwater and hold his breath. With each day's practice, his diving improved3 he could hold his breath a little while longer. Soon Zaki felt as much at home in the water as he did out of it.

    He 4early the next morning. Even so, he had to hurry to catch up with his brother who was 5 on the beach. He wanted to compete with his brother. "Farid!" called Zaki. "If I can hold my breath under the water longer than you, 6  me to dive. " The group of men around Farid grew mad as Zaki spoke.

    Farid looked amused. "What happens when you lose?"

    Hearing the word, Zaki got 7 , "I won't!"

    Farid looked surprised but agreed. That was his only 8 . They walked out into the sea until it was  9 enough and dived into it. Zaki opened his eyes and found Farid was smiling. He knew Farid wasn't expecting any serious  10. Farid was smiling with confidence.

    11 , the smile turned into a worried look. Farid was realizing that Zaki could possibly beat him. As more seconds passed, huge pain was showing on Farid's face. But when looking into Farid's eyes, Zaki suddenly 12 what losing meant to his brother. He would be laughed at for losing to a child. Almost without thinking, Zaki kicked his feet and rose to the surface of the water 13 Farid's head appeared beside him.  14 on the beach cheered for Farid. Farid, however, put his arms around Zaki's shoulders. "Today," Farid announced, "we shall have a new diver among us. " Then quietly for Zaki's ears alone, he said, "Thanks, my brother. " Zaki knew they both learned it takes more than  15 to make a man.

    A、I B、she C、he D、it
    A、fishing B、diving C、surfing D、swimming
    A、though B、unless C、but D、and
    A、put up B、got up C、turned up D、made up
    A、even B、only C、already D、ever
    A、allow B、wish C、push D、order
    A、tired B、angry C、bored D、surprised
    A、excuse B、purpose C、interest D、choice
    A、private B、far C、cold D、deep
    A、instruction B、competition C、introduction D、conversation
    A、Slowly B、Luckily C、Secretly D、Carefully
    A、agreed B、ignored C、understood D、remembered
    A、after B、before C、until D、by
    A、Anybody B、Somebody C、Nobody D、Everybody
    A、confidence B、strength C、kindness D、knowledge


  • 12. 阅读理解

     www. amazon. com

    Book Review


    A Dog's Journey: A Novel

    by W. Bruce Cameron


    W. Bruce Cameron's novel, much enjoyed by dog lovers, was also made into a popular film. It shares a surprising story of a dog who finds the meaning of his life and teaches people to laugh and love.

    Price:$12. 8 (hard cover)/$9. 99(e—book)


    I enjoyed that this book made me laugh at times and made me cry at other times. A good book will get you into the story and make you feel as though you are there.


    To be honest, the language is difficult for kids. But my friends told me I should read it as my little dog had just passed away and it would make me get out of my sadness. However, at the end it let me see how our life's journey is connected with our dog's life journey.


    There's nothing here that holds my interest. It focused most on people's problems and very little on the dog.

    (1)、Among the above three readers, ______ likes A Dog's Journey least.
    A、Adeline B、Ellen C、Gary D、Cameron
    (2)、What does Ellen think of the book?
    A、It's popular. B、It's moving C、It's helpful. D、It's surprising.
    (3)、According to the passage, we can infer that _________.
    A、You can buy a paper book with 10 dollars. B、Only one customer gives the book one star. C、Gary may not buy a new book of W. Bruce Cameron. D、Adeline may watch the movie as she's interested in the book.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Do you remember playing stickball or jumping rope in the street? Neighborhood streets used to be children's playgrounds but traffic was the problem. Now one organization wants to bring those back to kids by temporarily closing local streets to traffic and letting kids play outside.

     Playing is important but community buildings end the fun. So here came Play Streets. Play Streets began in Bristol in 2009 with just one street. The idea grew with its success. It really took off in 2011 with support from The Funding Network and now thousands of people across the UK are taking part in the activity and playing in the streets. Later Play Streets became a global movement and it is spreading like wildfire.

    "Our society has changed and communities are having higher levels of isolation and kids aren't playing outside as much as before. But Play Streets gives people a place to have street meetings and parties or simply a place to play for a few hours," Valli Morphett, the chief executive of Co Design Studios said.

    You can bring Play Streets to your street in your neighborhood too. Get a group of neighbors together to organize activities and you can even ask local schools to help plan your activities. But you just can't put up a sign and close your street to traffic. Before you start you should consider the following question to make sure Play Streets will go well. Is the local government supportive? You should do the necessary paperwork with the local government so that rules are followed. The local government is likely to accept the activity and may make it easy to close the street. Once the government agreed, it's time for fun. Bring toys and supplies, get the word out and get each organizer to take action.

    (1)、The organization created Play Streets mainly because________.
    A、it wanted to bring fun of play back to children B、it hoped children could keep healthy by playing C、it planned to reduce the pollution caused by traffic D、it expected people to do more creative indoor sports
    (2)、What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
    A、The start of Play Streets. B、The reason for Play Streets. C、The support for Play Streets. D、The development of Play Streets.
    (3)、If we want to bring Play Streets to our community, we'd better _____________first.
    A、get the agreement of the local government B、put up signs to remind people of the safety C、spread the idea of Play Streets among people D、depend on local schools to organize activities
    (4)、What's the writing purpose of this passage?
    A、To introduce Play Streets to people. B、To show the history of Play Streets. C、To explain the importance of playing. D、To offer advice on how to play outside.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Singapore, as a small island country, has depended mostly on water supplies from neighboring Malaysia for a long time. Low Pei Chin, a water engineer from the government, told reporters from Agency France—Press, "Singapore is short of natural resources. That is why we are always looking for ways to explore water resources. One major plan is to "collect every drop" and "reuse endlessly."

    The government has created a highly developed system that turns wastewater into drinkable water. Reused wastewater can meet 40 percent of Singapore's water need. The government expects to meet 55 percent of the need by the year 2060.

    Most of the water is used for micro—chip producing factories. But some of it is added to the country's drinking water supplies. The system also helps reduce ocean pollution, as only a small amount of the treated water is sent into the sea. According to the United Nations, 80 percent of the world's wastewater runs back into the oceans without being treated or reused.

    The Changi Water Reclamation Plant on Singapore's eastern coast is the main part of the country's recycling system. The system has a network of tunnels and high—technology treatment centers. Parts of the water treatment centers are underground and wastewater enters the center through a 48—kilometer tunnel. In one building, a network of air flow systems has been put in place to keep the water smelling as fresh as possible. When waste arrives at the plant, it goes through cleaning process before powerful pumps send it to areas above ground for more treatment. There, the treated water receives the last process, through which bacteria and viruses are cleared out. Every day, this large center can treat up to 900,000,000 liters of wastewater.

    Now the country also continues to enlarge its recycling system. It will add another underground tunnel and a major water treatment center to serve the western part of the island. The government expects work on the center to be completed by 2025. By the time the project is finished, Singapore will have spent about $7. 4 billion on its water treatment systems.

    (1)、According to the passage, Singapore is a country which_________.
    A、is friendly to its neighbour B、is short of water resources C、has a quite large population D、plans to get help from Malaysia
    (2)、The recycled water is mainly used for _________.
    A、drinking water B、industry water C、growing crops D、swimming pools
    (3)、What can we learn about Changi Water Reclamation Plant in the passage?
    A、The plant of the system has long tunnels and a large treatment center. B、The wastewater is cleaned underground in the whole process. C、900 million liters of wastewater can be cleaned in the center a day. D、Its network of air flow system can kill the virus in the wastewater.
    (4)、The passage is mainly about ________.
    A、plans of developing the recycling system B、situation of the country's water pollution C、process of how to recycle the wastewater D、introduction of Singapore's water treatment
  • 15. 阅读理解

    One summer evening, Sylvie hurried the cow through the forest, following a path to her grandmother's home.

    Suddenly she heard a loud whistle.

    "Hello," a young man carrying a gun called out cheerfully. "I've been hunting for birds," he explained, "but I've lost my way." Sylvie led the stranger through the forest.

    When they reached her house, the stranger explained his problem to Sylvie's grandmother and was invited to stay there for the night.

    After dinner, the young man said he was a scientist, who collected birds. "Do you put them in a cage" Sylvie asked. "No," he answered, "I shoot birds and put something special into them to preserve them. I have over 100 different kinds of birds at home. Their feathers look as bright as before. "

    "Sylvie knows a lot about birds, too," her grandmother said proudly.

    "Maybe she can help me," the young man said. "I saw a white heron not far from here two days ago. I've been looking for it ever since. It's a tall, strange bird with white wings. Have you seen it?" he asked Sylvie.

    Sylvie didn't answer. Her heart began to beat fast. She had seen that bird! The young man added. "I would give $10 to the person who showed me where the bird is. "

    That night Sylvie thought about the wonderful things she and her grandmother could buy for ten dollars. She also wanted to be the young man's friend, because she had never seen anyone so charming.

    When the sun began to rise, Sylvie quietly left her house and hurried to a huge pine tree. She wanted to climb to the top of the tree where she could see the whole forest.

    Sylvie's face was pale when, at last, she reached the top. Suddenly, a bird with big white wings flew past her and landed on a branch below her. The other white heron was sitting on the nest in a nearby tree. Now Sylvie knew the bird's secret!

    An hour later, Sylvie returned to the house. The young man would give them the money they needed. Besides, Sylvie wanted to make him happy.

    But Sylvie was silent. She remembered how the white heron flew through the air and how they watched the sun rise together from the top of the world. Sylvie could not speak. Finally, she decided to keep the secret of the white heron.

    The young man went away later that day and never returned.

    (1)、The underlined word "preserve" probably means ____________ in the passage.
    A、keeping birds in good condition B、helping birds treat wound C、making birds die peacefully D、providing birds with food
    (2)、Which of the following is TRUE about Sylvie according to the story?
    A、She had never seen the white bird before. B、She climbed the pine tree to watch the sun rise. C、She needed money to buy a gift for her grandma D、She wanted to help the man find the bird at first.
    (3)、Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?
    A、A pleasant decision B、A White Heron C、A strange visitor D、A lonely girl
    (4)、Why did Sylvie finally decide to keep the secret of the white heron? (请用约40词回答)


  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    winner   heavy   encourage   except    compare

    (1)、Most of the buildings in the town are modern  the church.
    (2)、The further the man walked, the the bag he felt on his back.
    (3)、The headmaster is presenting prizes to the of the photo competition.
    (4)、Don't forget  the prices of products when you shop online. It will save money.
    (5)、Teenagers should  to solve their problems by themselves.
  • 17. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    Do you have any hobbies? Hobbies can not only bring pleasure to your life but also help you grow as a person.

    Yesterday, while I  (整理) the house up, I found an old metal box of my father's in the  (角落) of the book shelf. When I opened it, I was  (兴奋) to discover what my father's past life was like. Actually, he had  (很少) told me about his hobbies as a child. From then on, I knew that he had many foreign pen friends who often (写) letters to him. As a result, he collected a book of beautiful  (邮票). His friends also gave him presents from different countries, (包括) a fan from China and a toy from Australia. On his  (第十二) birthday, he even got a model car from Germany. My father still kept the gold medal of the  (演讲) competition in his middle school.

    Looking at the box, I couldn't help asking  (我自己) what kind of hobby I had. Then, I decided to start learning to play the guitar again!


  • 18. 端午节是我国重要的传统节日之一。21st Century 英文报社现征集端午节这一天(6月3日)的活动方案。假如你是林涛,请给报社编辑Mr. Smith写一封信,介绍这一天的活动方案。活动方案必须包括以下内容。




    Dragon boat race

    remember Qu Yuan, …

    Make Zongzi

    traditional food, …




    Dear Mr. Smith,

    I am writing to share my plan of the Dragon Boat Festival.



    Lin Tao


    bacteria n. 细菌

    feather n. 羽毛

    heron n. 苍鹭

    isolation n. 孤独

    oysters n. 牡蛎

    plant n. 工厂

    pump n. 抽水泵

    temporarily adv. 暂时地

    tunnel n. 隧道

    whistle n. 哨声