
试卷更新日期:2022-05-24 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 从下面所给的A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项中,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。

    A.    B.    C.

    D.    E.    F.

  • 2. When will they have a trip in the country?
    A、This week. B、Next Saturday. C、Next weekend.
  • 3. Whose coat is this?
    A、Kate's. B、Li Lei. C、Jim's.
  • 4. How will Tim go to Beijing next vacation?
    A、By train. B、By plane. C、By ship.
  • 5. What does Jack usually use his computer to do?
    A、Watch videos. B、Chat with friends. C、Do word processing.
  • 6. 听下面一段材料,回答下面五个小题。
    (1)、Who is the first call from?
    A、Mr Johnson. B、Ann. C、The baby.
    (2)、What is Ann?
    A、A young nurse. B、A new mother. C、An old doctor. 
    (3)、Why does Mr Johnson need help?
    A、He is sick. B、He is old. C、He is rich.
    (4)、When does Mrs Fang leave the home for the old?
    A、At 1:00 pm. B、At 2:00 pm. C、At 3:00 pm.
    (5)、What is Mrs Fang's job?
    A、A teacher. B、A worker. C、A volunteer.
  • 7. 听对话,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。
    (1)、What does the girl ask Bill to do?
    A、To take out the rubbish. B、To fold the clothes. C、To make the bed.
    (2)、What was Bill doing when the girl talked to him?
    A、He was watching TV. B、He was playing computer games. C、He was listening to music.
    (3)、What does their mother do?
    A、A worker. B、A doctor. C、A teacher.
    (4)、What is the girl doing now?
    A、She is watching TV. B、She is washing clothes. C、She is cleaning the house.
    (5)、What does Bill think of their house?
    A、It's clean and tidy. B、It's a mess. C、It's very dirty.


  • 8. 完形填空

    Once there was a farmer who owned a farm near the ocean(大洋). It was 1 for him to do all the farm work alone. 2 he wanted to hire(雇佣)someone for help. But most people didn't want to work on farms there because of the storms across the ocean.

    One day, a mid-aged man came for an interview. The farmer asked, "Are you good at 3work?" The man answered, "Well, I can sleep when the wind blows." The farmer didn't understand what he meant, but he still hired him.

    The man started to work on the farm. He kept busy every day. The farmer was satisfied 4his work. One night, the wind blew 5. When the farmer heard it, He jumped out of the bed and rushed into the man's room, He 6 at the man, "Get up! Hurry! A storm is coming!" But the man said, "No, sir, I've already told you, I can sleep when the wind blows."

    The farmer was very 7and planned to fire(解雇)him after the storm. He hurried outside to 8 the storm. To his surprise, he found that cows and chickens were in place and doors of the farmhouse were closed tightly. 9 was in the right place. Nothing could be blown away by the storm.

    Just then, the farmer 10the man's words. When one is well prepared, he has nothing to fear(害怕)。

    A、difficult B、easy C、different D、similar
    A、Or B、So C、And D、But
    A、farm B、factory C、shop D、house
    A、for B、of C、on D、with
    A、strongly B、softly C、lightly D、hardly
    A、looked B、laughed C、shouted D、smiled
    A、happy B、angry C、excited D、sad
    A、prepare for B、ask for C、search for D、look for
    A、Nothing B、Everything C、Something D、Anything
    A、told B、forgot C、remember D、understood


  • 9. 根据对话内容, 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: Hey, Jill.

    B: Yes, I was.


    B: I was doing my homework. Where were you at that time?


    B: Did you have fun?

    A: Yes, of course. Guess! What did I see?

    B: I've no idea.

    A: I saw an alien.

    B: Really?

    A: He invited me to have dinner.

    B: Haha. . .

    A: No, no, no! It's true.

    A. I was riding a bike in the park.

    B. Were you at home at seven last night?

    C. What's wrong?

    D. What happened next?

    E. You should say hello to him.

    F. What were you doing at that time?

    G. You're telling me a story, yes?


  • 10. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Some people want to take exercise, but they are too busy to go to gyms or stadiums. In fact, you don't need to go to the gym or the stadium if you really want to exercise. You can exercise in your everyday life. Here are three(example).

    First, it's not a good idea(sit) in a chair all the time. You can try using a standing desk. you don't want to use a standing desk, you can leave your chair and have a break. You can also walk around for a few(minute) and make you (relax).

    Second, take the stairs instead of (use) lifts. How do you usually get home? Maybe your answer is "I take the lift". Why not (take) the stairs? Going home on foot is a good way. It is kind of exercise. You can exercise your body in this way.

    (final), you can also ride your bike to get there. It is not only good for your body, but also (meaning) to the environment. Now, lots of people choose to go by bike.


  • 11. 阅读下面短文:客观题请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    ①Swifts live mostly in the air. These small birds are among the fastest animals on Earth. In fact, swifts can go two or three days without touching the ground! To get used to life in the sky, swifts use their speed and the saliva in their mouths.

    ②Swifts can fly faster than 100 miles per hour. That's because their wings are like boomerangs. This shape of the wings helps them to fly much faster. They can also move one wing faster than the other, which allows them to make sharp turns without slowing down. Making fast, sharp turns helps swifts catching flying bugs to eat.

    ③The saliva helps swifts catch bugs to feed their young. It is sticky, like glue. Swifts often fly into clouds of bugs such as mosquitoes and open their wide mouths to catch as many insects as they can. The bird collects insects in its mouth graduallyand holds the insects in a sticky ball of saliva. One food ball can contain nearly 1,000 bugs.

    ④Swifts also use their saliva as glue to build their nests. The birds catch feathers in the air and stick the feathers together to build a strong nest on the side of a cliffor building. Swifts' short feet are not good for walking or standing on land for long. But their sharp claws allow them to stick to rocks and walls so they can take a brief rest before returning their lives in the sky.

    (1)、Which of the following best show the structure of the passage?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (2)、The second paragraph mainly talks about ___________.
    A、how fast swifts can fly B、how swifts turn around in the sky C、why swifts make sharp turns D、why swifts can fly and turn so fast
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE about swifts?
    A、Swifts don't usually live on land because of their wings. B、Swifts can fly for a long time because of their small bodies.  C、Swifts can't walk for a long time because of their short feet. D、Swifts can catch nearly 1,000 bugs in one go with the saliva.
    (4)、Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
    A、Life in the Sky B、A Small Pet C、The Fastest Speed D、The Special Saliva
  • 12. 阅读下面短文:客观题请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The year 2022 will be a big year for sports in China. That's because of the 24th Winter Olympics in Beijing and the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.

    On Aug 6th, 2018, the official emblem for Hangzhou Asian Games came out. The city won the hosting right for the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010.

    First hosted in 1951, the Asian Games is the largest multisport event in Asia. It also means a lot to China. The Beijing Asian Games was the first large international sports event to be hosted by China, China News Service noted.

    To make the Games a great success, Chinese people worked hard to prepare. Beijing built a great number of roads and stadiums, including the famous Beijing Olympic Sports Center and Asian Games Village. The Games helped the world see China and its achievements. From then on, China has improved its global image, China Youth Daily reported.

    For the upcoming 2022 Asian Games, Hangzhou has already started building 33 sports gyms. The themes for the Hangzhou Asian Games are “green, smart, economical and civilized”. All the Games' buildings will be environmentally friendly.

    (1)、When was the first time for China to host the Asian Games?
    A、In 1951 B、In 1985 C、In 1990 D、In 2010
    (2)、According to the passage, how did the Beijing Asian Games influence China?
    A、Guangzhou built lots of roads and stadiums. B、It helped the world see China and its achievements. C、It helped China attract more tourists. D、It helped improve China's economy.
    (3)、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A、China hosted the Asian Games three times in the past. B、The Asian Games has made China more popular. C、There will be 33 environment-friendly sports gyms in Hangzhou. D、Guangzhou was the second Chinese city to host the Asian Games.
    (4)、The passage is most probably from the part of________  in a magazine.
    A、health B、food C、sports D、story
  • 13. 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Ring, ring, ring, the alarm bell sounds. It's school time again! After a long holiday, are you ready for the new term? You may feel excited to see your classmates, or a little nervous about the coming schoolwork. Heading back to school is aim of transition(过渡). How can we fit in the new term? Here are some ways to make the transition from holiday to school a little easier.

    It's very normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routines(常规)and fitting in new school work take some time after a long break. So how can we deal with(处理)our worries? Just think about your first day in the past years. Everything will go well once you get used to it. Just relax and wait.

    People say "a good beginning is half done" A good plan is surely needed before the new term. Think about what you can do better this term than the last. Make a plan and try to go for it!

    If you went to bed and got up late during the holiday, you will have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start. This way, you won't be tired after the first few days of school. Also, having some warm-ups is helpful. Doing exercise and practicing morning reading every day are some other good ideas to get ready for the new school-year schedule.

    It makes you feel good if you are prepared and have all the things you need. Check all the homework you need to do a week earlier. And it's better to pack your schoolbag the night before school starts.

    What about wearing something you like? Maybe you got a new schoolbag during the holiday, or new sports shoes that can put a spring in your step. If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style.

    A. Start your school-year schedule.                 B. Back to school fashion.

    C. Deal with your worries.                     D. Prepare your school things.

    E. Say goodbye to last year.                     F. Make a plan and practice.



  • 14. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题

        My two little daughters and I usually go out and help others on Thursday. Last Thursday, we were going to buy lunches for the beggars (乞丐) in the street. Then we went to the nearest McDonald's.

        I ordered 15 lunches from it and drove my car to hand them out.

        We gave the lunches to the beggars. They were excited. We were happy to see that. Then we noticed a small, old woman, asking for pocket money. We gave her our last lunch bag. Before we got into the car, she started to speak to us." No one has ever done anything like this for me before," she said with a smile." Well, I'm glad that we were the first," I answered. "So, when will you cat your lunch?" I asked.

        She just looked at me with her big tired brown eyes and said," Oh, dear, I'm not going to eat this lunch. You see, I have a little daughter of my own. I usually can't buy her favourite food. But today she will be happy!"

        I don't know if the kids noticed the tears (泪水) in my eyes. I have asked many times whether our actions of kindness were too small to change anything. Yet at that moment, I realised the truth of the words: We cannot do great things — only small things with great love.

    (1)、Who were they going to buy lunches for?
    (2)、How many lunches did the writer order?
    (3)、When did the woman start to speak to the writer?
    (4)、Was the woman going to eat the lunch?
    (5)、What can we learn from the story?.


  • 15. Sunshine Middle School 的学生就现在的初中生应不应该做家务进行了激烈讨论,以下是两方的想法,请你选择其中一方以We Students Should/Shouldn't Do Housework为题用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,来阐述自己的观点,要求包含选择要点, 可进行适当发挥。

    Should do

    Shouldn't do

    1. teaches students how to look after themselves

    2. develop students' independence

    3. can't depend on parents too much

        . . . . . .

    1. have enough stress from school

    2. have no time to study

    3. it's parents 'job

     . . . . . .