
试卷更新日期:2022-05-23 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 听录音,选出句子中包含的单词或短语
    A、smaller B、older C、bigger
  • 2. 听录音,选出句子中包含的单词或短语
    A、went camping B、went swimming C、went fishing
  • 3. 听录音,选出句子中包含的单词或短语
    A、took pictures B、read books C、bought gifts
  • 4. 听录音,选出句子中包含的单词或短语
    A、washed my clothes B、watched TV C、cleaned my room
  • 5. 听录音,选出句子中包含的单词或短语
    A、beside B、before C、behind



  • 7. How tall is Lucy?
    A、She's 1. 50 metres. B、She's 1. 65 metres.
  • 8. What did Zhang Peng do last weekend?
    A、He played the piano. B、He played football.
  • 9. How did Peter go to the park?
    A、He went there by bus. B、He went there by bike.
  • 10. Did Lisa go hiking on the weekend?
    A、Yes, she did. B、No, she didn't.
  • 11. What did Chen Jie do for her grandparents?
    A、She helped them clean their room. B、She helped them wash their clothes.


  • 12. 听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语(   )
    A、I am 48 kilograms. B、I am 12 years old.
  • 13. 听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语(   )
    A、No, he didn't. B、No, he doesn't.
  • 14. 听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语(   )
    A、My maths teacher is 1. 82metres. B、My PE teacher is 1. 85 metres.
  • 15. 听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语(   )
    A、I'm thinner than my brother. B、It was good.
  • 16. 听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语(   )
    A、Mike washed his clothes last Sunday. B、Sarah washed his schoolbag last Monday.


  • 17. 选出不同类的一项。
    A、smaller B、longer C、teacher
    A、boating B、fish C、swimming
    A、went B、washed C、sleep
    A、watch B、washed C、saw
    A、metre B、kilogram C、than
  • 18. My brother is shorter         me.
    A、then B、than C、and
  • 19. Come and look       my pictures.
    A、at B、with C、from
  • 20. —What did he do last weekend?

    —He         TV.

    A、saw B、watched C、looked at
  • 21. —________ are you?

    —I'm 1. 65 metres.

    A、How heavy B、How old C、How tall 
  • 22. I'm 46 kilograms and my sister is 43 kilograms. I am      than her.
    A、thinner B、heavier C、taller 
  • 23. - Did you go to Beijing?  

    - No,         (   )

    A、we didn't. B、we did. C、we do.
  • 24. — How         your holiday?

    — Great.

    A、was B、are C、were
  • 25. — Where did you go       ?

    — I went to Beijing.

    A、tomorrow B、today C、yesterday
  • 26. I watched TV        my new friends.
    A、with B、in C、and
  • 27. —         did you do last weekend?

    — I did my homework.

    A、Where B、What C、When



  • 32. 选择正确的特殊疑问词或者特殊疑问词组,序号填空。

    A. How tall   B. What size    C. How   D. How old    E. What

    (1)、— is your cat?

    —It's two years old.

    (2)、— did she do last weekend?

    —She cleaned her room.

    (3)、— are your shoes?

    — I wear size 36.

    (4)、— is your father?

    — He is 1. 8 metres.

    (5)、—your weekend?

    —It was good. Thank you.

八、连词成句。(10 分)

  • 33. tall   How   you   are   (?) (连词成句)
  • 34. than   are    older   You    me (. )(连词成句)
  • 35. did   you   do   Monday  last  What (?)(连词成句)
  • 36. in    drank      the    We    afternoon    tea  (. ) (连词成句)
  • 37. went  by   We  there   plane (. )(连词成句)


  • 38. 从方框选择下列各句的正确答语。

    A. Yes, I did.

    B. I went to the cinema.

    C. I am younger.

    D. By car.

    E. He is 1.7metres.

    (1)、—Who is younger, you or Tom?

    (2)、—How did your mother go to the shop?

    (3)、—Did you play football yesterday?

    (4)、—How tall is your father?

    (5)、—Where did you go yesterday?


  • 39. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。

    Sarah, Jane and Nancy are very good friends. Sarah is taller than Nancy. Nancy is thinner than Jane. Jane is heavier than Sarah. How old are they? Sarah is 10 years old. Jane is 1 older than Sarah. Nancy is 2 younger than Jane. They study at No. 1 Primary School. Sarah likes Chinese. Jane likes art. Nancy likes maths. They all study hard.

    (1)、Sarah, Jane and Nancy are very good friends.
    (2)、Sarah is shorter than Nancy.
    (3)、Nancy is older than Sarah.
    (4)、They study at Shi Yan Primary School.
    (5)、Sarah likes Chinese. Jane likes art.


  • 40. 假如你是Tom。上个假期你和家人一起出去旅行。请以My last holiday为题,写一篇文章来描述一下你的上个假期吧!

    My last holiday