
试卷更新日期:2022-05-20 类型:期中考试

一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题1分, 共5分)

  • 1. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、town B、brown C、down
  • 2. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、neck B、leg C、let
  • 3. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、check B、rest C、chat
  • 4. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、street B、station C、school
  • 5. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、city B、sick C、cinema

二、听录音,给下列图片排序。每小题1分, 共5分)

三、听录音,判断下列各图是否与录音内容相符(每小题1分, 共5分)

四、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳应答。(每小题1分, 共5分)

  • 12. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳应答(   )
    A、Yes, she does. B、No, she isn't. C、No, she can't.
  • 13. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳应答(   )
    A、Because I'm ill. B、At the prince's house. C、OK.
  • 14. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳应答(   )
    A、By bus. B、Some books. C、In the box.
  • 15. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳应答(   )
    A、He has a rubber. B、He has a cough. C、He is 12 years old.
  • 16. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳应答(   )
    A、You should have a lot of rest. B、I usually get up at six o clock. C、I don't like drinking water.

五、听录音,补全短文。(听两遍)(每空1分, 共10分)

  • 17. 听录音,补全短文

    Mary is a in a hospital. She many sick people every day. Mary always says, "If you have a or a, you should drink a lot of. You should also some medicine and have a good in bed. If you have a, you shouldn't eat too much food and you should before bedtime.

六、单项选择。(每小题1分, 共10分)

  • 18. The shoes__________ fit her.
    A、doesn't B、don't C、isn't
  • 19. —Where__________ they live?

    —They live__________ City Library.

    A、do; near B、does; on C、do; on
  • 20. Walk__________ the street and you can see the shop__________ your left.
    A、on; in B、along; on C、at; of
  • 21. How__________ your uncles__________ to the park?
    A、does; goes B、do; going C、do; go
  • 22. My ears__________. I can't hear__________ now.
    A、hurts; well B、hurt; good C、hurt; well
  • 23. My home is__________ school, so l come to school on foot.
    A、far from B、not far from C、far
  • 24. Reading__________ our study.
    A、is good for B、are good for C、is bad for
  • 25. In__________, they ask“Where is the restroom?
    A、the UK B、the US C、China
  • 26. —My father has a headache.


    A、That's great. B、All right. C、I'm sorry to hear that.
  • 27. Which pronunciation(发音)of the following words is different from other words?
    A、lunch B、much C、headache



九、选择合适的选项完成句子。(每小题1分, 共6分)

  • 44. 选择合适的选项完成句子

    A. get off the bus       B. next to         C. get there

    D. have a good time     E. are late for      F. let me check

    (1)、The dinning room is the kitchen.
    (2)、Hurry up. We school.
    (3)、Here is City Library Station. Please.
    (4)、Please your teeth.
    (5)、We all at Ben's birthday party.
    (6)、The man can't find the park. He asks a policeman how to.

十、从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答句。(每小题1分, 共8分)

  • 45. 从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答句


    ⑴Where can I take a bus?   

    ⑵Why does she have a toothache?   

    ⑶What's wrong with her?   

    ⑷Do you eat fruit every day?   

    ⑸How does she feel?   

    ⑹Is City Library near here?

    ⑺Shall we go to the zoo?   

    ⑻Does she go to school by bus?   


    A. She has a headache.

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. Yes, it is.

    D. She feels ill.

    E. You can wait at the bus stop over there.

    F. OK. Let's go.

    G. No, she doesn't.

    H. Because she eats too many sweets.

十一、根据图意,将下列对话补充完整。(每空1分, 共10分)

  • 46. 根据图意,将下列对话补充完整。

    Nancy: What's wrong you, David?

    David: I a headache. What I do?

    Nancy: Oh, you should some medicine and drink some water.

    David: Thank you.

  • 47. 根据图意,将下列对话补充完整。

    Tom: Excuse me, can you me the to the zoo, please?

    Policeman: Go this and then turn.

    The zoo is on your left.

    Tom: Thank you.

    Policeman: You're welcome.

十二、阅读短文。(每小题1分, 共12分)

  • 48. 根据材料,判断下列句子正误

    Tom is thirteen. He has a headache day and night. He goes to see a doctor. The doctor gives him some headache medicine.

    Headache medicine

    Shake it well before use.

    Take it three times a day.

    Dose(用量)each time:Age:≥13           2 teaspoons(茶匙)

    8~12          1 teaspoon

    4-7            1/2 teaspoon

    Not right for children(≤3)

    Put the medicine in a cold place.

    Use it before the 15th of December, 2024.

    (1)、Tom is in a bookshop now.
    (2)、Tom has a headache.
    (3)、Tom should take 6 teaspoons of medicine a day.
    (4)、The headache medicine should be put in a warm place.
  • 49. 阅读信件,在图中对应位置填上地点序号。

    Dear Cindy,

    I live on a small street. My house is in the middle of the street. In front of my house is a small supermarket. There is a library next to my house. I often read books there. Behind my house there is a small park with many trees and a small garden. On the right side of the supermarket, there is a post office. At the end of the street there is a hill with lots of trees.

    At weekends, my family often climb the hill. It takes us about ten minutes to walk there from our home.



  • 50. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

    People in China usually fly kites in spring. It's fun and it has a meaning of saying goodbye to bad luck(运气). When the kites are high in the sky, some people cut the kites' strings. Then the kites will fly away. They will take bad luck with them, many people think.

    Wei fang is a city in Shandong. It's the world's kite capital. Every April, people from all of the world go there for the kite festival. Other cities also have wonderful kites. Look! This is a kite made in Beijing. It looks like a swallow.

    Can a kite sing? Yes. They are from Nan-tong, Jiangsu. The whistles(哨子)on them make beautiful sounds in the wind.

    (1)、Many people think kites can take____________ away.
    A、the strings B、good luck C、bad luck
    (2)、____________ is the world's kite capital
    A、Wei fang B、Beijing C、Nan-tong
    (3)、The underlined word“swallow”means____________ in Chinese.
    A、金鱼 B、凤凰 C、燕子
    (4)、Why can the kites from Nan-tong make sounds?
    A、Because the kites can sing. B、Because the kites have whistles on them. C、Because it's sunny outside.


  • 51. 刘涛(Liu Tao)生病了,请你根据他的病历卡,写出刘涛的病情并给出一些合理的建议。



    Medical record


    Liu Tao




    feel cold, have a headache. . .


    should drink warm water, take some medicine. . .

    shouldn't eat ice cream. . .

    Liu Tao is 12 years old. He is ill. He  ___________